Arguments on the relationship of human and nature relationship. Careful attitude and love for nature - Ready arguments and abstracts

Man and nature: consonance or dissonance.

The problem of consumer attitude towards nature

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We must understand that our fate is directly related to the fate of Nature.

he opposes two heroes: loving nature Akima, and Gogha Herzeva, for which nature is a source of profit, so Gogh, without thinking, exterminates its wealth. And nature responds: Goga is tragic dying. Astafyev directly tells us that the payroll for consumer, the soulless attitude towards nature is inevitable.

the history of the relationship between the old fisherman and its breadwinner is presented. Hemingway emphasizes the unity of the main character and nature. His eyes were blue, like the sea, and the hands of the Tourists, hard and in cracks, like the Earth itself. Although he earns himself on the life of fishing, he does it with gratitude and respect. Catching fish, he asks for her forgiveness. It is such a noble attitude towards the world around the world and is the most natural and correct, because we are its integral part. We are alive due to generosity of nature. But not only for generosity we have to thank nature, but, first of all, for wakes up in human souls All the best: love, faith, hope, care, kindness, compassion and much more.
it is a story about changing the usual lifestyle of people in connection with the construction of huge industrial complexes. But first of all it is a story about complete disrespect for Earth and the separation from its origins. People use natural wealth, build plants, dams and power plants and do not even thank you for it. But any interference in the world of nature requires a responsible approach and response. Otherwise it turns out that

Why do not people understand what making worse ground, they and themselves do their death? Death is not so much physical as spiritual. According to Rasputin, people, losing touch with nature, having ceased to admire her beauty and harmony, having ceased to receive emotional support from her and having ceased to thank her for the gifts, curtsy soul and worry. This is what happened with the main character of the story - Pasha. New life,

the world in which you have to survive, and not to live, - all this led her to the fact that she also forgets about such

And the soul, devoid of beauty and cleanliness ceases to feel. This well understood the mother of Pashuta, Aksinya Egorovna, who did not want to leave his village for anything, although the forces no longer allowed her to live there alone.

two approaches are shown in relation to nature: respectful and consumer. They are embodied in the images of the main character - Hydara Polishkina and his cousin Fedor Ipatovich Burnanova. Biananov, despite the fact that he himself worries himself in the reserve, it is not shy to illegally cut down the forest there, carry fishing and hunting of tourists, rip off the lipovous grove on the lip. For him, the main thing is your own benefit. Not to Egor Polushkin, although it was nicknamed by the thunder (because he could not "survive," to cheluri, work without a heart, and hence it often sits without work and money), he is very conscientious, nature for him - something very native What is impossible to offend. Therefore, he roets the trench so that not to touch the anthill, who fell on the road, and later, becoming a forester instead of Byrianov, cares for the protected forest and the lake, as for his native children (verses instead of prohibitive inscriptions, index pillars in the form of animal figures, swans, Bought in Moscow so that the lake is again called the Swanazhim, and not black). And Egor dies in the same place, on the lake, protecting him from poachers.

Can nature affect the human worldview? Is it possible between man and the environment? I thought about these questions, reading the text of G.N. Troypolsky. In the work rises actual problem Influence of nature on man.

The author, arguing on this topic leads life example. The man was amazed by the beauty of the forest, the "yellow and crimsons" colors caused joyful emotions, because it's not for nothing that the writer himself calls the forest "piece of happiness." Proser shows us the spiritualized and calm state of the hero, who "listened to the silence of the forest." Admiring the magic of nature, the hunter comes to the idea that "the man becomes cleaner in the forest," calling the forest "place for rapid". The publicist leads us to the idea that the beauty of the surrounding world is able to awaken the best qualities in man.

With a point of view, G.NTrepolsky can not disagree. Indeed, thanks to the beauty of the surrounding world, people discover new borders of their capabilities, begin to feel inseparable communication with nature.

Bright proof is Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". On the example of the main characters, the writer shows readers as the beauty of nature can affect inner world man. Natasha Rostov was filled with feelings and emotions, admiring the extraordinary beauty of the night landscape in Otradnaya. This is not the end, the continuation is lower.

Useful material on the topic

  • The influence of nature per person by K.G. Paustom

It is thanks to nature that the girl felt "overwhelmed", ready to euphoric flight.

