Bull: description and characteristics. Year of the Ox according to the eastern calendar

The sign of the Ox symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. A woman born in the year of the Ox is reliable, calm and prudent. She is a tireless worker and is not afraid of routine work. It is very difficult to change her opinion about anything, she is stubborn and often firmly follows her prejudices.

However, her reliable character and responsibility allow her to achieve her goals. She will never shy away from work when duty calls. She should be careful not to get carried away too much.

Outwardly modest and neat. Always logical and rational. Her intelligence is hidden under a mask of restraint. In crisis situations, he always shows fortitude and innate self-confidence. Walks high with his head raised.

Always respects traditions and rules. She strives to do exactly what is expected of her, which is why she is often criticized for her lack of imagination. However, only she knows that if you do things in the right order, you can hope to achieve success. There is no place for confusion and dashing luck in her life. If someone achieves goals with cunning and wit, the Ox woman acts with perseverance and dedication. If he gives his word, he always keeps it. Despite this, public opinion means little to her.

Ox Woman in Love

In personal relationships she can be terribly naive. It is very difficult for her to comprehend all the wisdom and subtleties of love and emotions. You shouldn't expect lyrics and meetings under the moon from her. Even her gifts will be strong and durable products.

To start a relationship with her will require long-term courtship. She falls in love very slowly and reveals her true feelings. On the outside she may look like a true lady, but when it comes to feelings, she may mutter something inaudible.

Nevertheless, if you win her trust, she will never disappoint you and will serve you faithfully all her life. She is incredibly independent and will be able to buy diamonds and furs for herself. This is the no frills type of girl. Life with her may seem boring and monotonous. However, you will never walk around with a dirty shirt, holes in your socks, or eat a burnt dinner. She is an honest and hardworking wife. Her expenses will never exceed your income. It represents valuable weight, without any unnecessary packaging.

Among the shortcomings, one can note a long memory for grievances; he can remember everything in the smallest detail. The greater her emotional shock, the more intensely she plunges into her work. If there have been strong disappointments in love in her life, she may bury herself under a pile of work and lead a solitary life.

Despite all her patience, it is not worth testing it, otherwise it will be a very scary experience. She will not spare anyone on her way. In general, such situations are rare.

In the house, her word can be law, she knows how to give orders and also follows them. He has a materialistic outlook on life, but always loves and is extremely proud of his family. Her personal success may be a measure of her love for her family. Capable of making great sacrifices for the well-being of loved ones.

An Ox woman born during the day will be more aggressive and active than one born in a quiet night. She always stands firmly on her feet and follows the call of her mind, not her heart. Therefore, if you want to get something from her, turn to your mind, not your feelings. One person's opinion rarely makes her change her mind. In general, she is proud and uncompromising, with disdain for the weaknesses of others. If you learn to see more humor in life and have compassion for others, you will be much happier.

Ox Woman at work

A born leader, she can be too tough and demanding in her work. Her lack of tact and respect makes her unsuited to working with people and in the diplomatic field. Nevertheless, she is always respected for her honesty and steadfast principles. He knows how to inspire his subordinates with his hard work.

Dignity and morality do not allow her to achieve her goals by dishonest means. She is extremely independent and in order to help her with something you will have to persuade her.

Her thoroughness and conscientiousness are enshrined in the genes and are passed on to future generations, even if they are born under a different annual sign.

Of all 12 signs, the Rooster will bring sun and color into her life. The snake will make you feel affection and care, combined with wisdom.

Years: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033

People born according to Eastern horoscope in the year of the Ox, energetic and strong-willed. They take on a burden that other signs cannot bear - they take on work, care for the family, and also provide emotional support to everyone. This strengthens them and helps them endure all problems with ease. This sign has developed practicality - he constantly strives to earn a comfortable life for himself and his family. Bulls stand firmly on the ground, they cannot be moved if they are comfortable and cozy here. They are purposeful - nothing and no one can stop them from achieving their goal.

