Litvin how to develop intuition. Alexander Litvin: at the mercy of intuition

Several years ago, one of the pilgrims came to the sacred Mount Athos and made a sensational recording. On the recording you can hear nothing less than the singing of Angels. Scientists decided to find out the authenticity of the recording. Imagine their surprise when the recording contained a voice that definitely did not belong to a person. The singing was without breaths throughout the entire recording, which indicated the inhuman nature of the voice.

For many centuries, scientific theologians have been researching this topic and finding out whether angels really exist. But such a record can serve as clear evidence in favor of the existence of angels. It’s just that angels descended to earth to once again remind man of their existence.

Often intuition saves a person's life. Alexander Litvin speaks of intuition as a certain emotion that is present in a person’s life and helps him in certain situations. Scientists made the following experiment. All photographs in which certain strange, incomprehensible figures and objects were discovered were analyzed, and the cameras with which the photographs were taken were also taken for examination. Imagine the surprise of the scientists when all the cameras were found to be working and taking normal high-quality photographs. It turns out that the photographs are genuine and that something actually appears on them.

Alexey Pokhabov speaks about people and Angels as energies. Angels are special energy channels that help people.

Our descendants believed in Angels and that every person has his own guardian angel. Angels are bright beings who come to this world to save people from any mortal danger. Ancient texts say that at birth each person is given a special mentor who protects him throughout his life.

Children, like no one else, have a connection with angels. Children can see Angels, communicate with them in their dreams, and feel them. A study by British scientists reports that many children did not tell adults about communicating with an angel.

The following case can be a clear confirmation of this. One day, a little girl Anya told her mother Olga that she had two angels, and all people usually have one. Mom did not attach any significance to this message and thought only about the child’s childhood fantasy. But in the future, her opinion about this changed dramatically.

In April 2010 Anya still didn’t want to go home and went rollerblading. The mother noticed how her child fell on the asphalt and at that moment this frame seemed frozen in time. Anya fell and seriously injured her arm. The woman was shocked by what she saw.

It is usually difficult to find any help. But this time, out of nowhere, a young guy came to the rescue. He quickly found a car, the driver of which was also a young guy. Within a matter of minutes, these two guys took the girl to the hospital, where she was quickly treated. When the girl opened her eyes, she asked where the two angels had gone. Mom asked who the girl was talking about, but immediately remembered the young guys, of whom there was no trace.

But after some time, the girl was still overtaken by death. She drowned in a river on a children's beach. Why then didn’t her guardian angels save her from death? The answer is simple - if a person is destined to die, then he will die, despite everything.

Alexander Litvin says that in his experience in the army there are many cases where a person could have suffered a lot of injuries incompatible with life. But despite everything, the man survived. And another could simply be scratched, receive minor damage and die from it. It turns out that if a person is destined to die, then he will certainly go to the next world.

But what if children go to the next world? What happens next? Many people believe that after death, children become angels and protect loved ones from the other world. Children have a pure soul, not yet stained or darkened by human sins. Therefore, pure souls protect people. In addition, there is a lot of evidence when, in a moment of danger, the image of a dead child appears before one’s eyes.

The following very interesting story happened to actress Yana Poplavskaya. Yana has a son, Klim, and one day the woman had a strange dream about him. The mother saw her son next to the broken BMW. The car was all mangled, there was no living space on it. The son lay lifeless.

This was the morning dream of Yana, who at that time was at home with her little son. After waking up, Yana began calling her husband, as he and his son Klim went for a ride in the car. There were no mobile phones back then and you had to call work, friends, and so on. After 5 hours of constant attempts to find her son, she received an answer from her husband. It turns out that their car was indeed smashed beyond recognition. A terrible accident occurred. And this is what happened. The father parked the car near McDonald's and went to pay for the food. The son remained in the car. No signs of trouble. Suddenly Sergei heard these words in his head: “Take the child, take the child.” He told the girl that he would come again and went to the car. The father took his son and headed to the cash register. They had not walked a few steps together when they heard a terrible roar. Another car crashed into their BMW at high speed, and the impact was so strong that the BMW flew over four cars and crashed to pieces. If Klim had remained in the car, he would not be in the world of the living now.

From that moment on, Yana Poplavskaya believes that it was a guardian angel who saved her son from death.

Alexander Litvin speaks of intuition as an ability given to us from above. In ancient times, man did not have special abilities that would help him survive. Man lived in constant danger from wild animals, hurricanes, rain, and the elements of nature. But at the same time, man as a species remained alive. Why? Because God gave man such an important ability as intuition. It was thanks to intuition that man survived.