Confirmation of this problem can also be found in the story B.Vasiliev "Do not shoot in the White Swans". The main character Larger in nature, in its unique and mysterious beauty. After visiting the zoo, Egor, amazed by the beauty of swans, decided to buy these beautiful birds in order to settle them on the lake. The author shows us the kindness of the soul of this person who is not able to tolerate violence to the whole living. This example proves to us that nature is able to awaken in the man the best qualities, send to the true path.

Thus, the problem raised by the Prozaik makes each of us think about the importance of the existence of a strong thread bonding a person and nature. After all, the biggest impact on people can only have the world With its extraordinary beauties.

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Updated: 2017-06-09

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  • The beauty of nature encourages not only admire her, but also to think about philosophical topics
  • The murmur of the river, the singing of birds, the blow of the wind - all this helps to restore sincere equilibrium
  • The admiration of the beauty of nature can cause a gust of creativity, inspire the creation of masterpieces
  • Even a rough person is able to see in nature something positive


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Wounded Andrei Bolkonsky, lying on the battlefield, sees the sky of the Austerlitz. The beauty of the sky changes his worldview: the hero understands that "everything is empty, all deception." What he lived before, it seemed insignificant and insignificant to him. The beauty of nature cannot be compared with cruel, embittered persons of the commercial people, sound of shots and explosions. Napoleon, whom the prince Andrew had previously considered Kumir, seemed not great, and an insignificant person. The magnificent sky of Austerlitz helped Andrei Bolkonsky to understand himself, revise views on life.

E. Hemingway "Old man and the sea." In the work we see the sea as it is for the old fisherman of Santiago. The sea not only provides him with food, but also brings joy to the life of this person, makes it strong, as if supplying energy reserves from some invisible sources. Santiago is grateful to the sea. The old man admires them like a woman. The soul of an old fisherman is beautiful: Santiago is able to admire the beauty of nature, despite its existence.

I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." Everyone is inclined to perceive nature in its own way. If the Nigilist Evgeny Bazarov around the world is a workshop, an object of practice, then for Arkady Kirsanova, Nature is primarily beautiful. Arkady loved to walk through the forest. Nature attracted him, helped to come to the inner equilibrium, heal the soul wounds. The hero admired the nature, although he did not admit to it, because at first too called himself a nihylist. The ability to perceive the beauty of nature is part of the character of the hero who makes it a real person who can see the best in the world around the world.

Jack London "Martin Eden." The basis of many works of the novice writer Martin Iden lies the fact that he saw in swimming. It's not only life stories, but also the world of nature. Martin Eden is trying to express the magnificence that he saw on paper. And over time it turns out to be written in such a way as to convey the whole charm of nature, what it really is. It turns out that for Martina, the beauty of nature becomes the source of inspiration, the object of creativity.

M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time." Related and egoism in relation to people do not interfere with Grigoria Pechorin revealed to nature. For the soul of the hero, everything was important: spring trees At the moment of flowering, a light gust of wind, the greatest mountains. Pechorin wrote in his magazine: "To live in such an earth!". He wanted to fully express those feelings that had the beauty of nature.

A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning." With admiration great poet Describes landscape winter Dip. Turning to the lyrical heroine, he writes about nature so that in front of the reader she comes to life. The snow lies with "magnificent carpets", the room is of "amber glitter" - everything indicates that the weather and the truth is wonderful. A.S. Pushkin not only felt the beauty of nature, but also handed it to the reader, writing this beautiful poem. The beauty of nature is one of the sources of inspiration for the poet.

In this text, Anatoly Sobolev affects the problem of human unity with nature. It is impossible to disagree that this question is always relevant.

To attract the attention of readers, the author writes about his way to his native village, during which he reflects on the beauty and mentality of nature. The writer is aware of how much loves "this steppe, it is not enough high sky, these mountains on the eye. " Anatoly Sobolev writes that only a resident of the village can observe the true charm of the surrounding world, since "he is closer to nature sincerely and, in the full sense of the word, it is better to understand it."

The author of the text claims that many people lose those people who have not seen animals in the wild and did not enjoy the voices of birds and the rustle of the leaves. IN modern world The man began to show his indifference to nature.

I agree with the writer in that the native warm land, green grass and pure sky cause many bright emotions. Can not imagine happy life Without observations of the wonders of nature.