These people are too stubborn to take roundabout paths; they prefer to take on obstacles with force. They never give in to anyone, they believe that there is only one correct point of view - theirs. And even if they are presented with facts in their erroneous point of view, they still will not yield. They do not tolerate when someone stands in their way - they will sweep away everyone, without even looking at age, titles and ranks.

Bulls cannot be manipulated, they always know where and why they are going, seeing favorable opportunities - these people will never miss any of them, because it is very important for them to further improve their lives. They are leaders, they have the talent of persuasion, it’s hard not to believe them. These people never lie themselves and cannot tolerate the lies of others; they ignore the liar, convicting him of deception. By the way, this is what makes others lie to them. There is no resourcefulness in their character. They are loyal and fair, and will always come to the aid of anyone in trouble.

Bulls have no enemies - it is better to be friends with him, because no one can withstand his onslaught. They are friendly and honest. Although they have many envious people, they rarely pay attention to them. Unless they are too annoying - then the Bulls will simply scatter them around so that they do not interfere with their peaceful life.

Bulls are cold-blooded, they always control themselves, even when they need to show their weakness, but they expect the same prudence and restraint from others. If someone starts complaining about problems in life, they will immediately stop the emotional outpouring.

People of the Year of the Ox in everyday life. Bulls are ideal hosts. They try to keep the house clean, but they don't always succeed. Regardless of gender, these people are excellent cooks; they always cook deliciously, masterfully decorating dishes. The interior of their home is chosen with great taste. Bulls adore the earth, so they usually live in their own houses so that they have the opportunity to realize themselves as a good garden designer.

These people love guests very much, they look forward to them, preparing delicious dishes and coming up with an interesting program, but usually rarely anyone comes to them, because Oxen are difficult to communicate and are authoritarian. For the same reason, they don’t like to be invited to visit - they will definitely notice to the hostess that the dishes are prepared perfectly, but the dishes chosen are not appropriate, or they will praise the new renovation, while scolding the careless builders who failed to properly paste the wallpaper. It is very difficult with the Bulls, but they continue to communicate with them, knowing that in difficult times they will always come to the rescue.

Business qualities of people born in the year of the Ox. The Ox's talent is to organize and direct, which is why they make excellent leaders. They never follow emotions - they are strict, domineering, but fair. They will always encourage hard work, but will be merciless towards those who are lazy and interfere with work. They never rely on anyone but themselves, and they expect the same from their colleagues or subordinates.

These people are suitable for professions where they have great responsibility - financiers, agronomists, athletes, etc. But those where they will have to frequently change their place of stay are contraindicated - regular business trips, flights, hotel stays - an overly active lifestyle will negatively affect their emotional state.

Love for those born in the year of the Ox. These are loyal people. They are ready to do anything for the sake of their loved one. However, they cannot be called romantics - their love is delicious dishes for a loved one and the fulfillment of his cherished desires. In a state of love, they become soft, pliable and open to the chosen one and only to him. Those around you will not even notice changes in the strict and domineering character of the Bulls. These people are monogamous, but their partner must be faithful to them for the rest of their lives, so they carefully study him before agreeing to a serious relationship.

A family of people born in the year of the Ox. Having created a family with a trusted partner, they try to build a cozy nest with him, where they do not allow anyone, not even family and friends. Quite often, after marriage, Oxen move away from their parents, but they never forget about them - they help financially and physically, visiting periodically. They live in perfect harmony with their spouse, trying to please him in everything until they suddenly become disappointed in him.

If they do not feel confident in the relationship, then they become real despots who do not tolerate disobedience from both their significant other and their children. Although Bulls are considered ideal parents. The fact is that in childhood they are usually not interesting to their loved ones, so they try to make sure that everything is different for their children. These people know how to achieve harmony between severity and leniency, they are smart mentors and caring parents, so their children always achieve significant success in life.

Health of those born in the year of the Ox. Bulls can boast of good health, both physical and emotional. There may be problems with the thyroid gland, as well as with the heart and lungs due to a bad habit - smoking. In old age, there is a possibility of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which manifests itself as a terrible migraine.

