Girl's attention: how men check us. How a man tests a woman for feelings for him

How do men test women for "suitability" as spouses? What qualities are important for a future wife? How to behave to make a positive impression? Let's talk about it! Angela Kharitonova, practical psychologist.

Anna (Maria Golubkina) fell in love with a pathetic bum. And the fact that he turned out to be a wealthy Baron Paul de Russo was a pleasant addition to sincere feeling! (A frame from the film "Frenchman").

I have been dating a man for two years, I really want to marry him. But he says he needs to make sure I'm a good wife. I try to show myself both as a hostess and as a mistress. But he is in no hurry to propose. How long can you test me? Evgenia, 27 years old, Tula.

Is this a man's business - checks?

It is normal for a woman to “check” a man. It was at all times. Men, unlike women, rarely arrange checks on their chosen ones. They are more direct and specific than women. Cunning is a woman's tool. If a man is in love, he is unlikely to check his lady, most likely he will not even notice the flaws. But now there is a type of men who can not marry for a long time and constantly "test" the chosen one for the role of wife, and sometimes "test" other women in parallel. Of course, such a man in the depths of his soul does not want to get married, but wants to prolong his free state. This occurs in those whose mind prevails over the senses. Divorced men are especially prone to checks (they do not want to get burned a second time).

What are the "tests"
For the sincerity of feelings

Every man wants to be loved sincerely, just for what he is. After all, now there are many women who dream of getting married by calculation. The calculation is different (does not necessarily mean for the rich). Leave your parents, move to a nice apartment, just get a status married woman- it's all calculation. In general, everything except love.

Especially satisfied with such checks "for the sincerity of feelings" are very wealthy men who "ate the dog" on fake love. For example, he may not immediately disclose his financial situation, business, arrive in an old car, dress simply. If a woman expresses disappointment - "deuce" to her!

Advice. Be more interested in the personality of your chosen one. Ask everything about him, starting from childhood and youth - what he was, what he dreamed about, what and whom he loved most of all. What is he living now? What are his mental needs? But this should not look like empty curiosity, be sincerely interested. And ask him less about the position, money, house, car, etc. If you are interested in this question - just watch.

To hysteria

No man dreams of marrying a hysteric. Men can't stand women's tantrums. Unfortunately, hysteria sometimes comes in a "kit" with passion in bed, and then married to a hysterical passionate love have to endure it. How can a man test you for a tendency to tantrums? Do something that you obviously don't like. For example, flirting with your girlfriend, forgetting to call you, being late for a date, giving you a plush monkey instead of a long-awaited birthday ring... Sometimes these situations do not even need to be specially created, they happen by themselves. If your reaction is to scream, cry, curse, you may be labeled "hysterical." But if such situations are repeated too often, maybe this man is just selfish or does he like to torment you?

Advice. If this happens, talk about your thoughts and feelings, but calmly. Pretending that you don't care isn't worth it either.

For alcohol

One of the most popular checks: how will a lady behave under a degree? To do this, you need to get your chosen one drunk, and listen to what she says about herself, how relaxed she behaves, whether she flirts with others. Men do not like it when a woman drinks on a par with them and behaves inappropriately.

Advice. You know how alcohol affects you. If you become too liberated and your tongue is loosened, you tend to freak out, cry or make unnecessary revelations, limit yourself, even if a man persuades you very much.

On thrift

If a man sees you as future wife This topic is very important to him. To test you for housekeeping, it is enough for him to watch you. The first is to come to your home. There order, cleanliness and comfort - wonderful! The second is to invite you to my place. Will you behave like a guest all the time or will you be thrifty - cook something, wash the dishes, participate in creating comfort in his apartment?

Advice. Do not invite a man home if you have a mess. Host yourself in his house only if the man has made it clear to you that he sees you as a potential wife. If a man looks at you as a temporary option, your active desire to "be housekeeping" in his house can piss him off! He will think that you are forced on him as a wife. If you are not sure, you can ask him if he would like you to help him clean up, cook a delicious dinner in his house, etc. You can show your housekeeping in a different way - invite him to your place for pies or pancakes.