In proof of its point of view, I want to bring an argument from the story of Ernest Hemingway "Old Man and the Sea".

The main hero of Santiago earns on the life of fishing, but does it with respect and gratitude. He asks for forgiveness from each caught creature. The old man refers to nature correctly, as it can appreciate her generosity. Santiago understands that a person is obliged to defend the world around him, because only then he can live in harmony.

On the problem raised by the author, different writers were repeatedly spoken in their works. As a convincing argument, you can bring the fate of the story of Boris Vasilyeva "Do not shoot in the White Swans". Egor Polushkin can't present his life without care about environment. He cares for the reserved forest and the lake, as for his own children. The hero of the work dies, protecting the native edges from poachers. Egor Polushkin is an example of a person living in unity with the environment.

I want to believe that readers will think about this problem, will take care of nature, because it gives people life.

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Theme "Nature and Man": Arguments. Problem Relationships to Nature

The commissioning of a single state exam is just a small test, through which you will have to go through every student on the way adult life. Already today, many graduates are familiar with the postcases in December, then with the passing of a single state exam in the Russian language. Threads that can get caught for writing an essay absolutely different. And today we give a few examples of what works can be taken as the argument "Nature and Man".

About the topic itself

On the relationship between man and nature (arguments can be found in many works of world classical literature) wrote very many authors.

To properly disclose this topic, it is necessary to correctly understand the meaning of what you ask. Most often, students are invited to choose a topic (if we are talking about writing in literature). Then the choice is provided by several statements. famous personalities. Here, the main thing is precisely subtracting the meaning that the author contributed to his quotation. Only then can be explained the role of nature in human life. Arguments from literature on this topic you will see below.

If we talk about the second part examination In Russian, then the student is already given here. This text Usually contains several problems - the student chooses the one that seems to him the simplest for disclosure.

It must be said that few students choose this topic, because they see difficulty in it. Well, everything is very simple, just look at the work on the other side. The main thing is to understand what arguments from literature on person and nature can be used.

The first problem

Arguments ("The problem of man and nature") can be absolutely different. Take such a problem as the perception of the man of nature as something alive. Problems of nature and man, arguments from literature - all this can be collected in one unit, if you think about it.

Take the work of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". What can I use here? Let us remember Natasha, who, coming out once at night from the house, was so amazed by the beauty of the peaceful nature, which was ready to straighten his hands, like wings, and fly on the night.

Recall the same Andrey. Surviving severe spiritual unrest, hero sees old oak. What does he feel? He perceives the old tree as a powerful, wise being, that forces Andrei to think over the right solution in his life.

At the same time, if the beliefs of the heroes of the "War and Mira" support the possibility of the existence of a natural soul, the main hero of the novel of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and the Children" thinks quite differently. Since bazaars - a man of science, he denies any manifestation of the spiritual in the world. Nature did not exception. It studies nature in terms of biology, physics, chemistry and other natural sciences. However, natural wealth does not inspire any faith in Bazarov - this is only an interest in the world around the world that will not change.

These two works are perfectly suitable for the disclosure of the topic "Man and Nature", arguments to bring easy.

Second problem

The problem of the awareness of the beauty of nature is often found in classic literature. Consider the available examples.

For example, the very product of the lion of the Tolstoy "War and Peace". Recall the first battle in which Andrei Bolkonsky participated. Tired and wounded, he carries a banner and sees clouds in the sky. What spiritual excitement is experiencing Andrei, seeing the gray sky! Beauty, which makes him slow down the Spirit, who instills the strength in him!

But besides Russian literature, we can consider works and foreign classic. Take famous work Margaret Mitchell " gone With the Wind" The episode of the book, when Scarlett, having passed a long way home, sees native fields, albeit overgrown, but such close, such fertile land! What does the girl feel? She suddenly ceases to be restless, she stops feeling fatigue. A new tide of strength, the emergence of hope for the best, the confidence that tomorrow everything will be better. It is nature, a landscape native region Saves a girl from despair.

Third problem

Arguments ("The role of nature in a person's life" - the topic) is also just enough to find in the literature. It is enough to remember only a few works that tell us about what influence on us has nature.

