F. Iskander “The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules. Lesson-game "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules" (F

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FA Iskander The influence of a teacher on the formation of a child's character in the story "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules". Humor as one of the valuable qualities of a person in the story Hero-narrator

Fazil Abdulovich Iskander (1929-2016) was born on March 6, 1929 in Sukhumi (Abkhazia), in the family of an Iranian - the owner of a brick factory. In 1938, Fazil's father was expelled from the USSR. Since then, Iskander never saw him again. He was brought up by relatives of an Abkhaz mother in the village of Chegem.

Biography By the roots of Fazil Iskander, one can judge what a powerful personality he is. He spent his childhood in a mountain village and in the Sukhum courtyard of his grandfather, where he came for the summer. He was the main educator of Fazil, except for Abkhazia and the harsh, but fair moral commandments of the mountains.

Biography Graduated from the Russian school in Abkhazia with a gold medal. He entered the Library Institute in Moscow. After three years of study, he transferred to the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky, who graduated in 1954.

Biography In 1954-1956 he worked as a journalist in Bryansk (newspaper "Bryansk Komsomolets") and Kursk (newspaper "Kurskaya Pravda"). In 1956 he moved to Sukhumi, becoming an editor at the Abkhaz branch of the State Publishing House, where he worked until the early 1990s.

Biography Prose began to write in 1962. He was published in the magazines "Literary Abkhazia", ​​"Youth", "New World", "Week". Fazil Iskander is a laureate of numerous prizes, including the Pushkin Prize (1993) and the Triumph Prize (1999).

Biography Iskander is an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1995), the Academy of Russian Art (1995), the Independent Academy of Aesthetics and Liberal Arts (1995), Honorary Doctor of the University of Norwich (USA), member and laureate of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts (Germany). Fazil Iskander was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland III (1999), II (2004) and IV (2009) degrees, the Order of Honor and Glory, I class of Abkhazia (2002).

Questions How do you imagine the main character? How does he feel about his comrades? Tell us about Shurik Avdeenko, excellent student Sakharov, Adolf Komarov. Conclusion: Each hero of the story is remembered for a long time, because the author highlights the main, main features of the appearance and character of the hero, and focuses on them, emphasizing several times Avdeenko's gloom, Sakharov's well-being and Alik's modesty and invisibility.

Character system

Shurik Avdeenko Sakharov Adolf Komarov 1. The sunburned sullen face and exerted powerful efforts of mind and will. 2. Standing at the blackboard with a furious and sullen face. 3. The longest, awkward, darkest person in the class. 1. An intelligent conscientious person. 1. Neat, thin and quiet. 2. The habit of keeping your hands on the blotter. 3. Blonde hair, freckles. 4. Was considered a capable C grade student. Even while laughing, he did not stop being an excellent student. He was rarely scolded, but even less praised. "Black Swan".

Questions What was the protagonist of the story afraid of? What was he ready for? Did the teacher guess that the “fearless little boy” was not ready for the lesson?

Questions For what purpose does the teacher tell about the exploits of Hercules? Why did Kharlampy Diogenovich compare the hero of the story with Hercules? Who is Hercules? In the name of what did he perform feats? The teacher guessed that the boy had returned the doctor on purpose, since he did not know the lesson. He guessed about the boy's cowardice and ironically calls his act the thirteenth feat of Hercules.

Questions What does the hero feel? What is his condition? There was a smell of danger in the air. A small trap slammed shut. My heart slammed into my back with a swing. My voice rises straight from my belly. Execution. From horror and disgust. What is the reaction of the class? He looked at me and waited. Waited for me to fail. Wanted me to fail as slowly and interestingly as possible. Held back giggles. Laughed. He laughed.

The state of the protagonist Class reaction 1. The air smelled of some kind of danger. 1. He looked at me and waited. 2. A small trap slammed shut. 2. Waited for me to fail. 3. My heart slammed into my back with a swing. 3. Wanted me to fail as slowly and interestingly as possible. 4. My voice rises straight from the belly. 4. Restrained giggles. 5. Execution. 5. Laughed. 6. Horror and disgust. 6. Laughed.