Anecdote on the topic

One man wanted to get married. He had three contenders. He decided to check them out, who would be better suited for the role of wife. He gave each of them a thousand dollars and looked who would dispose of them how. The first spent everything on herself, the second spent everything on him, the third spent part on herself and part on him. He thought, thought and married the one ... who has longer legs!

It happens in life too. Checks by checks, and your sexuality will still play one of the main roles, and often a decisive role! Don't forget about it.

By the way
How will you behave in a difficult situation?

Any man in life can experience temporary difficulties - financial losses, job loss, illness, trouble with relatives, etc. If you are aiming for future wives, a man must be sure that you can be relied upon. That you will not change your attitude towards him, you will support and help him. It is unlikely that a man will deliberately create difficulties for himself in order to test you. But he will clearly pay attention to how you behave in difficult moments of his life. Do you care when he is sick? Do you support when he is upset? Can you sacrifice your interests in some way?

Dear readers!

Do you have questions for a psychologist? Write to the editorial address: 300026, Tula-26, PO box 1431 marked "Very personal" or . Psychologist Anzhela Kharitonova will give answers to your questions, and we will publish them on the pages of the newspaper.

There are several methods for studying the qualities of the chosen one. And often girls don't even know about them.

The first and, perhaps, the most important test is a test of loyalty. The fidelity of the chosen one gives a man self-confidence. Sometimes men consciously ask their friends to look after his girlfriend. Whether a lady succumbs to the courtship of other guys depends on further relations with her companion. And, in general, men are very closely watching the communication of the chosen one with the opposite sex. The main thing in such a situation is to remain true to your choice.

An equally important criterion when choosing a companion is the intelligence of a lady. It is enough to start a conversation about the meaning of life, and immediately everything becomes clear. Is she able to keep up the conversation or instantly get bored. Important to find common topics for a conversation, otherwise communication simply does not work out.

A girl shouldn't be stupid. Indeed, in addition to the beautiful appearance of the guy, the inner world of the lady is also interested. To not be bored with a silent and uninteresting girl. The girl should not seem too smart either, because the guy next to her will feel uncomfortable. Guys are looking for moderately smart women, with an interesting inner world.

Checking for housekeeping and behavior

If a man pursues goals for a serious relationship, then he can arrange a test for the housekeeping of the chosen one. This may concern both the ability to cook deliciously, as well as her attitude to cleanliness. There is a category of men who attach great importance to cleanliness. They can specially inspect the dishes and other things in the woman's house to check for cleanliness. If the chosen one is also obsessed with cleanliness, like a man, then they will make a good couple.

A behavior check helps to understand how a girl can behave in various companies, about her addiction to bad habits (alcohol and the use of obscenities in the lexicon). This method allows a man to understand whether his chosen one is capable of behaving decently in society or he will be ashamed of her behavior.

All these methods of verification are used by young people for a reason. Most likely, this is due to past unsuccessful relationships. A man must be sure of the correctness of his choice, that he is ready to call this woman his wife.

How do men test women and what do we need to know so as not to fall for their bait?

How do men test women for extravagance?

How can you understand that a man is checking his woman for extravagance?

He can give you his card and say: “Honey, do not deny yourself anything!” And here you think that you were in a wonderful dream and here he is, a generous prince from the very good fairy tale. In fact, some guys do this on purpose to see how much you will spend his money and what exactly you will buy.

Another variant of a similar test is just a joint shopping trip. He looks the same.

How to pass this test: choose the goods that you really need, don’t save a lot (unless, of course, you plan to “pull up your belt” in the future), but don’t scatter money, and be sure to look after your missus something. He will certainly appreciate your diligence and care!

How does a man check a woman for commercialism?

Often the representatives of the stronger sex want to see if we are selfish or not. How does a man check a woman for commercialism in this case?

Let's say if he has enough good car and a lot of money, he, if a person is really confident in himself, can dress simpler and not invite him to the most luxurious restaurant. It is important for him to assess how much you "enter" the banknotes.