Characteristics of the Water Ox

People born in the year of the Water Ox are sociable and friendly. They easily make contact and find a common language not only with adults, but also with children. Usually these people prefer to keep all their plans secret, even from their relatives, so much that happens in their lives becomes a surprise to everyone. Water Bulls excellent organizers and managers, they seem to be created to guide others.

They have excellent memory and developed material thinking, so they make excellent businessmen. However, everything they do - earn money, build houses, or simply cook food, do laundry - is only for the family. She occupies the most important place in their lives. Oxen show care and attention easily and naturally, getting great pleasure from it. They have highly developed morality and consciousness, so they are valued both as friends and as colleagues, knowing that they will never deceive.

Characteristics of the Wood Ox

People born in the year of the Wooden Ox are peaceful and balanced. In any situation they behave with great dignity, they will never offend another, even if the person deserves it; they will rather stop communicating with him.

They are respected and valued in society for their flexibility and friendliness. However, their diplomacy is conditional - they do not know how to bend to those who are unpleasant to them. The only person with whom they become soft and gentle is with members of their family. For their sake they are ready to do anything, but the greatest value for them is Wooden Bulls- these are their offspring. Usually these people have many children, they have children who love and value their family, who will always stand up for each other.

Characteristics of the Fire Ox

People born in the year of the Fire Ox are energetic and quick-tempered. If something is not done according to them, then they begin to rage. They love to be praised, so professional manipulators can twist and twirl the Fire Bull to achieve their goal. These people are energetic, strong and hard-working. They love to show off, so if they are lucky enough to receive some kind of award, it can blind them.

All their lives they go towards some specific goal, but if they fail to achieve this, then the Bulls just lose their temper. They never listen to other people's advice. Fire Bulls caring towards family and friends. They are leaders in the family and do not tolerate being contradicted. They may even stop communicating with the rebel.

Characteristics of the Earth Ox

People born in the year of the Ox of the Earth element have a sober mind. They are materialists, which helps them to run a successful business. Earth Bulls They are straightforward and do not tolerate lies, pretense and servility, which greatly irritates hypocrites and attracts honest people. They are never rude, but they skillfully put the boor in his place.

These are people of reason, their feelings come last, so when creating a family, they first of all think about what benefits it will bring them. Sometimes they are considered dry and stale. They are conservatives and rarely change their lives radically. Hardy - they can easily withstand the blows dealt by fate.

Characteristics of the Metal Ox

These people are quite vindictive and straightforward, because they believe that only weaklings bend, so they have few friends and acquaintances. For the same reason, it is difficult for them to find a life partner. Even if one is found, it is usually in marriage Metal Bulls they feel unhappy - their duality again manifests itself - on the one hand, they understand that they need to give in to their partner in something, but on the other, they cannot afford it, since it is contrary to their character.

You can find out online which year correlates with which animal of the Eastern horoscope, its color and element on the page.

People born in the year of the Ox are endowed with perseverance, calmness, patience and self-confidence.

This year is often mistakenly compared to the European Zodiac sign Taurus. And indeed, at first glance, they have a lot in common. Even the symbol is the same animal. But this is only at first glance. Fat Taurus is a sign of the material world, savings, and a calm, prosperous life. And the Bull is an eternal worker. He is also practical and works in the sphere of the material, not the ideal, but rarely sets the goal of acquiring goods. The true symbol of the Bull is Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius: the Bull is called upon to reform society. The practical Ox sees what resources people have at their disposal, so his reforms are viable and not divorced from life. Years corresponding to the year of the Ox in the Eastern horoscope: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

