Why does a man cum quickly during sex? What to do if you cum quickly, what are the reasons for early ejaculation? Why does a man quickly finish with only one

For every person, no matter whether he is single or married, sex plays an important role in life.

But there are circumstances in which many women remain dissatisfied and disappointed after sexual intercourse. It's all about the partner's rapid ejaculation. So why does a man cum quickly during sex? And is this normal?

A non-standard situation is considered when ejaculation occurs earlier than after 3 minutes or even before the onset of friction. This is considered early ejaculation. In this case, you should contact a specialist for help.

Therefore, before asking this question, it is necessary to establish the reasons why ejaculation occurs prematurely.

It may be that this is the norm for a man, and his partner remains dissatisfied only because she did not have time to get pleasure. The solution may be to use other methods and methods that would satisfy both.

Physiological features of rapid male ejaculation

An examination by a specialist will help you understand this issue. As a rule, men are not inclined to visit doctors unless necessary. And premature ejaculation can often cause serious diseases. Such as:

  1. Vesiculitis – inflammation of the seminal vesicles;
  2. Prostatitis;
  3. The head of the penis has great sensitivity. This feature can be either congenital or acquired with age due to some factors;
  4. Damage to the skin of the head of the penis. Pain is felt during sexual intercourse;
  5. Diseases of the thyroid gland, which lead to a failure in the production of hormones, in particular the male hormone testosterone;
  6. Diseases of the lumbar region;
  7. Diseases of the genitourinary system, which are preceded by childhood enuresis and frequent emissions during puberty;
  8. Defects of the frenulum of the penis (too short);
  9. Long-term use of antidepressants that affect the male reproductive system.

So, we see that the reason why a man cums quickly can be caused by many physiological factors. A qualified specialist can determine the true problem using ultrasound and hormone tests.

Psychological factors

If it is established that there are no problems at the physiological level, then the causes of premature ejaculation should be sought in psychological characteristics. It could be:

  1. Lack of intimate experience in communicating with a girl and worries about this. This applies to guys who are just starting their sex life. As you gain self-confidence, the problems will pass, if this was the only reason;
  2. Previously, there were cases of rapid ejaculation. The man is afraid of the situation repeating itself. People of the “suspicious-anxious psychotype” are susceptible to this. A psychologist or sex therapist can help with this problem;
  3. A man often resorts to self-satisfaction. Over time, he ceases to need intimacy with a woman. During sexual intercourse, a man can come very quickly, even without the participation of his partner;
  4. The desire to have sex has disappeared, sexual intercourse has become uninteresting and the man strives to quickly fulfill his “duty”;
  5. Exposure to prolonged stressful situations, nervousness and irritability, inability to relax even next to a loved one. As a result, discharge occurs very quickly and against the desire of the man;
  6. The sight of a naked woman makes a man extremely excited, then a premature orgasm occurs;
  7. Precedence of a long absence of intimate contact with women;
  8. Sexual intercourse takes place in extreme or unfavorable conditions. A man’s desire to complete this as quickly as possible leads to premature ejaculation.

These are situations where there is tension associated with the expectation of the arrival of strangers or distracting sounds.

To avoid this, you need to prepare for intimacy in advance, try to ensure complete privacy, silence and comfort.

Women who are worried about this should perhaps think about their behavior during intimacy: is there rudeness, ridicule, or inflated demands on their part that spoil a man’s mood and lead to self-doubt.

It is important that the partner is sufficiently excited, then she too can quickly achieve orgasm. Often both partners are to blame for a man's early ejaculation.

How to solve the problem of rapid onset of orgasm

The problem of rapid ejaculation in men can be solved. With the help of medications, you can prolong the time of orgasm. They contribute to the accumulation of the hormone serotonin in the body, which is called “”.

In most cases, men who often cum prematurely have problems with penile erection.

In this case, medicine offers combined-action drugs that not only prolong the time of sexual intercourse, but also increase the muscle tone of the penis.

Often, men who cum quickly may develop problems with potency. Drugs such as And "Dapoxetine" found to be effective in treating this problem. With their help, you can not only relieve feelings of anxiety and tension, but also prolong the pleasure of intimacy and increase erection.