There is also a lot of evidence that many “possible” airplane passengers were warned by someone about the danger before departure, and they handed over their tickets. Moreover, scientists have conducted statistical studies of people refusing to fly and successfully boarding a plane. It turned out that the percentage of people who refused the flight and survived as a result over the course of many years was very high and was 20% more than those who were successful. What is this strange statistic?

It turns out that before a flight, many people may experience special sensations or voices that will help them avoid boarding an ill-fated flight. For example, Darina Varlamova flew from Riga to Moscow. The student was about to get off the plane, but could not find her bag. Only some time later the bag was found - it had been mistakenly moved to another place by the flight attendant. Darina was the last passenger who remained on board the plane. She was about to leave when suddenly a voice appeared in her head and said: “Wait, don’t go out.” There was no one in the salon anymore. This voice brought the girl into a stupor, and she froze for a moment. But it was necessary to leave, and the student hurried to the exit. As she walked along the wing of the airport, a terrible explosion was heard ahead. Later, the whole world learned that there was a suicide bomber at the airport who took many lives of ordinary people to the next world.

If Darina had not hesitated, if she had left a moment earlier, she would have been lying together with dozens of dead people at the airport.

Alexander Litvin speaks about the present and the future in the sense that each person is responsible not only for himself, but also for his descendants. If in the past our descendants committed wrong actions, mistakes, did evil, then their descendants will have to answer. If you and I do good in the present, good deeds, then our descendants will have an easy life. This is such simple logic.

Each person's experience is important. All information must be recorded in a special data bank, and some force distributes it in some way. In astrology there are concepts of great and small happiness. One person can be very happy in life. The other is constantly haunted by failure.

Maxim Dubov, as always, walked along the railway tracks. It was an ordinary day and there was nothing to indicate that something bad might happen. Maxim walked with his headphones on, but clearly saw the entire situation in front of him. Suddenly someone grabbed him by the shoulder with great force and pulled him back. Maxim turned around, but there was no one there. At that same second, a train rushed by at great speed literally in front of his nose. If an invisible force had not pulled the guy back, a tragedy would have occurred.

The level of intuition depends on the experience of our ancestors. We can move incorrectly in space and, as a result, make mistakes. This is especially true among military personnel, who often change their place of residence due to their duties. Some people are happy in the north and when they move to the south they suffer and make many mistakes. Other military personnel have the opposite situation. All this says one thing: the level of intuition also depends on our location in space. Alexander Litvin spoke about this in an interview and especially emphasized that a person can receive in different ways the necessary level of useful information to get out of a dangerous situation.

- Alexander, is it true that anyone can potentially become a psychic?

I don’t position myself as a psychic and I talk about it all the time. But they probably can’t think of another word. I just have a high level of intuition. In fact, not everyone can achieve hypersensitivity. In general, approximately 80% of the population has intuition, with more women being endowed with it than men. But 20% are absolutely devoid of intuitive capabilities and live exclusively in the here and now.

- In your opinion, is a person the master of his own destiny?

We have points of multivariate events and the right to make decisions, and there are those when we cannot change the direction of movement. That is, you need to periodically catch such moments when the understanding that your future life depends on your choice is of enormous importance. In other words, I can say that at some point we exclusively control the situation and are the masters of our lives, and at some point we lose this function. And this cyclicality is expressed throughout our lives.

- What can you say about folk traditions and signs?

There is a lot of interesting things here. According to Russian tradition, during a funeral feast it is customary to give compote or jelly. Have you ever wondered why such drinks? Because their effect is similar to that of valerian - they calm. But I don’t use this, because our anxiety is always based on intuition. And the more we consume foods that reduce anxiety (and these include, for example, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, compote of these berries, chocolate, chocolate ice cream, tiramisu - in general, all derivatives of cocoa beans and all types of nuts ), the more all this reduces our anxiety. But at the same time, intuition also disappears. And we find ourselves in the “ostrich position” - i.e. the danger may remain, but we don’t feel it, don’t notice it, and we’re comfortable.

They say that if you think about illness, it will bother you. How do our psychological problems manifest themselves in illness?

In general, the basis of any disease is an energy failure. There are a huge number of microbes around us, but not every person gets sick. However, some people, when they find themselves in a situation that is unusual for themselves, still get sick.

But there are still a huge number of autoimmune diseases. This is when the body produces certain substances that conflict. The majority of diseases of this type do not have an etiology as such. Doctors shrug their shoulders and say that the cause is unknown. Autoimmune processes are precisely an internal process when a person has 2 mutually exclusive vectors in his energy. Self-destruction in this case is inherent from the very beginning. And in this situation, modern medicine has an extremely difficult time due to lack of knowledge.