Conclusions Everyone understands that the teacher is doing the right thing. After all, he is not making fun of the student out of personal animosity. He just doesn’t tolerate it when things are treated carelessly, he can’t stand slackness, sloppiness, deception. And most importantly, he has no favorites. "Anyone could be funny." Of course, it is not pleasant when they laugh at you, but if there is no insult or humiliation in this laughter, then there is not much to be offended at. In any case, the "victim" of Kharlampy Diogenovich would like to prove by all means that he is "not so completely ridiculous."

Conclusions What is the main idea of ​​this story? What meaning did the author put into the title of his story? How do you understand the words: "With his laughter, of course, he tempered our crafty children's souls and taught us to treat our own person with a sufficient sense of humor"? The main idea of ​​the story is that our hero understood how laughter helps fight lies and falsehood. He "got serious about his homework." The student does not take offense at his teacher, he is grateful to him for the fact that with his laughter he "tempered our crafty children's souls and taught us to treat our own person with a sufficient sense of humor." It is important to understand that "being too afraid to look funny is not very smart, but it is much worse not to be afraid at all."

Practice Activity What do you think a teacher should be?

“... I would like to gratefully elevate the method of Harlampy Diogenovich. With his laughter, he certainly tempered our crafty children's souls and taught us to treat our own person with a sufficient sense of humor. In my opinion, this is a completely healthy feeling, and any attempt to question it I reject decisively and forever. "

Literary theory Humor (English humor - temper, mood) - the image of heroes in a funny way. Unlike satire, humor expresses a cheerful, benevolent laugh. The narrator is the image of a person on whose behalf the story is told in a work of art. Gradation (lat. Gradatio - stepwise increase) is a gradual increase in the semantic or emotional significance of a number of expressions.

Homework Essay "Another case in the lesson of Kharlampy Diogenovich."

Humor makes it serious
even more serious ...
F. Iskander

Fazil Abdulovich Iskander.

Fazil Iskander
was born in 1929 in
Sukhumi. In the Soviet
Time Sukhumi
was the capital of Abkhazia,
which was included in
composition of Georgia and
respectively in
composition of the USSR. Childhood
future writer
took place in a mountain village
near Sukhumi.

Short biography.

Fazil Iskander finished
Sukhumi school with gold
medal and came to study in
Moscow. He studied in
Literary Institute named after
M. Gorky, and then worked
journalist in Bryansk and in
Kursk. In 1956 Iskander
returned to his hometown and
continued to write stories. He
created many works about
for children and for children.

"The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules"

Hercules is the most popular of
Greek heroes. His life can be
describe in a nutshell: exploits and
suffering - all this he owes
goddess Hera, no wonder his nickname
means "accomplishing feats
because of the persecution of Hera. " Hercules
made its famous 12
feats, the thirteenth feat is not
It was!
The title of the story tells us that
the hero has done an act that
is not a feat.

The image of the teacher of mathematics.

The image of Harlampy Diogenovich evokes mixed
the senses. On the one hand, it is unpleasant when the teacher
makes fun of the students. On the other hand, it is important that on
the lesson was discipline. Wit when it's not
insults another person, commands respect. The author gives
teacher's patronymic "Diogenovich" to emphasize that
the teacher, like the Greek philosopher Diogenes, belonged to
life is calm and philosophical.

Sense of humor as one of the most valuable qualities of a person.

The author says that Kharlampy Diogenovich taught
students see their own shortcomings and mistakes, but not
run away and not hide from them, but courageously work on

Amazing boy.

Iskander's story is from
the name of the boy who sees
the world as if through the prism of its
child consciousness.
The writer manages to cause laughter
unexpected turns
plot and unexpected,
applicable to conventional
people or phenomena.

Humor (English humor - temper,
mood) - the image of the heroes in
funny way. Unlike satire

The narrator is an image of a person, from
whose person is narrated in


step increase) - gradual
a number of

Shurik Avdeenko
1. Tanned
sullen face
powerful efforts
mind and will.
2. Standing at the board with
furious and
sullen face.
3. Long,
the darkest
people in the class.
Even during
laughter never stopped
be an excellent student.
1. Smart
He was rarely scolded, but
even less praised.
Adolf Komarov
1. Neat, thin
and quiet.
2. Habit
keep your hands on
3. Hair is light,
4. It was considered
a C grade student.
"Black Swan".