After quality sex, a man’s body needs some time to recover. This drug significantly reduces this time, and intimate meetings can take place more often. Thus, there are many reasons for premature ejaculation, but they can be avoided.

Help from specialists in the field of physiological and psychological problems will restore self-confidence and enable both partners to enjoy sex.

In fact, rapid ejaculation is the norm laid down by nature, and not a deviation from it. Here the matter is different: for some, 10 minutes is enough, for others, even two hours is not enough. So, every woman approaches sex with her own standards, sometimes canceling out all the efforts of a man in bed with the stamp “insolvent.” Why is this happening? What causes premature ejaculation?

15 reasons why guys cum faster than girls

No. 1: prolonged absence of sexual intercourse

If a guy hasn’t had sex for a long time, then be sure to expect quick ejaculation. And it doesn’t matter who he is - a macho male or an ordinary man. All the same, sex will last much less than always, and he will come, regardless of whether he has satisfied you fully or partially. It's like starting your sex life almost from scratch.

No. 2: partner overstimulated

Hot things don't always get what they want: due to overly flamboyant behavior in bed, too active position, excessive sexual frankness. Therefore, if you are a fan of riding your lover in a cowgirl position, do not rely on long “exercises,” since in this case the guy has almost no control over either the situation or himself, surrendering to the mercy of the warlike “Amazon.” So he ends much earlier than he expected.

No. 3: the girl “there” is very hot

The guys themselves give this reason. Sometimes the temperature difference between the outside and the inside sets the tone for sex, causing rapid ejaculation. The speed of friction adds spice, since the force of friction depends on the number of movements. They cause a powerful flow of blood, which activates all processes in this area and it becomes unbearable for a man to hold back ejaculation.

No. 4: the girl herself is too overexcited

In this case, a psychological tandem works. It is this that leads to a situation where a man and a woman are both excited at the same time - and quite strongly, immediately to the peak of passion. In this position, the guy is guided by the girl’s acute reaction and cums much earlier than planned.

No. 5: why wait?

A similar question arises among rather selfish people who do not want to be distracted by their partner and consider her almost a doll from a sex shop. If such an attitude arises, you need to think about changing your partner, since it is possible that the guy does not love you and is simply using you.

No. 6: no sexual experience

For the beginning of sexual activity, this situation is quite typical. She is not talking about a lack of feelings for a girl, but only about a lack of skills that will come later, along with practice. Therefore, you don’t have to worry at all about the fact that they don’t have touching feelings for you. Here everything is the other way around.

No. 7: presence of diseases

Some illnesses cause a man to ejaculate involuntarily earlier than intended. And this is not his fault: the reason is diseases. A similar reaction can be provoked by: diabetes, any lesions of the prostate, testicular-pituitary-hypothalamic disorders responsible for hormonal regulation, erectile dysfunction, chronic depression with the withdrawal of antidepressants, renal failure, Parkinson's disease.

#8: Masturbation

Masturbation, practiced today not only in the forced absence of a woman (rotational work, long voyages at sea, confinement, etc.), also becomes a cause of premature ejaculation. A man who is accustomed to the pattern of “getting aroused - cumming” transfers it to normal sex. An organism trained to react this way is not capable of long-term sex.

#9: virgin

For the majority of these young people, their first sexual intercourse does not last long - it is intense and takes very little time. So if your boyfriend reacts this way to sex with you, you can be sure: you are his first and he is faithful to you, which deserves not only love, but also respect. In order to learn not to respond so violently to intimacy, men should... develop and learn, master techniques for prolonging intercourse, and apply techniques for not cumming for a long time.

No. 10: an echo of primitiveness

At the dawn of mankind, the population living in a tribe had to do everything quickly, including having sex: one or two - and it was over. There was no time for a long time: most of the time was spent on obtaining food for the same women and children. It was also necessary to build and protect housing, protect against enemies, animals, etc. This genetic “inheritance” is felt by some modern representatives of the stronger sex.

#11: Excessive fatigue

Regardless of the type (physical, emotional, psychological), it still negatively affects the duration of sexual intercourse and forces guys to ejaculate quickly. Therefore, if your lover ended sex this way, you should treat him more leniently, because continuous intimate fun, on the contrary, may indicate that he often tumbles with someone in bed, and does not work hard at work.