- What could you say about the energy of money?

The energy of money is an interesting thing. For some, money is a degree of freedom. But there is another component in the energy of money - the energy of power. If a person has little money, his power component is quite low. And if he has a lot of money, then it is high. Believe me, the most terrible test is the test of power. And money provokes this test. In addition, money seriously increases the level of anxiety, since it is always the object of someone's hunt. But when they tell me that a person who never had any special means suddenly had a lot of money, and because of this his tower was blown away, I answer - nothing like that! It’s just that money has one more property - to act as a spotlight. That is, the man did not have a flashlight, no one saw his dark side. He got a flashlight - everyone could see what he really was like. When there is money, there is a desire to exercise power. Few of those people who earn good money and have achieved serious success do not strive for power. From the point of view of the average person, a person strives for power in order to save money. In fact, no, for him the end in itself is power, not money.

- Things also have energy. Are there any things that should not be given?

It's all individual. We all like things that strengthen us. And if we are given some unbalanced thing, of course, it will cause discomfort. As for, say, flowers, I never give flowers and never take them as a gift.

Alexander Litvin is the winner of season 6 of the battle of psychics, but does not consider himself a psychic, but considers himself a person with a developed sense of intuition.

He was on air today on Mayak, I only caught the air a little in the car, but because... I was interested, then I listened to the recording of the broadcast at home, and in the process I decided to take short notes, which I will share with you here:

Everyone has intuition, but it is never 100%, but its level can be increased.

Intuition is mega important because... this is the ability to “be in the right place at the right time”, the ability to choose the right people in life (wife/husband/partners), etc.. i.e. it greatly influences life and, in general, the safety of our livelihoods.

Enemies of intuition:
Something that reduces anxiety levels.
Weapons and other methods of defense.
Chocolate, Beans, cheese, etc.
A lot of alcohol.
Countries like Egypt and mountains, where there is an increased level of gravity and level of aggression.
In general, place of residence affects intuition, but it affects everyone differently.
Any overheating (sun, bath).
Intuition works on the “blue” spectrum... this is not very clear to me, but I think then the blue color should be an ally of intuition))

Friends of intuition:
Anxiety is the sister of intuition.
Cold, and therefore people born in autumn and winter initially have a more developed level of intuition.
Ordinary worldly knowledge helps in intuition, because... help to correctly formulate questions to which answers need to be found. And questions need to be asked to the universe, which understands us literally, and therefore the formulation of the question is very important.
For some reason, in his opinion, fish and seafood are very important to eat.

Children always have good intuition, but with age it decreases due to social norms, fashion and dogma. Women have more developed intuition (they are more defenseless).

If a person himself achieves success in his field, then we can already say that he most likely has good intuition.

Universal advice from Litvin for everyone:

1) Each person has his own clear cycle of successful and unsuccessful periods, and if you take a calendar and record them by typing statistics, you can predict future periods, because everything repeats according to a certain pattern that needs to be found. Everything is cyclical. A good time is like your energetic rain is falling, and like it or not, you will “get wet”, and it is during these periods that you need to take on important things.

2) You need to listen to the “signs”. Each person in life has his own signs that repeat. If you pay attention to them, these signs will help in the future.

3) In good periods of life (when there is a lot of energy) you need to model your life.. dream, etc..

4) Other people can be very helpful in increasing internal energy, or vice versa.

5) At about 12 years old, the child becomes “himself” (independent), and at this moment it is very important to ask him “What does he need?” (starting from ways of arranging a home, ending with who he wants to become), etc. Children have good intuition, so you need to listen to his wishes. And we need to raise children by saying that not everything is so simple in this life, and intuition is not a fictitious quality, as we were raised.

6) Other people’s assessment of us can lower or increase the level of intuition, so we need to treat each other kinder) And in general, we influence each other to a greater extent than we think, and therefore it is important what kind of people surround us.

7) Listen to yourself.

It was interesting to talk about how he looks for people, i.e. what exactly he represents and says to himself.

If anyone is interested, you can listen to it here.

Alexander Litvin, the winner of the sixth season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” told us about female energy and the laws of the Universe, and also shared the secret of how to dream correctly so that all wishes come true.

Alexander, in your interviews you often talk about the signs that surround us. How to learn to read and understand them? Can everyone learn this?