Or here's another option - the first date, he pours compliments, says how incredibly amazing you are and invites you to go on vacation or even promises to marry. Of course, some men do not regard this as a test at all, but simply “hang noodles” in order to get the one and only pleasure for the next evening.

If you answer with sparkling eyes that you agree to fly with him even to the ends of the world, or you are already starting to think over, and even worse, describe in detail your plans for the wedding ceremony, then be sure: men arrange such checks for women in order to understand:

  • the degree of your intelligence - perhaps you are too infantile, immature or even crazy (forgive me for being so direct), if you are ready to run after him, not knowing he is a prince (which are only in fairy tales like this - with shining eyes right on the first day of meeting ), swindler or rapist;
  • the degree of your self-interest - if he calls you to an expensive resort, and you start planning a vacation, then he becomes scared if you peck at his money, and he will conclude that at the end of the vacation you can find yourself someone richer.

How do men test women for feelings?

Do you enjoy receiving flowers for no reason? And from mysterious stranger? Could this really be a test? But how? A man checks a woman for feelings, for loyalty and sincerity, and draws conclusions based on your reaction.

Imagine the situation: when you open the door, and a courier stands in front of you with a gorgeous bouquet of magnificent flowers, who do they come from, what do you think? Exactly! Each will think to the extent of its "corruption".

If you have several admirers, then you will wonder who it could be. When there is only one man, there is no doubt. Now imagine: he sends a mysterious surprise and waits for you to tell him something about flowers. If not, he concludes that you have a whole stadium of boyfriends. And that's it: the test of allegiance is not passed. This is how a man is able to combine the pleasant - for you - with the useful - for him.

Here's another situation for you from which you will understand how men test women for feelings. He really liked you, but he is jealous, and therefore he is afraid that you, beautiful, spectacular and sexy, will start cheating on him. In most cases, this happens in men from self-doubt, but this does not prevent them from testing you for the strength of feelings.

They can even send their friend to you to flirt, flirt. Directly or through social networks. And sometimes the man himself acts as such a “boyfriend”, only from the “left” account. He strikes up a conversation, tries to flirt with you or ask you out on a date, and sees what your reaction will be.

Why do men test a woman's feelings - usually to see if they should show their cards. Because it becomes important for those who want to take the relationship to a deeper plane, but are afraid of getting burned, to make sure of the feelings of the chosen one. And perhaps the reason is in his past unsuccessful love relationships.

How do men test women for availability?

One of the most common male accessibility rapid tests is sexual blackmail…

The essence of sexual blackmail is that in one of the first days of dating, a man begins to actively offer a girl or woman to establish sexual relations using the “under pressure” method.

Sexual blackmail under pressure can be carried out in two main ways: covert (through more and more insistent kisses, hugs and strokes) and open (through frank conversation).

In this case, in order to pass the test, you must remember that we always value little what we get without much effort ... This rule is especially clearly visible in love.

He does not call: not interested or checking?

In a large percentage of cases, you must admit right away, a man does not call because he is not so interested in you and he has more important candidates. But there is a percentage of situations where a man does not call consciously. Here are the checks men arrange for women when they want to find out if you are a hysteric for an hour:

  • deliberately not calling or picking up the phone,
  • late for a meeting
  • flirting with your girlfriend
  • give a trifling present instead of jewelry.

I would like to point out right away that sometimes the situations described above are not checks, but elementary snobbery or greed. young man. And if something doesn’t suit you much, you don’t need to adapt too much to it.

Be fully armed, especially now you know how men check women.

There are enough mysterious and secret sides in a man, just like in a woman. Want to know how a man checks a woman for feelings for him.

Then today's review is for you!

Naive men do not exist

The thoughts swirling around in his head might not have enthralled a woman if she could read them. If two partners love each other, it most often follows that they should marry. Most likely, a man will begin to check his chosen one when, after a few months of communication, she admits the idea that it would be nice to wear a white dress and go down the aisle.

It is quite difficult to find a rational grain in such actions of a man.