Main character
1. The air smelled of some kind
2.Small slammed
3. My heart on a grand scale
slammed into the back.
Class reaction
1. He looked at me and waited.
2. Waited for me to be
fall through.
3. Wanted me to
fell through as much as possible
slower and more interesting.
4. My voice rises
straight from the belly.
4. Restrained giggles.
5. Execution.
5. Laughed.
6. Horror and disgust.
6. Laughed.
Bell - funeral bell


Hercules performed twelve labors, the thirteenth
there was no feat. The title of the story tells us that
the hero has done an act that is not a heroic deed!
Harlampy Diogenovich's main weapon is to do
person funny. Pupil retreating from school
rules, - not a lazy person, not a loaf, not a bully, but simply
funny person.
The main idea of ​​this piece is that laughter
allows a person to see their hidden
character traits, admit your own mistakes and more
keep them out.

"…To me
I want to
to elevate the method of Harlampy Diogenovich.
With his laughter, he certainly tempered our
crafty baby souls and taught us
treat your own person with
a sufficient sense of humor. To my mind,
this is a perfectly healthy feeling, and any
trying to question him i
I reject resolutely and forever. "

Slide Description:

Iskander Fazil Abdulovich Iskander Fazil Abdulovich (b. 1929), prose writer, poet. Born on March 6 in Sukhumi in the family of a craftsman. He graduated from high school, received a library education. In the 1950s, Iskander came to Moscow, entered the Literary Institute, which he graduated in 1954. Already in his student years he began to publish (first publications in 1952). Writes poems. Works as a journalist in Kursk, then in Bryansk. In 1959 - editor in the Abkhazian department of the State Publishing House. The first collections of poetry - "Mountain Trails" (1957), "Kindness of the Earth" (1959), "Green Rain" (1960) and others - received good reviews from critics and readers' recognition. From 1962 his stories began to be published in the magazines "Youth" and "Week". From these stories the author collects the first book "Forbidden Fruit". However, the publication in the "Novyi mir" "Constellation of the Kozlotura" brings him really wide fame. The stories and stories were warmly received: "A Summer Day" (1969), "The Tree of Childhood" (1970). The cycle of short stories "Sandro from Chegem" (1973) aroused particular interest in his work. Iskander's own children's stories - "Day of the Chick" (1971) and "Defense of the Chick" (1983), formed the basis of the book of stories "Childhood of Chick" (1993). In 1982, the journal "Yunost" published the work of the writer - "Rabbits and boas", which had an extraordinary success. In 1987 he published a book of poems "The Way"; tsars "; in 1993" Poems "and the novel" Man and his surroundings. "In 1995, the magazine" Znamya "published the story" Sofichka. "F. Iskander lives and works in Moscow. A Brief Biographical Dictionary, Moscow, 2000.

2 slide

Iskander Fazil Abdulovich (b. 1929), prose writer, poet. Born on March 6 in Sukhumi in the family of a craftsman. He graduated from high school, received a library education. In the 1950s, Iskander came to Moscow, entered the Literary Institute, which he graduated in 1954. Already in his student years he began to publish (first publications in 1952). Writes poems. Works as a journalist in Kursk, then in Bryansk. In 1959 - editor in the Abkhazian department of the State Publishing House. The first collections of poetry - "Mountain Trails" (1957), "Kindness of the Earth" (1959), "Green Rain" (1960) and others - received good reviews from critics and readers' recognition. From 1962 his stories began to be published in the magazines "Youth" and "Week". From these stories the author collects the first book "Forbidden Fruit". However, the publication in the "Novyi mir" of "The Constellation of Kozlotur" brings him really wide fame. The stories and stories were warmly received: "A Summer Day" (1969), "The Tree of Childhood" (1970). The cycle of short stories "Sandro from Chegem" (1973) aroused particular interest in his work. Iskander's own children's stories - "Day of the Chick" (1971) and "Defense of the Chick" (1983), formed the basis of the book of stories "Childhood of Chick" (1993). In 1982, the journal "Yunost" published the work of the writer - "Rabbits and boas", which had an extraordinary success. In 1987 he published a book of poems "The Way"; tsars "; in 1993" Poems "and the novel" Man and his surroundings. "In 1995, the magazine" Znamya "published the story" Sofichka. "F. Iskander lives and works in Moscow. A Brief Biographical Dictionary. Moscow, 2000. *