Character of people born in the year of the Ox

The bull is confident in himself. Already in childhood, he knows his capabilities and does not care what other people say about him. He follows his line. No one will be able to redirect him. Usually, when trying to pressure, the young Ox remains silent, but by maturity he has already formed his own social circle, where he is accepted as he is. The Ox almost never defends its position in disputes, although if it is necessary to do so, it is very eloquent. The bull is hardworking. He always has a future path planned out, he doesn’t go by feel, he knows what he will do and why he needs it. Does not like risk and surprises. The Ox tries to arrange his life honestly, simply and reliably. However, stagnation is not at all what the Ox likes, as one might think, looking at his thoroughness and dislike of haste. The bull does not stand in one place, he systematically moves forward, carefully preparing each step. This comes as a surprise to his ill-wishers, who often underestimate the Ox: the slow Ox by the middle of his life turns out to be far ahead of many of them. But the Bull is not at all a gloomy, always busy unsociable person. He is pleasant and easy to talk to. They love him because he accepts people as they are, is able to listen, and reliably keeps secrets. He is not aggressive. You can't expect eccentricities from him. Peaceful, pleasant, quiet people of the year of the Ox endear themselves to themselves and inspire trust.

People born in the year of the Ox: compatibility in love

People born in the year of the Ox are capable of strong feelings. Their love is stable; having fallen in love, they do not change their tastes for many years. It’s hard for them to switch from one emotion to another, so if an Ox has fallen in love, it will last for a long time; He will not change his opinion about his beloved. Refusal of violent “African” passions, even, calm and balanced behavior in love makes the Ox “cracker” in the eyes of other people. Those who are looking for romance avoid the Ox, but in vain: he is the example of deep and true feelings. However, the Ox himself does not lose anything because someone did not appreciate him. Around the Ox there are always those who want to lean against this reliable, decent and strong person. The Ox man is valued for his practicality and responsibility, the woman for her lack of hysterics, thriftiness, loyalty and balance. The Ox is paired with strong, rational and courageous people. They are fully capable of appreciating the Ox, and also of instilling in him more courage and an easy-going attitude towards life. But the main thing that the Ox needs to focus on when choosing a mate is that the partner must love him. The love of a partner inspires the Ox, gives him strength for many accomplishments, and becomes a support in his life. Unfortunately, prudent people can manipulate this by pretending to be in love and impudently using the decent (and, as a rule, settled in life) Ox. The best love compatibility for an Ox is with another Ox and with. She can bewitch the Ox, but love relationships with her often bring pain to the Ox.

People born in the year of the Ox: compatibility in friendship

The bull is a good friend. He is calm, not talkative and gentle. People feel calm around him. The ability to listen and, if necessary, show eloquence makes the Ox a pleasant conversationalist. Communication with the Ox means peace, coziness and comfort. He doesn’t make unpredictable pranks, doesn’t bring chaos into the lives of his friends, and doesn’t try to change anyone. He does not patronize and does not expect to be looked after; he communicates with friends as equal adults. The Ox does not dissolve in friends and looks after its own interests. But he is honest and will not go over the heads of his friends for the sake of profit. The main thing is not to delude yourself from the very beginning about how much the Ox is ready to invest in friendship. Also, don’t think that the Ox can be used. He is good at friendship as long as it does not affect his interests. The Ox is reluctant to make new friends. He can communicate with those with whom he is on the same path, but these will be superficial, friendly relationships. He will not initiate these people into his life. The Ox is faithful to long-time friends; he values ​​time-tested friendship. The Ox's best friendship is with (Cat), and. Friendship with is possible, but only if friends do not have to communicate every day: this couple needs a break from each other.

People born in the year of the Ox: compatibility at work

The Ox's reliability and hard work make him an excellent employee. You can rely on him. Even when more nosy, dexterous and active people overtake him, the Ox continues to work with concentration and conscientiousness. Sooner or later, he finds his niche: that position for which responsibility and perseverance are required. The Ox does not like to change jobs. But from his youth he has a goal in front of his eyes that he wants to achieve. And if work does not allow him to move towards this goal, he will without hesitation go where there are more prospects.

The characteristics of those born in the year of the ox are as follows. The bull always looks around him for a long time, especially in an unfamiliar environment. In life, he is a contemplative: he notices interesting facts that others do not see. The Ox is attentive and careful with people. The Ox loves to be alone. Only when alone with himself does he reveal his true essence: temperamental and passionate. He is always reserved in front of people, but with himself he can be very relaxed.

