Is it possible to gain weight from boiled potatoes? Do potatoes make you fat?

Many women who stick to a diet know that there are some foods that help get rid of excess weight. But as for foods that can quickly make you feel better, there are many times more of them.

Is it possible to gain weight from bread, cereals, bananas, potatoes, rolls, milk, seeds, apples, honey? Do vitamins make you fat?

If you ask yourself what foods make you fat, it will be quite difficult to solve. After all, gaining extra pounds is quite possible even when eating vegetables in large quantities. And although some women believe that the more they eat, the faster they will gain weight, in reality this is not entirely true. There are foods that, even in small doses, will lead to the appearance of excess fat cells.

Do porridges make you fat?

In fact, porridge is a cereal product that has a positive effect not only on the internal organs of a person, but even on his appearance. Therefore, asking the question of whether porridge makes people fat is not entirely correct. If you eat them every day, it is quite natural that this will negatively affect your weight. As studies have shown, you cannot gain weight from almost any type of cereal, but only if you consume this product in moderation. You can gain excess weight from porridge if it contains additional food products: butter, milk, nuts, sugar.

The basis of any porridge is cereal, which is quickly absorbed by the body. This product contains fiber, vitamins, and amino acids. Since it does not contain animal fats, if you eat it at the right time, and in reasonable doses, then, according to nutritionists, it is simply impossible to gain weight from it.

IMPORTANT: regarding the diet for weight loss, you must be careful with semolina porridge. It can only be used to cleanse the body. There have been no recorded cases of weight loss from semolina, which means that you can gain weight from it.

Does honey make you fat?

As for the question of whether honey makes you fat, it is quite difficult to answer it unequivocally. The thing is that this product is able to stimulate appetite, and this already helps a person gain excess weight faster. And although nutritionists advise using honey instead of sugar to lose weight, it should also be used with caution. After all, this is a high-calorie product that contains glucose and fructose, which are quickly absorbed by the body.

These monosaccharides can easily be deposited in the subcutaneous tissue in the form of fat. It is enough to compare the caloric content of honey and sugar and everything will become clear.
Sugar - 388 kcal per 100 g.
Honey - 305 kcal per 100 g.
Therefore, if you consume honey in large quantities, you can quickly gain weight.

IMPORTANT: one teaspoon contains from 8 to 10 g of honey. In order not to gain weight from this product, you can eat no more than 12 of these spoons per day.

Does bread make you fat?

The human body cannot do without bread, so it must be present in the daily menu. This is a high-calorie product, especially when it comes to bread made from wheat flour. The question: does bread make you fat can only be answered accurately if you know what kind of flour it is made from. It should be borne in mind that not only the type of bread plays a role, but also its quantity.

White bread contains a lot of excess carbohydrates and fats. Most experts agree that each person's daily diet should include at least 150 g of bread, but not more than 250 g. Its amount depends on the type of flour from which it is made. In order not to gain weight, it is best to give preference to rye bread, for which wholemeal flour was used.

IMPORTANT: since most people eat bread every day, you should look at the label before purchasing it. You need to choose only one that contains a large amount of iodine. This bread contains a lot of useful substances, but very little fat and carbohydrates.

Do seeds make you fat?

Many women love to husk seeds. Apparently, they don't know that they contain quite a lot of calories. And this applies to any seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, cedar. If we take the most common sunflower seeds, then depending on their variety, 100 g contains from 520 to 610 kcal. Is it a lot or a little? It's safe to say that the same amount of calories is contained in a full meal. And since few people perceive seeds as an ordinary food, it is not surprising that this leads to obesity.

So the question of whether seeds make you fat can be answered in the affirmative. Therefore, those women who watch their figure need to be careful with them. But the problem can only arise if the dosage is incorrect. In fact, this product contains a lot of useful substances, so you shouldn’t completely deny yourself the pleasure of eating seeds. You just need to tell yourself “stop” in time. So you can afford 50 g per day (that’s about 300 kcal).

IMPORTANT: the seeds will do more good than harm if they are not fried, but simply dried in the oven.

Do apples make you fat?

Apples are one of the low-calorie foods. This means that when asked: do apples make you fat, you can definitely say “no”. It is almost impossible to gain excess weight from them, since depending on the variety, one apple contains approximately 80 to 100 kcal. Apples help cleanse the blood while removing cholesterol from the body. You can even say that they will make you lose weight faster than gain weight.