Didactic material on literature

for grade 6

Fazil Abdulovich


and his story

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Lyceum No. 1"

r.p. Chamzik, Republic of Mordovia

Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna

The purpose of the lesson:

to acquaint with the main stages of the life and creative path of the writer,

analyze the subject matter of the works of F.A. Iskander,

help understand moral

and the artistic value of his work

Fazil Abdulovich Iskander

Fazil Abdulovich Iskander was born on March 6, 1929 in Sukhumi (Abkhazia), in the family of an Iranian - the owner of a brick factory. In 1938, Fazil's father was expelled from the USSR. Since then, Iskander never saw him again. He was brought up by relatives of an Abkhaz mother in the village of Chegem.

He graduated from the Russian school in Abkhazia with a gold medal. He tried to enter the philosophy department of Moscow State University, but eventually became a student at the Library Institute in Moscow. After three years of study, he transferred to the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky, who graduated in 1954.

In 1954-1956 he worked as a journalist in Kursk and Bryansk. Since 1962 he has lived and worked in Moscow on a permanent basis.

He created many stories about children and for children.

Awards and prizes

USSR State Prize for the novel "Sandro from Chegem"

Pushkin Prize (1993)

State Prize of the Russian Federation

Order of Merit for the Fatherland III

Prize "Triumph"

Order "Honor and Glory" I degree

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree

The Bank of Abkhazia has issued a commemorative silver coin dedicated to F.A. Iskander from the series "Outstanding Personalities of Abkhazia"

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation for the book "Selected Works"

State Prize of the Russian Federation for Contribution to the Development of Russian Literature

"I am a Russian writer, but a singer of Abkhazia"

By the roots of Fazil Iskander, one can judge what a powerful person he is. He spent his childhood in a mountain village and in the Sukhum courtyard of his grandfather, where he came for the summer. He was the main educator of Fazil, except for Abkhazia and the harsh, but fair moral commandments of the mountains.

Fazil Iskander writes exclusively in Russian, but the themes of his works are very closely related to Abkhazia. Almost half of his prose works are set in his native village of Chegem.

Iskander's books are imbued with subtle humor. His style is aphoristic and easy to understand.

On his 82nd birthday, Fazil Iskander said:

“I am, of course, a Russian writer who praised Abkhazia a lot.

Unfortunately, I did not write anything in Abkhazian.

The choice of Russian culture for me was unambiguous. "

Fazil Iskander's humor

The most notable characteristic of a writer is humor. Quite a rare variety, very ... real, or something.

The funny comes from him as if out of nothing, it always appears unexpectedly. The essence of creativity does not depend on what he describes: an empire or a small village.

The appeal to humor does not make the problems raised by the writer less important, but only brings them closer to the reader and makes them think about the eternal moral questions.

According to F. Iskander, tempering with laughter is a kind of inoculation,

that you need to get in childhood,

to be able to catch in time

the bitter truth about yourself and not go astray.

"The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules"

It was Iskander's story about his childhood "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules" (1964) that became the beginning of his prose. The piece is small and touching. But the moral questions raised in it are far from childish. The story examines the concepts of treachery, honor and dishonor, cowardice, dignity and betrayal.

Under a seemingly quite ordinary story from school life, there is a whole complex of important problems, on the solution of which the formation of a maturing personality depends.

The writer has an amazing style

in which soft and subtle irony intertwines

with the best traditions of Russian literature.

"The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules"

How do you imagine the main character?

How does he feel about his comrades?

Tell about the classmates of the hero of the story.

What was the boy afraid of? What was he ready for?

Did the teacher guess that the “fearless little boy” was not ready for the lesson?

Conclusion: Each hero of the story is remembered for a long time, because the author highlights the main, main features of the appearance and character of the hero, and focuses on them, emphasizing several times Avdeenko's gloom, Sakharov's well-being and Alik's modesty and invisibility.

"The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules"

How do you imagine a math teacher?

Why was there always silence in math class?