For example, the "old man and the sea" Ernest Hemingway is perfect as an argument for an essay. Recall the main features of the plot: the old man goes into the sea for large fish. A few days later he finally appears: a beautiful shark comes across to it. Leading a long battle with animals, the old man pacifies a predator. While the main character moves towards the house, shark slowly dies. In complete loneliness, the old man begins to talk with animals. The way home is very long, and the old man feels like an animal becomes his relatives. But he understands that if you let go of a predator on the will, he will not survive, and the old man himself will remain without food. Other marine animals appear, which are hungry and feel the metal smell of the blood of the wounded shark. By the time the old man arrives home, nothing remains from the caught fish.

In this work, it is clearly seen how easy it is to get used to the world around the world, as it should often lose some kind of, it would seem, a minor connection with nature. In addition, we see that a person is able to withstand the elements of nature, which is valid exclusively in its laws.

Or, take the work of Astafieva "Tsar-Fish". Here we observe how nature is able to revive all the best quality of the person. Inspired by the beauty of the surrounding world, the heroes of the story understand that they are capable of love, kindness, generosity. Nature causes manifestation best qualities character.

Fourth problem

The problem of environmental beauty is directly related to the problem of human relationship with nature. Arguments can be brought from Russian classical poetry.

Take as an example of the poet Silver century Sergey Yesenin. We are all already with high School We know that in his lyrics, Sergey Alexandrovich challenged not only female beauty, but also natural. Being a leaving from the village, Yesenin became an absolutely peasant poet. In his poems, Sergey challenged Russian nature, paying attention to those details that we unnoticed.

For example, the poem "I do not regret, I don't cry, I don't cry" the image of a flowering apple tree, the flowers of which are so bright that they actually resemble a sweet haze among greens. Or the poem "I remember, Favorite, I remember," telling us about unfortunate love, with its rows allows you to plunge into a beautiful summer night, when the limes bloom, the sky is starry, and somewhere in the distance shines the moon. A feeling of warmth and romance is created.

Two of the two poets of the "Golden Century" of literature, who melted nature in their poems, can be used as arguments. "Man and Nature are found in Tyutchev and Feta. Them love Lyrics Constantly intersects with descriptions of natural landscapes. The objects of their love they were infinitely compared with nature. The poem Athanasius Feta "I came to you with greetings" became one of these works. Reading the lines, you immediately do not understand what the author says - about love for nature or about love for a woman, because he infinitely sees a lot in common in the features of a loved one with nature.

Fifth problem

Speaking about the arguments ("Man and Nature") you can meet another problem. It consists in human intervention in the environment.

As an argument that will reveal an understanding of this problem, you can call " dog's heart"Mikhail Bulgakov. The main character is a doctor who decided to properly create a new man with a dog soul. The experiment did not bring positive results, created only the problems and was unsuccessful. As a result, it is possible to conclude that what we create from the ready-made natural product will never be able to become better than thatThat was originally no matter how much we tried to improve it.

Despite the fact that the work itself bears somewhat different, this work can be viewed under this angle of view.

The problem of the relationship of man and nature arguments from life

Arguments on the topic "Nature" to essay ege. Part 1. Problems of nature, attitudes towards nature, animals, struggle with the world of nature, interference in the world of nature, the beauty of nature, the influence of nature on the character of a person.

Man king of nature or part? What is dangerous consumer attitude towards nature? What can the struggle of a person with the world of nature?
V.P. Astafiev "King Fish"
Astafyev tells us the instructive story about a talented fisherman, which has natural a little useful for fishing. However, this hero also produces poaching, exterminating fish without an account. With their actions, the hero causes irreparable damage to nature. The reason for these actions is not hunger. Wastobin acts so from greed.
A huge fish comes across one of these bartes on the poacher hook. Greed and ambition prevents the fisherman to call for the help of a brother, he decides to pull out a huge stassier by anything. Over time, Ignatich begins to go under the water along with the fish. In his soul, the turning point happens, where he asks for forgiveness for all his sins before his brother, before the bride, which was offended. Early greed, fisherman calls for his brother's help.
Ignatic changes its attitude towards nature, when he feels like a fish "tightly and gently grown to him with a thick and gentle belly." He understands that the fish rises to him, because it is afraid of death just like him. It ceases to see in this living creature only a tool for profit. When the hero is aware of their mistakes, he is waiting for the liberation and cleansing of the soul from sins.
At the end of the story, we see that Nature forgave the fisherman, gave him a new chance to the atonement of all sins.
Fighting Ignatic and king fish - a metaphor of the battle of man and nature, which is happening every day. Destroying nature, a person tries to disappear. Introducing the harm of nature, a person deprives himself a medium of existence. Foresting forests, destroying animals, a man is circumscribed to extinct.
This work also raises the question: can a person consider himself to king nature. And Astafyev gives the answer: no, a person is part of nature, despite not always the best. Only concern for nature can preserve the life balance, countless extermination of what the world around us can lead only to death. The pride of man who brought himself the "king of nature" leads only to destruction.
We need to love the world around us, exist in peace and harmony with him, respecting every living being.