#12: Super sensitive penis head

In this case, the physiological structure of the male genital organ is to blame for rapid ejaculation. However, the problem can be solved - it is enough to master special techniques for prolonging sexual intercourse.

No. 13: weakened pelvic floor muscles

Here, too, the key reason is an anatomical feature, or more precisely, dysfunction that has appeared over the years or due to excessive physical exertion. Most often, this muscle group sags due to age-related changes, organ prolapse and loss of physiological reserves of the body.

No. 14: psychological factors

These include: doubt in one’s own capabilities, fear of ending quickly, lack of time for intimate relations, fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, fear that a girl may become pregnant, strong arousal from a partner or a tense relationship with her, fear of being caught, caught hot, a feeling of guilt, the development of an incorrect stereotype about having sex, the obsessive thought that sexual intercourse is vicious, immoral, dirty, etc.

No. 15: misunderstanding that a girl needs to please

It’s possible that your boyfriend simply doesn’t think: you should feel good too. He probably thinks: “She only feels good because I penetrated her and made a couple of movements back and forth.” Such a person should simply explain everything, because ignorance of a girl’s physiology does not eliminate the need to bring her to the peak of voluptuousness and maintain it for as long as possible.

What should you not use to prolong sex?

Most often they talk about how to prolong sexual intercourse and last a long time. But they are silent about what cannot be used in this regard. Let's fill the gap. So, prohibited methods, means and techniques include:

  • various devices in the form of rings, elastic bands and the like (because of them, physiological functions gradually weaken; the reason is the effect on blood vessels);
    antidepressants (can lead to irreversible stress and sometimes severe dependence);
  • alcohol (drinking alcohol also hooks you, which is why a guy can only have sex with you “in pairs,” which is fraught with weak-minded and deformed offspring);
    drugs (similar to the previous point, but with even more dangerous health consequences).

According to WHO statistics, about 40% of men come quickly during sexual intercourse, that is, they suffer from premature ejaculation. Why is this happening? The reason may lie in the psychological state of the man, or in a serious illness, the treatment of which cannot be delayed.

What is considered a quick finish?

Women and men have misconceptions about how long sex lasts. A lot of porn movies show super alpha males who can go for hours without cumming and enjoy coitus without breaks or much effort. Because of this, women have inflated demands on their partners, and men have low self-esteem.

The normal duration of sexual intercourse is considered to be 5-10 minutes from insertion of the penis into the vagina until ejaculation. If the frictional stage does not exceed 2-3 minutes and the man cums, this can be called rapid ejaculation.

Why do men have quick orgasms?

There are many reasons for rapid ejaculation in men; they will be discussed below. However, there are one-time cases that are quite easy to neutralize:

  • Nervous tension;
  • Physical fatigue;
  • Irritability;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Wrong daily routine;
  • Unhealthy food;
  • Smoking;
  • Alcohol.

In youth, sex lasts longer than for guys at 22 years old. This is due to the fact that puberty has not yet reached the final stage. Then, for 3-7 years, the sensitivity of the head of the penis increases, but after 26 years it gradually decreases, and accordingly, the period of time before ejaculation increases.

Physiological reasons

After an examination by an andrologist, the man will be sent to undergo tests for infections and pathologies. Additional examinations may be required.

The physiological reasons that a man cums quickly include:

  • Congenital hypersensitivity of the head of the penis;
  • Diseases of organs located in the pelvic area;
  • Problems with serotonin production;
  • Diseases and injuries associated with disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses between the pelvic organs and the brain (injuries of the pelvic bones and spine, intervertebral hernias, renal failure, polyneuritis, scoliosis, etc.);
  • Reaction to medications, surgical interventions;
  • Imbalance of hormones and vitamins.

Psychological reasons

If everything is fine with your husband from a medical point of view, perhaps the reason lies in his psychological state:

  • Overexcitement;
  • Stressful conditions;
  • Long absence of sex;
  • First sexual experience or new partner;
  • Fear of screwing up after previous failures;
  • Lack of self-control;
  • Indifference to the partner;
  • Frequent masturbation - a conditioned reflex is formed;
  • Problems at work or in the family.

What should a man do to avoid cumming quickly?