But you can still get better from apples, but only if they are used in pies and cakes. That is, if they come in the form of candied fruits. Today, there are quite a few apple diets for weight loss. Therefore, if anyone wants to gain weight on apples, then they can be consumed more often as a dessert.

IMPORTANT: In order not to worry about the appearance of extra pounds at a time, it is better not to eat more than 1 apple.

Does milk make you fat?

If you can lose weight faster from apples than gain weight, then the question of whether milk makes you fat is more difficult to answer. After all, both milk itself and various dairy products belong to the category of products from which you can both lose weight and gain weight. It all depends on the form in which the milk is used for food, what percentage of fat it has, and also what kind of processing it is subjected to.

The fat found in milk is one of the most beneficial for the human body. It is easily digestible and has no calories. But it all depends on the fat content of the milk; if it contains high fat content, then it is quite natural that this will lead to excess weight. 2 liters of such milk contain up to 1000 kcal. Therefore, if it is fatty, there should be less of it in the diet, and if it is low-fat, then you can safely drink several glasses every day.

IMPORTANT: nutritionists advise people who have an excessively thin figure to drink more milk every day.

Do bananas make you fat?

People who watch their figure often wonder if bananas make them fat, as this tropical product has an attractive power. This fruit is very rich in carbohydrates, so just eat a couple of bananas and you will feel full. And although it contains a lot of fructose, sucrose and glucose, all these carbohydrates “burn out” very quickly in the body.

But it is impossible to say with 100% certainty that bananas will not make you gain weight. Experts still have differing opinions, as some believe that glucose, contained in large quantities in this fruit, is deposited in subcutaneous fat. And others say it does no harm to the body. There are 86 kcal per 100 g of bananas, which is not a very large number.

IMPORTANT: It is still not recommended to eat bananas at night, as this can make you recover faster.

Do vitamins make you fat?

When a person takes complex supplements, it is quite significant that the question arises: do vitamins make you fat and which ones exactly? Indeed, there are many facts that people gained excess weight while taking vitamins. But in fact, they are not the cause of subcutaneous fat. The thing is that when taking them, a person may develop an appetite and improve the absorption of food. And if at the same time he moves little, he will quickly gain additional weight.

IMPORTANT: But at the same time, when the body lacks vitamins, this also leads to troubles. This leads to the fact that a person begins to unconsciously look into the refrigerator more often and eat more food.

At the same time, energy and calories are not consumed quickly. So extra pounds appear, which you then have to lose. So we can definitely say that it is not vitamins that make a person fat, but their action in the body.
There are some vitamins that directly contribute to weight gain. These are such as keratin, zinc, thiamine.

Do rolls make you fat?

In reality, answering correctly the question of whether rolls make you fat is not so easy. If you look at the Japanese who love this food, we can say that it is unlikely that you will gain excess weight from it. But this is only if the rolls are prepared correctly and traditional ingredients are used.

But today, many sushi bars add fatty fish, mayonnaise, and avocado to their rolls. There is also more salt present than expected. So it turns out that you can gain weight on rolls. Rice is also a dietary product, but it undergoes processing, as a result of which many useful substances are lost - fiber, minerals, vitamins. So we can say that it’s difficult to get better from traditional rolls prepared according to a Japanese recipe and using only traditional ingredients. But only if you use them in moderation. A standard roll contains about 300 kcal, the same as 3 slices of bread.

IMPORTANT: A couple of diet rolls will not affect your figure. But you shouldn't consume a whole portion.

Do potatoes make you fat?

The question of whether potatoes make you fat is not posed quite correctly. Because you need to clarify what kind of potato it is: boiled, fried, baked. As for boiled food, it is much more difficult to recover from it than from fried food. After all, you need to fry it in oil, so it is this that leads to the fact that a person can quickly recover. As for boiled meat, nutritionists even offer several weight loss diets based on this product. And especially if the potatoes are boiled in their jackets.

IMPORTANT: You can find out which potatoes can help you recover faster from the following comparison. A packet of potato chips contains 300 calories and 15 grams of fat. And a couple of baked potatoes have only 160 calories and less than 1 g of fat.