Every person by nature has a “sixth sense”: there are no people completely devoid of intuition. If you pay attention to this innate ability from childhood: to think, feel, analyze, remember, then you can soon achieve significant results. You can, of course, not do this: anyway, by a certain age, with the accumulation of life experience, a person one way or another begins to listen to his inner instinct and follow his intuition - the only question is how much productive time will be lost by this moment.

To preserve within yourself what was originally given to you by nature, it is enough to be attentive and observant. Notice what time of day, what days are especially rich in luck and fortune for you. Remember which years were favorable and which were not. Based on these observations, guided only by an inquisitive mind, you can independently create your own chart of ups and downs.

A person is like a flower: just as a flower blooms only at the time prescribed by nature itself, so a person “blooms” in strictly defined periods of his life. It is unwise to go against nature, demand roses to bloom in mid-January and look for tropical forests above the Arctic Circle.

You also talked about the special feminine energy. Tell us what it is and how it differs from men's?

Indeed, the energy of men and women has different mechanisms of action and goals that differ from each other. The man’s goal is to defeat his opponent and seize territory, the woman’s goal is to retain and develop new possessions. But sometimes nature plays with our bodies, putting the character of the conqueror into the female shell and vice versa.

Does this mean you support transgender people?

No, I believe that there is no need to “reshape” bodies. I once managed to talk to a person who, due to an oversight of nature, felt that he was not in his body, but I did not feel the energy of the opposite sex in him! Therefore, I am against a total change in physiology: such people need work at the energy level. After all, the basis of everything is the harmony of partnership: a person’s partnership with himself, with his inner world, with the people around him and, finally, with the whole Universe. When harmony is disturbed, an imbalance of the masculine and feminine principles occurs.

How to develop and reveal the feminine principle in yourself?

Women with feminine energy do not need to do anything for this - everything is already inherent in nature, but for women with masculine energy I can give certain advice. Female energy is intuitive, so first of all you need to listen more to yourself, to your heart and to your instincts. Simple everyday recommendations are to “disguise” the inner man: wear dresses of feminine, soft silhouettes, give up trousers, exclude military-style clothes from your wardrobe, with spikes, stripes, and elements of a military uniform. In the modern world, with its noticeable bias towards patriarchy, a woman with masculine energy has a hard time.

How do you feel about the patriarchal structure of society?

Of course, all people should be equal in their rights and opportunities, but it cannot be denied that men and women are completely different creatures in their energy. And the imbalance of female and male energy in our world is a destructive phenomenon, and on a planetary scale.

Are the so-called evil eye and damage also a consequence of energy imbalance?

The evil eye and damage are everyday, colloquial names for the same phenomenon, namely the poor functioning of intuition. Most of our troubles are due to the fact that we voice our plans ahead of time. Boasting the skin of an unkilled bear, we experience such emotions as if we had already got what we wanted. And emotions have great power, and the Universe perceives the voiced desire as having already come true, depriving it of a real chance of fulfillment. Dream is wonderful; visualize – it’s useful; but do not talk about what you have planned as if it has already been fulfilled!

It turns out that by boasting about something we haven’t done yet, we have jinxed ourselves?


Does this also apply to the notorious crown of celibacy?

In relationships with the opposite sex, inviolable cosmic laws apply. So, a child cannot be born to two random people; its appearance on this Earth was predetermined. And if his parents disagree, and even with the words: “Where were my eyes! It’s like they put rose-colored glasses on me!”, then this may well mean that the meeting of these men and women was needed precisely for the emergence of a new human being. And sometimes the energy of this new person is so strong that it “displaces” the mother or father from the family.

Have we understood correctly that the meaning of creating a family is the birth of a child?

From an evolutionary point of view, yes.

How do you feel about childfree people - people who can, but deliberately do not want to have children?

These are people with a broken program. They doom themselves to the role of an extra, “fifth wheel in the cart.” But this does not mean at all that the whole meaning of our life comes down exclusively to childbearing. Of course, there are those who simply follow the path of Darwin - God will be their judge. But, as I have already said, man is part of nature, part of the general world order, and he must also fulfill his cosmic task on the planet.

Imagine that all of us, all of humanity, are members of the crew of a complex ship called “Earth”. Now each of us is locked in his own compartment, isolated from the rest. And to steer this ship, we must work as a team, each member of which is critical. How to contribute to governance?

Use “navigation maps” - that system of signs of the universe with which we began the conversation. Participate in the balance of feminine and masculine energy on the planet. Do not succumb to the provocations of society, which is trying to reshape us and turn us from a born mason into an economist, from a doctor from God into a lawyer, do the work for which you are destined - to be in your place in the macrocosm system.