If overall everything is fine with the body, you can try “home” methods:

  • Put on a special condom with an anesthetic;
  • During sex, think about something extraneous or unpleasant;
  • Do special exercises for greater control of the pubococcygeus muscle;
  • Before sex, indulge in masturbation once;
  • Reduce the rate of friction to reduce excitement;
  • Eat right, exercise;
  • Do breathing exercises, meditate;
  • Getting circumcised is a controversial practice. The duration increases, but can affect the quality of sex on both sides.

You should not squeeze the penis under the head or pull back the testicles before cumming. This can lead to prostatitis and retrograde ejaculation.

How to help a man not cum too quickly?

What you definitely shouldn’t do is reproach your beloved, and, even more so, mock and humiliate. Men are very vulnerable when the topic concerns their manhood. If this is neglected, he may suffer severe psychological trauma and the question “Why does my husband cum so quickly?” will worry you for a very long time.

To help a woman help her husband or boyfriend, you can try the following:

  • Have sex more often.
  • After the first time, when he finished quickly, go for a second round, which will most likely turn out to be more productive.
  • Keep a steady pace. It is most convenient to do this in the cowgirl position.
  • Before sex, masturbate and get aroused yourself.

Treatment for premature ejaculation

Rapid ejaculation may be a sign of serious illness that requires immediate treatment. If the reason is psychological, a man develops anxiety and constant stress, which can lead to chronic prostatitis and complete erectile dysfunction.

Drug treatment

First of all, these are anesthetic gels and lubricants, condoms, special drugs for prolonging sexual intercourse, alpha-blockers, antidepressants, hormone-containing drugs, immunomodulators and sedatives. The drugs are prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient.


This is the fastest way to influence the situation. Although there are risks associated with infections and long recovery processes that are inherent in any surgical intervention.

  • Temporary denervation of the penis. Several nerve trunks intersect in the head. Because of this, sensitivity almost completely disappears and takes a long time to recover, and the duration of sexual intercourse increases up to 8-10 times. Sensitivity is gradually restored, but the habit of long sex remains.
  • Penile prosthetics. Special implants are installed in place of the corpus cavernosum of the penis. After surgery, you can have sex for an unlimited amount of time. This is the final stage of treatment, so if the outcome of the operation is unsuccessful, alternative methods will not help. According to statistics, more than 95% of patients restore erectile function.

Exercises and techniques

Intimate muscles can also be trained. They directly affect potency, allow you to control the duration of sex and the man does not cum so quickly.

Kegel exercises

In order for the husband not to cum for a long time, and the wife, on the contrary, to speed up, both need to train the pubococcygeus muscle. To feel it, you need to stop the process of urination. Another way is to try springing your penis during an erection.

Having understood which muscle needs to be trained, you can begin the exercises:

  1. You should start with dynamic contraction and relaxation of the muscle 15 times twice a day. Gradually increase the load up to 50 contractions and relaxations at a time.
  2. After 2 weeks of daily training, return to 15 contractions at a time, but now you need to hold the muscle tension for 3 seconds and only then relax it. While performing, try to feel the muscle work as much as possible.
  3. After 2 weeks, return to step 1, but with more cuts. Static and dynamic training should be alternated.

You and your husband will get tangible results after just a month and a half of daily training. A huge plus is that they can be carried out at any time, anywhere.

“STOP-START” technique

The point is that before he cums, the guy must stop until the excitement subsides. The technique is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. You need to hold out 3 times for 15 minutes. Masturbating, the man almost reaches the peak. Then, a second before ejaculation, he stops. After some time it continues until the next peak, then stops again. So you need to masturbate for 15 minutes without cumming. Then, having finished, you need to repeat these 15 minutes again. So in total you get 45 minutes of active masturbation with three ejaculations.
  2. When the previous stage is mastered, you can move on to complication: add lubricants and other auxiliary products to the process.
  3. Now you can ask your partner to jerk off, stopping her before ejaculation. The rest is the same.
  4. Finally, practice during sex. You need to stop before the peak of pleasure. At this time, you can continue to caress your partner so that she does not cool down while waiting.

Each stage indicates the degree of complexity of execution, and not a strict sequence of actions.