As a result, we can say the following: you can gain weight from almost any food if you use them in moderation and at the wrong time. It is for this reason that it is undesirable to even eat large amounts of fruit before bed. There are some foods that even in small doses will lead to excess weight (for example, buns), and there are also those that you can eat more of every day without fear of gaining weight. But everything should be in moderation, even vitamins.

Video: foods that make you fat

“You can’t eat a lot of potatoes, otherwise you can quickly gain weight” - you’ve probably heard this. But is this true? Can you get better from potatoes? Are potatoes really so harmful and can they interfere?

In fact, there is not a single product that can make you gain weight. The problem is consuming too much food.

Potatoes are low in calories

70 calories per 100 grams of potatoes is relatively low. This is less than, for example, bananas.

Healthy tubers are only discredited because many of the most popular cooking methods are quite high in fat content. This applies, for example, to chips, fried potatoes or fat accumulations such as french fries.

Additionally, potatoes contain an ingredient that sets many alarm bells ringing: starch. Its name alone evokes associations with obesity. Starch is a carbohydrate and is not as fattening as other macronutrients. But as long as it is enjoyed within healthy limits.

Macronutrients, by the way, are the three main nutrients in our food: carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Don't be afraid of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates, as you know, are less dangerous for the figure in terms of grams than fats. Why? Yes, just a gram of carbohydrates provides about 4 kilocalories, while the same gram, but of fat, contains as many as 9 kilocalories, supplying twice as much energy.

If you chew potatoes for a very long time, a sweetish taste appears in your mouth. This happens because starch (not immediately, but after a certain time) is broken down into smaller sugar molecules.

The more starch there is in potatoes, the more mealy the tubers are. But this is unlikely to have any effect on the calorie content. Different varieties of potatoes differ in that some of them are better suited for different dishes.

Flour varieties boil well and are suitable for porridges, casseroles or soups. Harder varieties are best used for making fried dishes, potato salad or boiled potatoes.

Better jacket potatoes

Particularly beneficial for health and for maintaining a slim figure are unpeeled boiled potatoes or steamed root vegetables. But before eating, you must definitely peel the peel due to the toxic solanine content. You should also pay attention to the green spots on the tubers - places where toxic solanine accumulates.

Don't be afraid to eat healthy potatoes. But don’t get carried away with it, eat in reasonable quantities.

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how delicious the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can’t stop and are frantically swallowing piece after piece.

    Our environment influences us - that's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight and couldn’t”, “but we’ll still remain fat”, “there must be a lot of good people.” Well, even if there are “a lot” of them, what do you have to do with it?

    Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of unhealthy foods should be. And then you too will become graceful - it’s only a matter of time.

    To reduce the likelihood of overeating, follow the “10 calm spoons” rule. It says: “Eat the first ten spoonfuls very slowly, as slowly as you can.”

Delicious fried potatoes with mushrooms, french fries, mashed chicken - who among us doesn’t love all these dishes? Naturally, we then pay for such love with extra centimeters on our waist. Not eating potatoes at all is not an option, because it has long been proven that it is impossible to lose weight without eating your favorite foods. Even with intense training and a strict diet, weight will come off very slowly or stay the same.

Is it possible to eat potatoes while losing weight?

Before you understand how potatoes affect your figure, you need to find out what hidden threats the root vegetable poses.


First of all, we need to talk about the dangers of solanine. This is a rather toxic substance, which is contained in sprouted and greened tubers. The poison also accumulates during long-term storage or if potatoes are stored in direct sunlight.

Poor-quality root vegetables can cause severe poisoning and undermine not only the diet program, but also health in general.

Rule 1 Losing weight is cleansing the body. Therefore, be careful when choosing tubers. Don't pollute yourself with poison.

Calorie supplement

For those who want to quickly lose weight, familiar potato dishes should become prohibited. But if you eat boiled or baked potatoes without any additional ingredients, then maybe not everything is so bad?

Maybe, but do we really stop at dishes made from one product? We need meat, chicken, sausage... When preparing chops or cutlets, what are we used to using as a side dish? That's right - potatoes. With such a diet, it’s not like losing weight, even maintaining a stable weight is out of the question.