It would seem, why bother and determine how dear you are to your passion? But you should be disappointed, since these manipulations will help not only evaluate your true feelings, but also determine the comfort of your stay together. Quite often, living in civil marriage”, the woman relaxes and becomes. But this may not happen until you pass a kind of exam that a man has prepared for you. Here are seven of the most common trials you are likely to go through.

Method one is very important.

A man is quite worried about the question of how faithful his chosen one is to him. Therefore, you will definitely undergo a serious test of loyalty. But what about love and trust between partners? This will not play a role for a man, since his decision to marry you must be strengthened by his confidence in the right choice.

Loyalty check

How will this test take place?

One obvious way would be to meet friends, after which expect the most important playboy from his circle of friends to hit you. But the most dangerous thing is hidden verification. You may be assigned a meeting somewhere in a cafe, to which a man may be late, or even not come at all.

At this time, a cute "charm" may sit down at your table with a proposal to continue acquaintance in another place and at another time. If you agree and exchange phones with a new acquaintance, then the trust of your chosen one will be lost forever. The Internet is also a great helper for men. Offers from social networks enticing, beautifully designed and, in your opinion, may be meaningless. However, the outcome of such communications is just as deplorable.

Method two, similar

Your chosen one suddenly began to worry about your past meetings with other men? Did he suddenly start asking you in detail about your previous relationships? Is this really proof of his love for you and zeal for your past?

Jealousy of a man to the past

Maybe, but it's also one of the tests you have to pass. Therefore, remember that you must choose your words carefully when talking about past hobbies. A man may assume that earlier you were too accessible, and his woman should be the personification of purity and inaccessibility. If earlier you really enjoyed success with the stronger sex, then the current chosen one does not need to know about it at all.

Men tend to constantly draw a parallel between themselves and your former boyfriends, and unmotivated outbursts of anger and aggression follow from this.

You don't need this at all. Therefore, it would be best to remember past hobbies in passing, putting the reliability and originality of your loved one in the first place, this will only strengthen his male ego.

Method three, combined

Subjecting his alleged chosen one to all sorts of checks, the man himself, without expecting it, becomes hysterical and tense. In this case, sex becomes an outlet for him. No one will argue with the statement that sexy is the ideal for most men. What are the Italians, who have a loud voice and are able to throw a grandiose scandal both in public and in private. Perhaps the very thought of following this stormy reconciliation pushes a man to rash acts.

Tolerance test

He will definitely try to make you dissatisfied with his behavior. The gift that is presented for the holiday may not be what you expected. You may be flirting with one of your best friends. You can wait for him in a cafe for too long a period of time.

The man will look forward to the subsequent after these tricks of your violent reaction.

All these actions are directed by your chosen one, and not just to check how scandalous you are, and to see what punishment you can come up with for him. Therefore, feel free to use your main weapon - sex. Try to behave wisely and do not try to refuse him, even if you hold a grudge against the gifted perfume, and not the expected gold necklace. Big Scandal unequivocally should end with a stormy reconciliation in bed. This act of yours will add pluses to you and will be appreciated by your chosen one.

Method four, financial

If a man keeps his finger on the pulse and controls your financial expenses, this does not prove his greed. Perhaps he does not like vain and useless spending. If you have his bank card in your hands and you are asked to use it, approach this from a reasonable side. This can also be one of the tests for the strength of your relationship.

Economy of a woman or test for greed

A man will most likely want to understand whether you are a rational housewife, whether you can manage your finances wisely, whether you buy food in sufficient quantities, whether you forget to please your loved one with some trifle.

It will be useful for you to remember that even for a man there are really no small things. by the most best advice in this case, he will purchase enough necessary things, but when saving, remember that you should not buy discounted goods, as they may be of poor quality. Rich men have such a feature - they can reduce their income to make sure that he himself is important to a woman, and not his money. Remember this. Send his dreams about selfless love in the right direction and respond normally to an inexpensive car, furniture, or clothing. Perhaps this is one of the checks for you, so do not fall for such an elementary trick of your loved one.

Method five, economic

If you and your chosen one each have their own living space, then sooner or later you will have to meet in a common area. You either go to visit him, or invite him to your place.