How to treat nature?
Antoine de Saint-Exupery " Little Prince».
One of the problems affected by the author of this wonderful fairy tale is the attitude of a person to nature.
An example of a careful attitude to nature is the main character. Little prince lives on a small planet. Its main rule: "I got up in the morning, washed, led myself in order - and immediately put my planet in order." Little prince every morning can reveal the volcanoes and pulls off the baobabs, which in the absence of care can allow the planet.
The main character teaches us to appreciate the beautiful nature in the world of nature, to protect it with all their own, because the planet is our home, and a person cannot live without home. That is why the little prince asked the snake to bite him to return home, to his planet and rose, behind which he should take care. Because to follow the house in which you live - the main responsibility and responsibility of a person.

What is dangerous active human intervention in the world of nature? What does a struggle with nature leading to?
Chingiz Aitmatov "Floch"
The author's focus is the problem of human intervention in the world of nature.
In order to fulfill the plan of measdachi, people decide to kill saigas, followed by the wolves of Akbar and Tashchinar at that moment. Helicopters begin to drive saigas towards UAZ hunters, children of wolves die during this. When tired wolves return to their native lair, they discover that people who collect saiga residues are near him.
Avedy calls on the participants of this disgusting act to immediately stop the slaughter, for which the hunters kill him.
Akbara and Tashchinar began new life And they gave birth to new, but those died in a fire that people arranged.
The last time they tried to continue the genus already in another area, but the person named Nazarbai stole and sold four wagins. The grief of the Mathers did not have a limit. Aitmatov does not accidentally describe the family of wolves by hanging their human features. They also create families, love their children, rejoice and write. The man in the novel is presented less alive. Most people in the novel are shown as insensitive creatures devoid of moral principles.
Unceremoniously, absolutely without thinking about the world around, a person paves meters of new roads, he comes to a stranger house where robs and destroys natural inhabitants. This novel shows that such intervention can end tragic for both people and animals. At the end of the work, a wolf dies, and with her a little boy who suffered in the insane struggle of two full inhabitants of this planet: a person and wolf.
The person is closely connected with the world of nature, it is important not to fight, but to be in the world and harmony.

Why is it important to appreciate the beauty of nature?

R. Bradbury "All Summer On One Day"
This story teaches us to appreciate the beauty of nature here and now. To let it feel, which means "never see the Sun", Bradbury shows the life of the colonists on Venus. On this planet, it rains most of the time, and see the Sun residents can only once every 7 years. This day everyone is waiting with impatience. But among the children of the colonists there is one girl who was brought in Venus already in the conscious age, and therefore she had worse than everyone. For the rest of the children, the Sun is a dream, for Margo, this is something lost. Such an example of Bradbury is trying to convey a thought to the reader: a person begins to accurately appreciate environmental beauty Nature at the moment when losing. We live in a wonderful world, but do not appreciate what we have.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay and Hares".
The main character of Mazay by profession is a hunter. However, this person has a moral code and conscience. He crushes that there would be a much larger number of animals if other hunters did not use dishonest methods: they would not be caught by networks, they would not be pressed with sinks and would not destroy the hares during the spring flood. He tells the story of how during the flood saw an islet surrounded by water. On this island, hare fell on each other. Kind heart The hunter could not stand, he gathered them on his boat, fell to the shore, and then let go. He took the frozen and weak, he took home so that they could get warm, and the next morning released them to the will.
The moral principle of this person is that attacking on a weak dishonest. Of course, a man lives hunting. Man is a predator, but he also has a morality that should not let him "beat the lying". When the animal is unable to defend himself, it is impossible to attack it. Such a hunt turns a person to a killer. The man is endowed with great potential, he is stronger and cunning many animals, but at the same time he has a heart and morality. It is necessary to treat nature carefully, it is impossible only to take, it is necessary and to help her.