Rule 2 Potatoes in their pure form are very healthy. But combining it with high-calorie dishes is a strict taboo.

Benefits of potatoes

This is where the myth comes from that potatoes are harmful for those losing weight. If you eat boiled potatoes about 2-3 times a week, then such a product in your diet will even be useful. Many restaurants in Europe and the USA offer a side dish of boiled potatoes even with meat, since modern chefs have heard about research indicating the exceptional benefits of the root vegetable.

After all, it contains a lot of useful elements:

  1. vitamin C
  2. B vitamins
  3. potassium salts
  4. selenium
  5. magnesium
  6. calcium
  7. chromium and many other useful substances

Rule 3 Safe dosage - no more than 3 times a week, 100 g.

High glycemic index and calorie content

But if potatoes are so healthy, then why was it previously the enemy of all nutritionists and trainers?

First of all, everything is connected with the high GI, which is almost equal to the GI of sugar. Therefore, during a diet or another weight loss, those who completely give up sweets, but at the same time do not deprive themselves of the pleasure of dining on potatoes or pasta, do not see any results.

For example, in mashed potatoes it is 90 units, and in chips – 80; in regular boiled potatoes these figures are 65 units.

Raw tubers have the lowest glycemic index, but they are rarely used. Unless you are into oriental cuisine, where raw potatoes are used in salads, after scalding them with boiling water for a softer texture.

As for calorie content, 100 g of potatoes, raw and boiled, contains 80-82 kcal. Those who are fond of fried potatoes should know that the calorie content increases to 192 kcal, and in chips this figure reaches almost 300 kcal.

Rule 4 During the diet, forget about fried potatoes, chips and french fries. Only boiled or baked root vegetables are allowed.

How to eat potatoes and not gain weight?

Many modern nutritionists are not against potato meals, but at the same time they warn that you can only treat yourself to delicious baked or boiled potatoes at lunchtime. The fact is that in the evening carbohydrates are absorbed much worse, which means extra centimeters on the sides and extra pounds on the scales.

It is advisable to have time to eat potatoes before 16-00, while in one meal you can eat about 80-90 g of this product.

Also don't forget that:

  • You should never keep peeled potatoes in water for a long time - there they will lose all their beneficial properties.
  • Also, you should not put the potatoes in cold water before cooking; it is better to put the prepared potatoes in already boiling water.
  • When buying potatoes, pay attention to the size of the tubers. They shouldn't be too large. It is better to choose medium-sized potatoes - they are healthier and full of nutrients.
  • Also, root vegetables should have thick and smooth skin. There should be no sprouts or green parts on the tubers (don't forget about solanine).
  • White potatoes contain the least starch, while yellow potatoes contain the most starch. This should also be taken into account when choosing a product.

Rule 5 Forget about “potatoes for dinner.” Only for breakfast or lunch.

How to cook diet potatoes?

Diet potatoes? No, we haven't heard. This is how most people for whom diet is the meaning of life would answer.

And no matter how strange it may sound, potatoes can really be dietary. If it is cooked correctly, of course.

Mikhail Gavrilov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, who is one of the employees of the Institute of Functional Medicine in the USA, spoke about this in detail.

According to his research, in potatoes, as in any other similar products, starch can be present in two forms.

These are regular degradable starch, which breaks down in the small intestine and increases blood sugar levels, and resistant starch, which is broken down in the large intestine and is resistant to various enzymes in our body. It is this starch that we need to consume along with potatoes.

Found in raw potatoes, but once we boil them, the starch becomes broken down. And when cooled, the potatoes again become rich in resistant starch. Therefore, to prepare a dietary dish, you need to drain the water and wait until the potatoes cool down with the lid closed.

Rule 6 Refrigerate potatoes - to convert resistant starch.

What foods do potatoes go with?

If you do not take into account the rules of proper and separate nutrition, then the best choice may be milk or low-fat cream, in which half-raw potato tubers are boiled.

The combination of potatoes and meat is a favorite for each of us. But, unfortunately, this is the most unhealthy option.

It is better to cook boiled potatoes with baked lean fish, and if you cook the root vegetable with mushrooms, they will impart their aroma and unique taste to it.