Pinching the penis and retracting the testicles

It is worth saying a few words about pinching the base of the head of the penis before cumming. This is an effective method of increasing the duration of sexual intercourse, but not harmless. Sperm stagnation may form in the pelvis, which can lead to inflammatory processes.

The same applies to testicular retraction. When a guy is excited, they rise, and if they are pulled back at a crucial moment, ejaculation will be delayed. Instead of pulling the scrotum with your hand, it is better for a man to learn to consciously relax these muscles.

Breathing practices

Before cumming, you need to exhale air through your mouth in short bursts using your abdominal muscles. Then a deep breath is taken and pranayama is repeated. This will weaken the blood supply to the genitals and the desire to complete sexual intercourse will be delayed for some time.

Needless to say, it is better to do such exercises with a regular partner and only with her consent.

Folk remedies

Herbal decoctions are drunk to consolidate and increase the effectiveness of the main treatment. You cannot miss another appointment until the course is over. Between courses you need a break from a couple of weeks to 1-2 months.

Suitable herbs: lovage root, hop cones, motherwort, hoofed grass root, periwinkle, lavender, lemon balm, woodruff, elecampane, etc.

Peppermint juice is suitable for topical use - you can rub it on the penis. However, not all girls may like the feeling of freshness in the vagina, but this will help a man cum less quickly.

Oils of caraway, geranium, ylang-ylang, bergamot, clove, jasmine, ginger, cinnamon, juniper, neroli, rose, etc. are suitable for aromatherapy. You need to add 5-6 drops of oil (or several oils) to the aroma lamp for every 15 square meters of room and dilute them with a small amount of warm water. The concentration can be determined experimentally, starting with small doses and working up to the optimal result.

As you can see, the problem can be solved if you do something about it. An integrated approach will help you establish sexual relationships as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The quality and quantity of sexual intercourse largely depends on a man’s workload at work, as well as on problems, nervous stress and the internal atmosphere at home. The active rhythm of life and the need to be on time everywhere and always drains male strength completely and reduces libido in the evening.

Often, in order to gain energy for the next day, a man spends a lot of time in front of the TV or computer games, eats up his fatigue with chips or fatty, high-calorie foods, seeks relaxation in alcohol, and in the end falls asleep, postponing the satisfaction of sexual needs for “next time.” Frequent procrastination “for later” has its impact. After all, a healthy man is ready for new intercourse after 15-20 minutes, but a woman needs time to accumulate desire. For harmony in relationships, sexual acts should be stable 3-4 times a week. Abstinence threatens to result in reproaches, increased irritability and malfunction of the sex glands.

What is the real reason for too rapid ejaculation has not been a secret for a long time. Main factors:

  • Long-term sexual abstinence due to lack of a partner or for another reason. As soon as a woman appears, strong overexcitation occurs, the result is rapid ejaculation;
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. If you drink alcohol constantly, you can end up with more serious problems. Experienced alcoholics cannot bring their penis into an excited state, not to mention the speed of sexual intercourse;
  • Inability to disconnect from problems in the process, a tense state, an overly violent partner or an extremely sensitive head of the penis;
  • Excessive masturbation in adolescence, hormonal imbalances, erotic fantasies in place and without. The brain gets fed up with pictures in the head, excitement accumulates, and then the bomb effect goes off;
  • Fear of making a mistake, not meeting expectations in bed;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, HIV infections;
  • Problems with the spine;
  • Long-term use of potent drugs or medications;
  • Age-related changes. Over the years, a man loses his ardor and needs additional stimulation.

Often all of these factors can be present in one person at once. An understanding woman should help her partner, because a lot depends on proper support and unity of souls. Sometimes the reason for rapid ejaculations is the partner herself: perhaps the vagina is designed in such a way that it does not allow you to slow down at the right moment. There are special exercises - vumbilding, which are aimed at training the vaginal muscles, with the help of which you can control the process of sexual intercourse and relax or tense at the right time.

How to prolong sexual intercourse

The main mistake is silence. You shouldn’t pretend that everything is fine and wait for the problem to solve itself. Talk to the man carefully, but you should not hint every day that he is insolvent. Perhaps it's all about different temperaments.