How should we relate to nature?

Zh.zhiono "Man who sled trees"
"The man who sled trees" is an allegorical story. In the center of the narrative shepherd Elzear Buffier, who alone decided to restore the ecosystem of the desert terrain.
For four decades, Buffier landed trees, which led to incredible results: the valley became similar to the paradise garden. The authorities perceived this as a natural phenomenon, and the forest received the official protection of the state. After some time about 10,000 people moved to this locality. All these people are obliged to Buffier their happiness.
Elsear Buffier is an example of how a person should relate to nature. This work awakens the love of the world to the readers. A person can not only be destroyed, he is also able to create. Human resources are inexhaustible, purposefulness can create a life where it is not. This told this was translated into 13 languages, he influenced the society and the authorities so much that after reading hundreds of thousands of forest hectares were restored.

B.L. Vasilyev "Do not shoot in white swans"
One of the main characters Egor Polushkin is a person who has not been delayed for a long time at one job. The reason for this is the inability to work "without a heart." He loves the forest very much, cares for him. Therefore, he is prescribed to the forester, dismissed at the same time unclean on the hand of Byrianova. It was then that Egor manifests himself as a true wrestler for the protection of nature. He boldly comes into fighting poachers who set fire to the forest and killed swans. This person serves as an example of how it is necessary to relate to nature. Thanks to such people like Egor Polushkin, humanity has not yet destroyed everything that exists on this land. Against the cruelty of Byrunan should always be good in the face of non-indifferent "half-Russian".

The attitude of a person to nature, the relationship of man and nature, the responsibility of a person for his actions before the world of nature.
Ray Bradbury "And thundered"
One of the problems affected in the story R. Bradbury "and rushed thunder" is the attitude towards the world of nature. The main character of Eques is immersed in the past using the time machine. The purpose of his journey is a dinosaur hunt. The organizers warn it that you can only kill those animals that a natural death lies. The instructor explains what kind of caution is needed: if I accidentally kill some small animal, it can be very much reflected in the future. For example, if you kill the mouse, there will be no foxes and its descendants. If a specific fox disappears, all its descendants and some lion will die and so on. Thus, the death of one mouse can destroy entire dynasties, change the whole world. This shows how connected with the world of nature. People sometimes seem to be the kings of nature, but when a person is killing just so little mosquito, he changes the lives of his future descendants. A person occupies a certain place in nature, no more. Therefore, it is dangerous unreasonable extermination of animals. It is not known how a whim of a person can affect the future. The person is obliged to understand that the entire ecosystem and the future of the person himself depends on his behavior, so it is necessary to treat nature carefully, redeeming its creation.

The problem is related to nature.

A.P. Platonov " Unknown flower»
The story "Unknown Flower" addresses the problem of nature relations. A positive example is the behavior of children. So, the girl Dasha detects a flower that grows in terrible conditions and needs help. The next day, it leads a whole squad of pioneers, they all face the ground around the flower. In a year, we see the consequences of such a not indifference. The desert is impossible to know: he "overgrown with herbs and flowers", and "Poultry and Butterfly flew over it". Caring for nature does not always require a man of titanic efforts, but always brings such important results. After spending an hour of his time, each person can save or "give life" a new flower. And every flower in this world on the account.

How to treat the world around?
I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"
Bazarov declares that nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and immediately in the work it follows a magnificent landscape. The pictures of nature, which are saturated by the novel, are impressed with the reader in a completely reverse, namely, that nature is a temple, not a workshop that only life in harmony with the outside world, and not violence against him can bring a person happiness.

How does nature affect the character of a person?
M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"
The terrain in which a person lives affects the formation of its character. Lermontov describes the Caucasus as a place surrounded by high dangerous mountains, burly, fast rivers, therefore people who live there, have a bold, violent character. Mountains are associated with adventures and risk, and the life of people is to overcome the dangers. The harsh conditions of nature make the character of a person harsh, it becomes prone to impulsiveness, he appears in adventurism. For people living in such a terrain, nature is not just a background. They feel the nature better than anyone who describes the beauty of the landscape, they love nature and feel it with a heart: "... in the hearts of the simple sense of beauty and the greatness of nature is stronger, more than a hundred times, than in us, enthusiastic tolders in words and on paper" .