Test what kind of hostess are you

In your home, first of all, a man can pay attention to how economic you are, whether it is clean, comfortable, whether you keep the rooms in proper order. Most likely, it will not be difficult for you to present yourself at the proper level. Once in the man’s apartment, also try to offer your help in domestic matters.

Repair of the apartment, washing, ironing in this case are optional.

It will be enough to wash the dishes together after dinner. It will most likely present you with positive side and the chosen one will be satisfied.

On its territory, you can also conduct a kind of test for a man. If he does not have serious intentions for you, then your attempts to interfere in his own comfort and life will be nipped in the bud. Assuming that your relationship will not last long, the man will not allow anything to be changed in his “lair”. Therefore, in order not to goof off and not show yourself from an ugly side, it is better to clarify whether your help with the housework is really necessary for him. Do not rush to portray zeal, only women who have low self-esteem do this. Remember that you are self-sufficient, just offer your services without running around the house with a mop and a broom.

Method six, drunk

A man wants to see a worthy life partner next to him. Therefore, you most likely have to go through more and. Living together presupposes the presence of children, which means that a woman must be impeccable in many matters.

Alcohol testing

You yourself know your body, you know how predisposed you are to alcohol, the state of your health. Therefore, it will be useful to control the situation. Do not succumb to the persuasion and various attempts of a man aimed at getting you drunk. The most ideal option would be to drink half as much as he does. Only in this case you are provided with a worthy pastime and a successful evening. And your man will receive confirmation of your adequacy and calm attitude to strong alcoholic beverages.

Method seven, bonus

Another of the tests that your chosen one can offer surreptitiously is to test your mind and sense of humor. But do not rush to loudly resent vulgar anecdotes or stories that are invented by a man and do not correspond to reality. Stay straight, not aggressive.

men marry smart people

Yes, of course, they appreciate it, but too smart is another question. You should not show your superiority over a man, he will not appreciate it. Your jokes must be adequate, then the test for aikyu will be passed with success.

Let the man know that he is a really good storyteller, but you also know the measure. Rudeness and anger will not become your assistants, it is better to stay in an even mood, without emotionally elevated shades. Only in this case, it is highly likely that you will pass all the tests with dignity.


If you have become the object of a thorough check by a man, this most likely means that he intends to make you a marriage proposal in the future. Perhaps, subconsciously, a man understands that he is acting ugly, but he immediately finds hundreds of excuses in his favor. Most likely, in the past he had a sad experience of a hasty decision. Tom will be evidenced by his actions, namely how a man tests a woman for feelings for him.

And in the case of you, he will definitely want to make sure that he will have a reliable rear at home. If you feel a test, then make sure that you are ready to see so many suspicious chosen ones next to you. Only a man worthy of you can arrange so that you will never know about her. The decision to start a joint married life should be taken together by you so as not to regret the choice in the future.

“Did you ask a girl out on a date? Great, Si. Take my car and follow her. At her house, lock both doors and go up for your beauty. Then open her door, help her sit down and go to your door. And look through the rear-view glass to see how she behaves. If he bends down to help you open the door, it is good girl. If she doesn’t do this, she’s a damn selfish, leave her, Si! .. ”From the movie. "The Last Bronx Tale"

When people enter into a relationship, women willy-nilly put the chosen one to the test: is he able to endure the company of her friends during the evening, does he love children, is he not greedy, can he withstand the blows of fate? There is nothing reprehensible in this, because in order to recognize a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him. But to spend time and nerves on eating sodium chloride is sometimes oh, how reluctant, and hunting in the shortest possible time to dot all the i's and decide where to go next - together towards one goal or each in his own direction.

For this, there are mini-checks and tests to which candidates for princes on a white horse are subjected. Moreover, they begin with the first date: he came without flowers, which means he is a greedy and ill-mannered chump, with one stunted flower - greedy and pigs, with a luxurious bouquet - he is admitted to the next stage.