It is very difficult to anger a bull; this is one of the characteristics of his personality. He is calm and remains calm for a long time. But if the bull is angry, then his anger falls on the culprit like a powerful waterfall. If you resist him at this moment, the bull can even become dangerous. The person who finds himself in the path of an angry bull is pitiful.

According to its personal qualities and characteristics, the bull is a born boss, a leader. He is always calm, calm, and when necessary, however, shows all his eloquence. The Ox is powerful, and its power is especially felt in the family. The Ox will not tolerate from his loved ones anything that is contrary to his nature. The bull will not allow his daughter to wear miniskirts or his son to grow long hair if he himself does not accept it. For the bull, his personal traditions and laws, which he himself compiled for his family, are very important.

The bull has no equal in his work. He is a real hard worker, for the benefit of his family he can work seven days a week and without vacations. The bull will not allow his children to be malnourished. The Ox is suitable for both physical and intellectual work; he will achieve good results everywhere. The Ox is poorly versed in commerce, but in agriculture or tourism he will have no equal.

In love, the bull does not use romance. He is capable of tenderness, love, devotion, but his loved one will never receive gifts or beautiful words of love from him. The Ox does not accept flirting and outbursts of passion. This will bring him a lot of disappointments in love, since the chosen one of the bull may get bored with his apparent indifference and begin to look for romance on the side.

When a bull gets married, he will be faithful to his chosen one. Loyalty is the key to family life for a bull. He will also trust his partner. In such a family there will be no jealousy or suspicion.

The Ox woman spends all her free time at home, very rarely visiting or attending social events. The Ox woman is an excellent wife, an excellent and caring housewife. Her house is always a full cup.

Often the bull encounters misunderstanding from his family, as he sometimes uses his power unnecessarily. But despite this, he loves his family very much and is proud of his children.

The first half of the bull's life will pass calmly, without exceptional events. The second part of life can bring difficulties for the bull in creating a family, as well as problems in family life. The bull's old age will be calm only if he preserves his family during his maturity years or acquires a new one.

A bull can choose a rooster as a life partner. Against the background of the bull, the rooster will shine with its beauty and brightness, and the bull will allow him to do so. A rat, having fallen in love with a bull, will remain faithful to him until his death. The snake will cheat on the bull right and left, but he will not even guess about it, so their marriage will be long and quite happy. A monkey can easily charm a bull, but he can just as easily laugh at him. An ox should not choose a goat as a spouse - she will torment him with whims and inconstancy. Under no circumstances is an alliance between a bull and a tiger possible: in such a family a real war for power will begin.

2009 passed under the sign of the yellow Ox. After that, it will repeat itself only after 12 years, that is, it will occur in 2021. Thanks to astrologers, we can look into the distant future and find out in advance how to attract good luck during this period.

Characteristics of the Year of the Ox

There is an ancient Chinese legend according to which each year has its own patron in the animal world. The horoscope of this people was built on its basis. The Ox is the most powerful sign in the Chinese astrological calendar, but it comes in second because it was outwitted by the Rat. To receive their year from the Buddha, twelve animals had to swim across the river. When the Bull was about to swim across, a rat ran up to him and asked him to carry it on his back. He agreed, but at the very last moment, near the shore, the cunning rodent jumped to the ground and appeared first before the Buddha, for which he was rewarded with the right to begin the Chinese horoscope. This is where the tradition came from that during this period you need to help other people, but with caution so that you are not outwitted. This symbol is loved for kindness, gullibility and self-confidence. The year, as a rule, passes under the motto of supporting family and colleagues. Many people are interested in what periods fall on this sign. Let's list a few of them that fall under the definition of “Year of the Ox”: 1973, 1985. and so on. The frequency between them is unchanged - 12 years.