Outcome essay

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Publication date: 11.12.2016

Arguments that will be very useful to you on the exam when writing an essay.

  1. Humanity is forced to sacrifice the nature for their own good
  2. Sometimes greed encourages people to harm nature
  3. People apply consciously cause damage to nature for their own benefit
  4. Only a moral decomposing person can cause damage to nature without need.

V.P. Astafev Novella "Tsar Fish"

The main character of Novella Astafieva "King Fish" was known in his village as the most fortunate fisherman. But Ignatich abused his skill: always caught fish more than needed. The hero was aware of the illegality of his actions and was afraid of exposure, but greed always took over the top. Pursuing a poaching, Ignatich caused irreparable damage to rivers and their inhabitants.

V. Rasputin story "Farewell to the Mother"

In the story of V. Rasputin "Farewell to Mother" authorities decided to flood the island, on which the whole village was located. It was necessary to build a new HPP. Of course, the inhabitants of the mother took care and provided them with new housing. But no one thought about the defenseless inhabitants of the island, together with the ground under water hid the whole world, not visible to man.

B. L. Vasilyev Roman "Do not shoot in white swans"

In the novel Vasilyeva "Do not shoot in the White Swans" Byrianov inflicted great damage to nature. As a forester of the reserve, he abused the official position: the forest was cut down for the construction of his house, rushed linden to make money on sale, and drunk tourists were calmly hunted in its territory in the prohibited place.

Chingiz Aitmanov Roman "Floch"

The terrible consequences of the human influence on nature are reflected in the novel Aitmannov "Floch". To fulfill the plan of Mysyovdachi, people bites for "meat resources" of the reserve. Without thinking about the consequences, poachers in huge quantities exterminated saigas, which were food for wolves. The irresponsible behavior of people directly affected the lives of predators, during hunger they lost offspring.

V. Rasputin story "Fire"

In the heartbreaking story "Fire" V. Rasputin, the main character lived and worked in the village of Lespromhoz and watched the huge areas of the forest cut down. There was no other work for people, because the fields and meadows were flooded for the construction of the HPP. Ivan Petrovich could not accept the morning society moral values And it was confident that this is due to cutting. The hero was confident that, destroying the forest, a man destroys himself.

The problem of immoral attitude towards nature

Do not shoot in white swans

Boris Lvovich Vasilyev

In his novel, "Do not shoot in the White Swans" B. Vasilyev calls the reader to responsibility for the preservation of nature. Egor Polushkin, the main character of the work, concerned about the consequences of the rest of the arriving "tourists", as well as the fact that because of the poachers, the lake became lifeless. Now, as never relevant, the problem of preserving the planet is relevant, since the destructive impact of a person goes to an unprecedented pace.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Svtain

The topic of interaction between nature and man is generated by moral and ethical motifs. Therefore, she was the main in many works of Russian prose and poets. Heroes of M. Privina "Zhen-Shen" are able to enjoy silence and communication with nature, which for the author is the embodiment of life. He describes it as a living organism: the rock is crying, and the stone - has a heart. The author gives the reader to understand that a person should make a maximum effort so that nature does not suffer.

Notes Hunter

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

With fine observation and deep love Describes the nature of I. S. Turgenev in its work "Hunter's Notes". Kasyan, the main character of the story, tirelessly pulled to the study of new places, so he walked around half of the country. He clearly felt his connection with nature, and dreams of the fair world were born in his soul, where everyone lives in contentment. His example remains instructive and in our time.

Human tears ...

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The complex problem of the interaction of a person and the environment is addressed in verses F. Tyutchev. Often he used an allegory thinking about human fate. So, in the poem "Tears of Human ..." Rain drops are human tears. His verses reflect the inseparable connection of people and nature.

King - Fish

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev

The vanity and pride makes a person further away from nature, mistakenly believing that he rises above her. In its work, the "king fish" V. Astafyev emphasizes how patient is nature towards people. Sharinglessly broken tourists who mindlessly hunt the beast and bird, the author is mercilessly punishable. "Tsar-Fish" reminds that the destruction of nature threatens death for a person.

Sergey Trofimovich Alekseev

In the Romane "Roy" S. Alekseev raises the topic of man's offensive. Worldview modern man It is very difficult to change, but this is a necessity. After all, he is accustomed to active consumption, not offering anything in return. Poaching and cutting down of forests - that's what you wonder people. However, despite the fact that nature can survive, it cannot continue for so long.