Additional ingredients for potatoes can be used:

  1. zucchini
  2. white cabbage
  3. greenery
  4. eggplant
  5. tomatoes
  6. Bell pepper

Naturally, any salads from fresh vegetables, stews and sautés are all acceptable combinations for simultaneous consumption with potatoes.

Rule 7 If you want to diversify the dish a little, complement it with an original vegetable salad or delicious fish cutlets.

If you don’t forget about the simple rules of proper nutrition, you can enjoy your favorite potatoes and not gain weight. And most importantly, food should be a pleasure, and not detrimental to your figure!

    Nutritionists say an unequivocal yes. One of the reasons is starch, which is naturally present in the product. Next, we should note the cooking method, because frying uses additional high-calorie ingredients. And combining potatoes with other products is not always beneficial in terms of diet.

    You can get fat from everything, when you eat too much, when your metabolism is slow and sluggish.

    If everything is fine with you, then you won’t eat a lot of potatoes and won’t gain weight.

    But, for those who are on a diet, counting calories:

    Boiled potatoes 80 kcal

    Fried potatoes 198 kcal

    Young potatoes 57 kcal.

    You see that boiled potatoes are a low-calorie product and are quite Can be used on a low-calorie diet.

    There are people who have only diets and their figure in their heads - so they can’t do anything at all. They have a mess in their heads that makes them fat. Previously, marbled meat was praised and everyone called it the best product. Now they have found ka-ku in nm and it has become the most harmful. The same thing happens with potatoes and other products. All for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is what costs more. And it has nothing to do with correctness. Over the course of his existence, a person makes fewer and fewer movements and, accordingly, will gain weight from any food eaten. Harm does not come from something (unless it is contraindicated for health reasons), but comes from how and in what quantity it is used. If you assimilate and process what you eat per day, then eat it to your health.

    My personal experience does not confirm this fact. I gained weight in the army on cereals and bread, and then at home on homemade grub, where the basis was more fruits and vegetables, incl. potatoes - lost weight (back to normal). And I was very surprised when one of my friends said that potatoes were poisonous. Why poison? Because it makes you fat.

    It seems to me that the following is happening here. When they get burned, then they blow on cold water. Those. already overweight people, looking for their harmful product, included potatoes there, just in case. It contains starch. Yes, starch is obtained from potatoes, but it is an artificial product, which, like highly refined flour, sugar, and sweetener substitutes in sweet waters, contributes to obesity. Regarding the latter, my experience confirms this.

    Starch is similar to sugar. But sugar is quickly absorbed (it dissolves immediately). Due to prolonged processing, starch suppresses the feeling of hunger for a longer time, and this is why potatoes can be useful. But on the other hand, for people with health problems, it is still better to unload their gastrointestinal tract, i.e. limit your potato consumption.

    Any fried food is harmful. A burnt product is definitely harmful, as is sunflower oil and butter. They oxidize when fried. They say that olive oil is famous for the fact that it hardly oxidizes. But due to the fact that it is more expensive, I think few people use it for frying.

    It is a very common belief that eating potatoes can make you fat quickly.

    As it turned out, this is not entirely true. Potatoes themselves are not very high in calories; 100 grams of potatoes contain only 90 kcal. This is not a lot; bananas have more calories.

    In addition, it has now been discovered that the starch contained in potatoes speeds up metabolism and helps our digestion.

    So, they get fat not from the potatoes themselves, but from the various gravies that are poured over the potatoes. And when frying, the calorie content of the dish is added to sunflower or butter, fat, and lard.

    Hence the conclusion is this: you need to lean on boiled or baked potatoes in foil. But it’s better to limit fried potatoes and French fries.

    No, potatoes don’t make you fat. It all depends on how you cook the potatoes. If you are a fan of fried potatoes, then eating them daily will add extra pounds to your diet, since they are usually cooked in lard or vegetable oil, which is very, very high in calories.

    But baked potatoes in their skins are the healthiest - only about 10% of the original amount of potassium is lost, whereas when boiling it is about 50-60%. And there are more vitamins and minerals in baked potatoes than in fried or boiled ones. Calories on average tuber no more than 25-30.

    But this applies to new potatoes. However, over time, the poison solanine accumulates in the tubers, so in winter a large layer of peel should be removed.

    It is also not recommended for people with diabetes or obesity to consume potatoes, as they have a high glycemic index, which causes an increase in blood sugar.