If you think about it, sex exists in order to produce conception, and not for sexual pleasures alone, as is commonly believed now. Therefore, 2-3 minutes for ejaculation is the norm. To prolong the pleasure, start with foreplay, but don't overdo it. If you play too much with caresses, then during penetration you should not wait for a long process - the penis will simply burst from tension. Try using condoms or special stimulating lubricants. The protective shell or ointments perform an inhibitory function and dull the severity of sensations. The more often the intimate relationship, the longer the sexual intercourse.

Sometimes a bottle of beer plays a supporting role - hops slow down the reaction and delay the approach of orgasm. It is not recommended to constantly invigorate yourself using this method - there is a high risk of reducing potency and “earning” even bigger problems. If you feel like a happy ending is approaching, try lightly squeezing the base of your penis or pulling back on your testicles. It is better if the man does it himself. It is necessary to resort to surgical intervention - circumcision or excision of nerve columns only as a last resort. After the circumcision procedure, the sensitivity of the head decreases sharply, which, of course, gives more time, but causes inconvenience to the man. Start by changing your internal qualities: yoga will help you develop a strong will, and “detachment” at the moment of extreme excitement is achieved by training your thoughts. Feeling the approach of an imminent orgasm, think about an abstract topic.

Almost every man faces the problem of premature ejaculation. Usually, earlier ejaculation is a consequence of overexcitation and lack of regular sexual activity. Sometimes men end quickly due to organic disorders.

Due to the high prevalence of the problem, the pressing question is how to prolong sexual intercourse?

One hundred percent effect can be obtained by using drugs based on dapoxetine, ointments and condoms with anesthetics. Certain exercises, folk remedies and techniques also help well.

Why do men cum quickly?

The most common cause of premature ejaculation is overstimulation. Some men are so passionate about their chosen one that they can cum even before sexual intercourse begins.

Another common cause is prolonged sexual abstinence. Men who have regular sex life are less susceptible to premature ejaculation and impotence.

Other reasons:

  • Increased sensitivity of the glans penis.
  • Frequent masturbation. Men who regularly engage in masturbation are much more likely to suffer from premature ejaculation and congestive prostatitis.
  • Unstable psychological state.
  • Hormonal disbalance. With low testosterone levels, erections become sluggish, libido decreases, and early ejaculation often develops. There are also symptoms of feminization.
  • Unbalanced diet. Sexual disorders are more often diagnosed in men who do not consume enough selenium, zinc, protein and magnesium.
  • Phimosis.
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, urethritis.
  • Balanitis.
  • Shortening of the frenulum of the penis.
  • Fractures of the pelvic bones. Fractures of the coccygeal, sacral or lumbar vertebrae also negatively affect sexual function.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Anatomical defects of the penis.
  • Birth injuries.
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction.
  • Physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle).

Condoms with anesthetic

How can you reliably prolong sexual intercourse? Condoms with an anesthetic substance will help with this. A thin layer of benzocaine or lidocaine is applied to the inside of such condoms.

The anesthetic dulls the sensitivity of the penis, due to which a man may not cum for a long time. The disadvantage of latex products is the fact that they reduce the severity of orgasm, that is, a man receives slightly less pleasure from sex. Condoms can also cause unpleasant local sensations - itching and burning in the area of ​​the head of the penis.

  1. Do not use during oral sex.
  2. Put on with extreme caution. If the anesthetic gets on the outer part of the condom, the substance will dull the sensitivity of the clitoral receptors of the chosen one.
  3. Do not use a condom and anesthetic ointment at the same time.
  4. Do not use latex products if you are hypersensitive to anesthetic substances.

The best condoms with anesthetics are Durex Long Play and Contex Long Love.

Ointments for premature ejaculation

You can extend the time of sexual intercourse by using certain creams. They also contain anesthetic substances that dull the sensitivity of the receptors on the head of the penis.

The disadvantage of ointments is that when they are used, anesthetic substances fall on the clitoris of the chosen one. Because of this, the girl experiences a less pronounced orgasm.

The advantages of using ointments are as follows:

  • Long lasting effect. Unlike condoms, ointments last much longer. Typically the duration of the therapeutic effect is 40-60 minutes.
  • Lidocaine-based ointments do not cause side effects. The exception is when a man has increased sensitivity to the anesthetic.
  • Some lubricants contain bactericidal substances that help disinfect the genital area.
  • Low cost. On average, a tube of cream costs 200-250 rubles. Condoms will cost more. For example, a large pack of Contex Long Play condoms costs about 450-600 rubles.