  • Man's activities ruin
  • The state of nature depends on the person
  • Preservation of the Environment - the priority of the Company
  • The future of humanity depends on the state of nature
  • Love for nature makes a person cleaner
  • People who have high moral qualities protect nature
  • Love for nature changes man for the better, contributes to its moral development
  • People have forgotten that nature is their home
  • Everyone is characteristic of having his own view on the role of nature in a person's life


I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." In the work there are two exactly opposite glances in the nature of nature in the life of people. NiHman Evgeny Bazarov perceives the world around the world as a material for practice, saying that "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop." In all, he tries to find a good benefit, and not see the beauty around. The hero considers living creatures only with material for its research. For Arkady Kirsanova, at the first time supporting the views of Evgenia Bazarov, nature is a source of harmony. He feels an integral part of the world around, sees and feels beauty.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay and Hares." The story of Saving Zaitsev grandfather Mazaz is known to every person since childhood. From the poem of the great poet it is clear that our hero is a hunter, and therefore, for him, hares must be primarily prey. But Grandfather Mazay cannot hurt animals when they are absolutely helpless, are between life and death. Love for nature turns out to be the above opportunity to get lightweight prey. He shouts after saved hares, so as not to come across him in the period of hunting, but on this moment They let go.

A.I. Kubrin "Olesya". Attitude towards nature main heroine Works can be called truly correct. Oleces's life is inextricably linked to the world around it. She feels that is connected with the forest and that the forest is something alive. The girl loves all the living. Olesya is ready to protect everything connected with nature: herbs, shrubs, huge trees. Unity with the surrounding world allows it to survive at a distance from people, in the wilderness of the forest.

V.P. Astafiev "Tsar Fish". The fate of Gosha Herzheva is bright example The fact that nature can not only tolerate the attack of a person, but also actively defend themselves with its moral-punishing force. The hero, which showed consumer, cynical attitude towards the environment, is punished. Moreover, Kara faces not only to him, but also to all mankind, if it does not realize how cruel its activities. Hadness, thirst for profit, mindless use of achievements of scientific and technological progress - all this threatens the death of society.

B.L. Vasiliev "Do not shoot in white swans." The work shows a different attitude of people to nature: we see and its defenders, and enemies whose activities are only consumer in nature. The main character, Egor Polushkin, cares about everyone alive. Often it becomes the object of ridicule, because others do not support his views on the world. Egor Polushkin, laying the pipe, decides to go down the anthill, which causes laughter and condemnation by people. When the hero needs money, he learns that the population can receive remuneration for the ureaged Lyko. However, even in a difficult situation, the hero cannot decide on the destruction of the living, while his cousin is ruined by a whole grove. The son of Hydra Polyshkina is characterized by the same moral qualities: Kolka gives his expensive gift (spinning, which everyone dreamed of) is visiting to rescue a puppy whom the boy wanted to torture. The principal hero itself is killed by evil and envious people for the desire to protect nature.

Chingiz Aitmans "Floch". In the work shows how a person own hands destroys the world around. People are mocking at saigas, because of a fire-friendly wagon die. Not knowing where to send my maternal love, the wolf is tied to human child. People, not understanding this, shoot it, but one of them as a result kills his own son. In the death of a child, you can not blame not a wolf, but people, barbaric tearing on its territory, destroyed her children, and therefore, flexible against nature. The work of the "Floa" shows what is fraught with such a relation to the living.

D. Granin "Zubr". The main character with horror is aware that almost all people, including scientists, are confident in the infinity of nature and insignificant affected by a person. The bison does not understand how a person may approve scientific and construction projects that cause irreparable damage to everything alive. He believes that science in this case is not at odd, and in harm to humanity. The hero is hurt from the fact that almost no one has come to understand the true role of nature in a person's life, its uniqueness and vulnerability.

E. Hemingway "Old man and the sea." For the old fisherman, the sea is a breadwinner. In all the appearance of the hero, a connection with nature is visible. All the old man refers with respect and gratitude: he asks for forgiveness from caught fish. The work shows the role of generosity of nature in our lives, and the hero demonstrates truly the right attitude towards the world around him - grateful.