For what purpose does the teacher tell

about the exploits of Hercules?

Why did Kharlampy Diogenovich compare the hero of the story with Hercules?

Conclusion: The teacher guessed that the boy had returned the doctor on purpose, since he did not know the lesson. He guessed the boy's cowardice and ironically calls his act the thirteenth

feat of Hercules.

Harlampy Diogenovich

One of the main characters is a mathematics teacher who was highly respected: he never raised his voice at his students, did not threaten them with calling their parents. However, in his lessons, the guys were quiet and disciplined. The thing is that the teacher could easily use laughter, with the help of which he showed how ridiculous or unworthy the student's behavior is.

The teacher not only gave excellent knowledge in his subject, but also constantly told his wards something instructive from mythology, expanding their horizons. He is Greek by origin, although he bore a Russian name. His middle name (a reference to Ancient Greece) reminds of the philosopher Diogenes.

The narrator

The narrator comes in two ages. Firstly, this is the same boy whose cunning was brought to light by the teacher of mathematics. Secondly, this is already an adult, taught by life experience and telling this story.

The hero of the story is an ordinary schoolboy who is very observant, smart enough and even cunning. He easily and skillfully used circumstances (the arrival of paramedics) in order to avoid checking homework, which he himself did not complete.

Couldn't he really solve this shell problem? Most likely, the hero was simply too lazy at home and did not even ask for help from his classmates, having gone to play football.

Thanks to the perspicacious and attentive teacher, he subsequently not only "began to take homework more seriously," but also realized that an act done for selfish purposes and out of cowardice could in no way deserve respect, let alone be heroic ... This is just the "thirteenth feat of Hercules."

Story title

Hercules accomplished twelve labors, the thirteenth deed was not. The title of the story tells us that the hero has done an act that is not a heroic deed! Harlampy Diogenovich's main weapon is to make a person funny. A student who deviates from school rules is not a lazy person, not a loaf, not a bully, but just a funny person.

So, the main idea of ​​this work is that laughter allows a person to see his hidden character traits from the outside, to admit his own mistakes and not to admit them anymore.

The instructive nature of the story

In this little story, the author remains true to himself. From the beginning to the very last line, humor permeates him. But, despite the cheerful mood, Iskander's story "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules" is rather instructive. It makes the reader think about many serious and important questions. Everyone must decide for himself what a feat is and how courage and cowardice can be combined in one person.

Concluding the story "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules", Iskander leads the reader to the idea that courage can be different. It turns out that moral and physical courage does not always coincide in a person. So, possessing bodily strength, he can turn out to be a coward when solving vital problems.


The title of the work indicates

what's in it:

a) we are talking about one of the exploits of the ancient Greek hero;

b) it tells about a heroic deed, which cannot be called a heroic deed;

c) the act of the young hero is described with humor

Theme of the work:

a) the advantage of a teacher who knows how to oppose deception with a cheerful truth;

b) the relationship between teacher and students;

c) the importance of acquiring knowledge and the inadmissibility of any attempts to interfere with this

Genre of the work:

a) a story;

b) story;

c) memoirs (memories)

The nature of the story

in the work:

a) humorous;

b) satirical;

c) neutral

The action in the work takes place:

a) before the Great Patriotic War;

b) during the Great Patriotic War;

c) after the Great Patriotic War

Going to deception, young hero:

a) performed a noble deed;

b) defended the interests of classmates;

c) tried to save himself

Kharlampy Diogenovich accused

the narrator who deceived the teacher in:

a) nonsense;

b) cowardice;

c) meanness

The role of the teacher in shaping

children's characters:

a) taught children to treat themselves with humor;

b) demanded the unquestioning fulfillment of his instructions;

c) allowed free attendance of lessons

The story is written in:

a) 1960;

b) 1962;

c) 1964

“He immediately installed in our

classroom exemplary silence " :

a) an epithet;

b) metaphor;

comparing to

What artistic medium did the writer use in the sentence?

"His back was as hard as a board from the tension." :

a) an epithet;

b) metaphor;

comparing to

What artistic medium did the writer use in the sentence?

"The main weapon

Harlampy Diogenovich is

make a person funny " :

b) metaphor;

a) an epithet;

comparing to


Thanks to all!


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