After sexual intercourse, the ointments should be washed off without fail. It is not recommended to use lubricants for oral sex. When lidocaine gets into the mouth, the sensitivity of the tongue and throat receptors decreases.

Exercises and techniques for premature ejaculation

Kegel exercises are a great way to get rid of and prolong sexual intercourse. Also, this gymnastics is an excellent prevention of prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

What's the point? If you regularly do simple exercises, you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and control your ejaculation time.

Dr. Kegel recommended squeezing the perineal muscles for 5-10 seconds while urinating and stopping emptying the bladder. This manipulation should be performed daily. The doctor also recommended progressively straining and relaxing the muscles of the perineum and anus. This can be done in any position - sitting, lying, standing.

Strength exercises are a good way to cope with premature ejaculation. When working with heavy weights, almost all the muscles of the body are strengthened, including the pelvic floor muscles. In addition, strength training stimulates the synthesis of testosterone (male sex hormone).

There are also simple techniques that will allow you to prolong sexual intercourse:

  1. Suspension. This method is extremely simple. A man just needs to not think about sex. He should carry out some calculations in his head, think about work or hobbies. As practice shows, the withdrawal method allows you to prolong sexual intercourse by 20-30%.
  2. Self-hypnosis. Many men cum quickly due to overstimulation. Sex therapists recommend that during sexual intercourse you convince yourself that your chosen one has some flaws.
  3. If you feel imminent ejaculation, you should stop friction for 30-60 seconds, and then continue sexual intercourse.
  4. If a man feels that he is about to cum, he should strongly squeeze his pelvic floor muscles. This will delay the end of sex by 3-5 minutes.

Another proven method is to continue sexual intercourse immediately after the first ejaculation.

Folk remedies for premature ejaculation

Early ejaculation can be treated at home. Some plants help prolong sexual intercourse, increase libido and get rid of erectile dysfunction.

Lovage tincture helps best. The necessary ingredients are dried lovage root and alcohol. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1:15, placed in a cool, dark place for 10-15 days, then filtered. To prolong sexual intercourse, it is enough to take 15-20 drops 2 times a day.

Other folk recipes:

  • A decoction of oregano and calendula. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Mix the plants with a liter of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then strain. Take 2 teaspoons 2 times a day.
  • Periwinkle decoction. Pour 1 teaspoon of dried herb with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 40-60 minutes. Strain. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Leuzea tincture. Mix Leuzea flowers and alcohol in a ratio of 1:15. Infuse the drug in a cool, dark place for a month. Strain before use. Drink 10-15 drops 3 times a day.

Drugs to prolong sexual intercourse

Certain medications that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription help to prolong sexual intercourse as much as possible. One of the most effective is the drug Dapoxetine.

The active substance of the drug is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Dapoxetine blocks receptors in the male brain, which delays ejaculation.

The medicine should be taken occasionally, that is, only on those days when sexual intercourse is expected. According to the instructions for use, it is enough to take 60 mg (1 tablet) 40-60 minutes before sexual intercourse.

The following also help to stop earlier ejaculation:

  1. Viagra (1400-1700 rubles). The drug is generally intended for treatment, but doctors say that this PDE-5 inhibitor also helps prolong sexual intercourse. Take 50-100 mg.
  2. Super Tadalista (400-700 rubles). The tablets contain tadalafil and dapoxetine hydrochloride. Dosage – 1 tablet.
  3. Super Zhevitra (360-500 rubles). The composition includes vardenafil and dapoxetine. Daily dose – 1 tablet.
  4. Cenforce-D (600-800 rubles). The medicine contains sildenafil citrate and dapoxetine. Dosage 1-2 tablets.
  5. Super P-Force (450-600 rubles). The active ingredients are sildenafil citrate and dapoxetine hydrochloride. It is enough to take 1 tablet.

Dietary supplements can also be used to eliminate premature ejaculation. AK-45, Semental Booster and Peruvian Maca have proven themselves well.

Dietary supplements help prolong sexual intercourse and increase potency. Dietary supplements also help increase testosterone levels in the blood.