    I have been eating potatoes with caution for many years now. At the same time, I like its flavor in the first dish, but I don’t eat it myself.

    And it would hardly survive such a monster as fried potatoes.

    The whole problem is the starch that potatoes contain. When I think about what the influx of starch will do to my fatness, I immediately stop craving potatoes.

    They get fat from almost anything if they eat it in incredible quantities at night and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Again, potatoes vary. For example, fried potatoes will 100% contribute to excess weight, but boiled potatoes in moderation have never harmed anyone.

    Personally, I don’t get better from potatoes. I use it almost every day for cooking. I love fried potatoes very much, but I know for sure that in 100 gr. Such potatoes have about 300-odd calories. And especially when frying, it absorbs a huge amount of oil, which will hit our liver.

    French fries are especially high in calories (100 grams - 400 calories).

    And if you are counting calories and are afraid of gaining weight from potatoes, then it is better to boil them, bake them, or the most wonderful option - jacket potatoes.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

“Oh, potatoes, potatoes! What honor do you have? If there were no potatoes, there would be nothing to eat!” - a well-known expression that we have heard more than once from the lips of our grandparents.

And in fact, this amazing vegetable has taken up most of the pages of any book about healthy food. Humanity is so accustomed to living with potatoes that it is impossible to exclude them from the diet. All around you can hear fried, boiled, stewed, baked, fried, peasant-style, mashed potatoes and so on ad infinitum.

Potatoes are a healthy product. Mainly used in medicine, cooking, etc. Rich in a huge amount of vitamins (C, B, B2, B6, PP, K, E), carotene, iodine, starch, folic acid, carotene and iron.

Useful properties include:

  • removes excess water from the body and promotes the breakdown of salts;
  • during heat treatment, retains 80% of nutrients and vitamins;
  • due to the large amount of potassium, it is recommended to be consumed by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases;
  • high calorie content, due to the fact that the composition contains a high content of carbohydrates;
  • useful for people suffering from high acidity.

Despite all the beneficial properties, it is very high in calories: 77 calories per 100 grams of product. Two factors have been identified why people gain weight from potatoes.

Let's consider.

Fried French fries, which are cooked using a considerable amount of sunflower oil. Fried foods are very rich in free fats and carbohydrates, which together are very well absorbed by the body. Depending on the presence of animal fat, complete or minimal absorption occurs. With complete absorption, maximum fat deposition occurs not just under the skin, but also on the internal organs! This can cause various diseases: disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular disease, and oncological pathologies.

Excessive consumption of carbohydrates. Potato tubers are rich in carbohydrates. During the digestion process, carbohydrates entering the intestines are broken down into glucose and then into the blood, where they cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Glucose is not a complex carbohydrate that is quickly processed and releases energy for the body to function. If this energy has not been fully utilized, then all remaining glucose will be stored in fat deposits. In order to prevent this, a person should consume no more than 100 grams of this product per day. We rarely follow the norms. Basically, a serving is 300 or even 500 grams. Although 300 grams of potatoes contains 48 grams of carbohydrates, 500 grams contains 80! It is enough to eat another bun, cake or candy and the norm has been exceeded. And we will unwittingly confidently accumulate fat in the body.

Nutritionists recommend eating boiled potatoes. Boiled potatoes do not make you feel better. Basically, you can gain weight from fried potatoes. Especially if it is boiled in uniforms. There are many that are very easy to follow because of their economy and practicality. Let's give an example of one of them.


It is estimated to take 3-5 days. Lose up to 1 kg per day. Nutrition:

  • breakfast– 1 glass of skim milk;
  • dinner– mashed potatoes in water without salt (only a drop of salt is allowed);
  • dinner– 250 grams of salad (potatoes, boiled egg, seasoned with vinegar or lemon juice and a little oil).

You can use the diet only once a month and no more than 5 days.

Potatoes, as a separate product, do not cause any harm to the body if consumed correctly. You need to help your body with. He is accustomed to processing a large number of products, and storing all excess fats in reserve. In order not to gain weight from potatoes, you need to follow the norm for consuming carbohydrates and prepare the dish correctly in order to preserve maximum beneficial properties.

Video about the benefits and harms of potatoes