Horoscope of people born in the year of the Ox

How do we see or imagine this animal? The Ox is patient, silent, careful, always consistent in deeds, precise in words. He does not like gossip and slander. In addition, people born in the year of the Ox are surprisingly open personalities. They behave carefully and carefully with others, trying to first get to know the person better. Bulls do not like noisy companies; they prefer loneliness. In their careers, such people very quickly achieve power and rise to leadership positions. Alone with their family, on the contrary, they are very gentle. The Ox man is a temperamental and passionate nature, the same can be said about a woman. But at the same time, such people prefer to express their love unnoticed; you rarely expect romantic actions or surprises from them.

Aries: what should he expect?

This is a very self-confident person, ready to fight any obstacles. Such a person is usually strong in the year of the Ox and clearly understands his goal and confidently moves towards it. In love, he is just as straightforward and frank. An Aries man in the year of the Ox most often becomes a boss; he manages his career very actively. Such qualities are also inherent in women born during this period. Like men, they become bright, unforgettable personalities. If they want something, they will definitely achieve it, despite the dissatisfaction of other people and their objections. They are very loyal in the family, but their stubborn team spirit sometimes prevents them from becoming exemplary wives.


If a person of this zodiac sign was born in the year of the Ox, then his character is a vivid embodiment of stubbornness and intransigence with the difficulties of life! He tends to be overly jealous in relationships. And all because he loves and knows how to achieve goals. Taurus Ox is a responsible, disciplined employee, but as a boss he will be very demanding. True, his harsh character sometimes prevents him from being open and achieving happiness. In order to somehow improve the situation, Taurus needs to reconsider their views on life. Women of this sign are hardworking, flexible, but not without persistence, which they know how to competently use on occasion. They are wise in the best sense of the word, which means that before doing anything, Taurus women will use their heads, and this will help them avoid mistakes and mistakes in business.


Such a person is endowed with amazing activity, he is sociable and active. Finding himself in any company, he finds a common language with the people around him. At work, as a rule, Gemini Ox takes on a lot of functions and takes a responsible approach to their implementation. Men born under this combination of signs tend to be strong both physically and mentally. In this regard, a woman will be greatly influenced by her environment. But if we talk about the sign of Gemini in the year of the Ox, then there is one common feature that unites both sexes - a clearly expressed sense of duty. Sometimes it ruins their lives, since people of this type of character are quite easy to start exploiting.


First of all, these people will evaluate their immediate environment. For those born in Cancer in the year of the Ox, it is extremely important to feel comfortable. With family and friends, he is a soft, affectionate and caring person. Their sexuality helps women improve their personal lives, but men tend to always face the dilemma of “family or career.” In this sense, representatives of the stronger sex are very indecisive and often try to avoid problems. But women born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Ox are strong-willed, which allows them to easily command both at work and in the family.

Difficulties in communication arise only during the period when people of these signs begin to analyze their actions. You should know that at such moments they become especially sensitive to the words of others and can easily become depressed.

a lion

Most of all, a person born in such a year will be drawn to a fast and successful career. It must be said right away that Leo will succeed in this, because he has all the necessary qualities: hard work, the ability to lead people, will and endurance. At the same time, such people love and know how to relax beautifully by attending cultural events. In the Leo-Ox relationship, conservative views are supported. Men are persistent, strict and self-possessed, capable of making an excellent impression on others from the first minute of their appearance. Women who were born under this combination of signs love to be needed and are able to devote enough time to children, their career, and their favorite hobby.


Such people often feel out of place in society, so they live separately. This trait runs like a red thread through the entire life of the Virgo-Oxen, affecting almost all its areas. For example, such people often become narrow specialists, preferring their full knowledge of the subject to career advancement. Bosses very often love employees born under the sign of Virgo, because they are rarely late, concentrate as much as possible on the work process and take a responsible approach to even the smallest assignment. A woman born in the year of the Ox under this sign usually devotes herself to household chores or, conversely, throws herself into work. Men have good sexual potential.


In combination with the Ox, this zodiac sign makes an ideal union. All qualities in this person are harmoniously combined, which contributes to a balanced disposition. But to call him weak or soft-spoken would be wrong. If such a person encounters a problem, he will definitely put all his efforts into solving it. In relationships, these people are indecisive, not knowing who to choose.

Libra-Oxen men are characterized by perseverance along with stubbornness and willfulness. They consider success and respectability to be their main advantage. Women who combine the traits of Libra and Ox know how to communicate and attract attention, love and appreciate romantic deeds. They are not used to saving on themselves and know how to act assertively on occasion to achieve their goals.


Such people do not accept the golden mean; everyone around them is divided into friends and enemies. But the Scorpio Ox has enough endurance, strength, and will for two. He also has a lot of tenacity and perseverance, especially if they are combined with sensitive intuition and practicality, as in his case. Such people do not like noisy companies; they are loners. Before giving his heart to someone, Scorpio, born in the year of the Ox, will look closely at his partner for a long time. His difficult character can lead to difficulties in his personal life. But marriage for such individuals is sacred; they are faithful to their family and try to ensure that their loved ones do not need anything. Women of this sign are usually principled; they find it very difficult to change their established outlook on life. And if you want to win the heart of such a lady, get ready to prove that you are capable of becoming a support. Then she will relax and give you a happy smile.


This is a very peace-loving person who does not want to quarrel and make trouble. The Ox under the sign of Sagittarius finds use for its activity in vigorous activity - it can do several things at the same time. This is a friendly and calm sign. In relationships he is often timid and indecisive. Men born this year love to learn new things and travel. They are not in a hurry to take a high position at work, since most often they do what they love rather than what is profitable. Women of this combination of signs quickly gain respect and authority among colleagues, and will appreciate seriousness and truthfulness in a partner.


In pursuit of an excellent result, the Ox, born under this zodiac sign, is ready to work tirelessly. He has a lot of persistence and patience. Ox-Capricorn is a typical careerist. These people have an ambitious and moderately adventurous character. They don’t like to waste time, so in a relationship you won’t get compliments or nice surprises from them - Oxen-Capricorns simply consider such an expression of feelings stupid and unnecessary. Men of this type very often become good, promising bosses who successfully and competently manage fairly large enterprises. The same character traits are inherent in women. They know how to support in difficult situations and take care of their loved ones.


A person who combines the two signs described is always ready to learn something unusual and new. He is rarely concerned about earthly affairs, although he likes to see order in everything. But even if something does not go according to plan, Aquarius, born in the year of the Ox, will not worry or be upset, he will simply switch to satisfying his spiritual needs. Due to their charm and love of communication, such people quickly find a common language with others. They love to share their ideas and see their plans come to fruition. If we talk about love, here the Aquarius Bull also needs inspiration, that is, he must see a muse in his partner. Men sometimes have an extraordinary character, they are drawn to originality. But it makes no sense to order an Aquarius man - you can only communicate with him on partnership terms. A woman born with a combination of these signs is also an extravagant nature. With her charm, she simply captivates the hearts of the people around her, and she gets away with a lot.


Seeing such people for the first time, you can’t say that at heart they are vulnerable, sentimental and sensitive. Their external reliability covers the basic feelings hidden deep in the soul. The Pisces Ox easily becomes depressed if something undermines his faith in the decency of people. Despite this, representatives of this sign do not strive to share their thoughts and feelings. Men, as a rule, find their purpose in creativity. They are smart, it is interesting to communicate with them even on specific topics. But such a person is unlikely to be able to complete a serious project, since he spends his energy not on work, but on the internal analysis of his soul. Unlike men, women of this sign are not without ambition; they can become excellent leaders and no less good housewives. True, in addition to organizational skills, the creative spirit inherent in all Ox-Pisces will also help with this.


So, now it has become clearer what is remarkable about the year of the Ox, and what people of different zodiac signs should expect. Such knowledge often helps a person avoid mistakes when planning affairs for the next twelve months. Each representative of any zodiac sign has individual characteristics, and often the luckiest people are the people who were lucky enough to be born in this important year. If you are one of them, then you now know what you should do to make luck turn your way. Go for it, you will succeed!