The most natural and at the same time outrageous is that men also test women. And they do not just draw conclusions from how the girls behaved in certain circumstances, but consciously create these circumstances. And when the woman is sure that without a second thought she helped to collect the scattered vegetables for the sweetest old woman, the granny suddenly turns out to be a mishandled Cossack and secret agent, who for good reason dropped a string bag with eggplant peppers from his hands.

Basic male checks:

“You only think about yourself!”

Photo: liber

It was not for nothing that we began the story with the phrase of the movie gangster Sunny. All men are sure that the root of evil is in female egoism. If you have this trait, you are supposed to run away at full speed, but if the chosen one is Mother Teresa, you can relax. About whether you profess the principles of "my hut is on the edge" and "my shirt is closer to the body", they find out with the help of, for example, a box of chocolates. And now let's give the floor directly to the heroes:

“I can’t stand arrogant princesses who are sure that everyone should squat around them. Therefore, on the first date, I give the girl a box of chocolates: if she treats me - “normal flight”, if she doesn’t think - goodbye ... "

“Shopping is the best controller! Before marriage, he did this - he gave the girl his credit card and offered to buy whatever your heart desires. If the beauty swept the contents from the shelves, regardless of color, style and size, you yourself understand - mademoiselle from the breed of kept women, we are not on the way. If I started to study the price tags and grumble, they say, “these boutiques have exorbitant prices” - it’s already better, but still “not a fountain”. It is commendable that she saves my money, but, firstly, it is possible that a stingy wife will grow out of a thrifty bride; secondly, it offends - it turns out that she doubts my viability. And my future (at that time) wife won the race: the first thing she went to the menswear department and chose a shirt for me.

“And in one fell swoop I lay several birds with one stone - I invite the girl to the company of friends, where the first test line is a feast. If the lady of the heart is frivolous, capricious - “I don’t eat pork, but I refused bread five years ago” - it’s already bad, she has obvious problems with respect for people, she is used to nurturing only her needs and considers herself the center of the Universe. If she laughs at the jokes of her friends, flirts, but she forgot to think about me - “madam, our meeting was a mistake.” But if he takes care of me, makes sure that the plate is not empty, puts tastier pieces and straightens the napkin - keep it up.

Well, how do you like "road checks"? In principle, nothing fatal - no one forces you to pull a scratching cat out of the fire or swim across the English Channel. But for some reason it seems that these tests have too high a percentage of error. Judge for yourself, there is such a thing as the human factor - mood, health and other little things in life. If you refused to buy at someone else's expense, you may think that you are not familiar enough, or maybe you fundamentally refuse sponsorship, while remaining a golden man. But to treat a young man with a candy from a box presented to him is a matter of good breeding, but in no way selfishness of nature. You can feed him all the chocolate, but then calmly throw it on the night track - cuckoo around a stalled car.

"Money, money, money..."

“I want to be loved just like that, not because of money and not because I am the Sultan of Brunei!” - the second most important male fad. In fact, it’s time to learn: as we are, “black”, only our mother is ready to love us, and for everyone else we have to be “white” and show weight in society. However, men continue to temporarily turn from a prince into a beggar, disguise themselves as a dervish and try their luck. In order not to overlook the millionaire, women should keep in mind what masks he can try on.

“I make a date with the girl, I promise to pick her up at the agreed time and I stop by ... on an old grandfather's Oka. If she doesn’t run away immediately, within half an hour she doesn’t come up with urgent cases, and even more so agrees to the next meetings - well, you can show her the goods in person. And there is something to show, be sure.

“And on the very first evening I offer the girl to fly with me to Bali. It doesn't matter that we only know each other for a day, are we flying or not? If she agrees, they say, I love adventures, just let's pick up my passport - most likely, she will end up in Bali with someone else. You see, if common sense and the elementary instinct of self-preservation fail her, if it is much more important for her to get to the resort at someone's expense - alas, the test is failed. What if in my place there would be a swindler or a criminal? And in general, the thought that she is ready to keep company with anyone who has money is unpleasant.

“I try to quickly find out the environment of the contender for my heart. If they are all glamorous fifas, who have all the conversations “who is on what, what for how much” - most likely, the girl is also a materialist. So far, unfortunately, there have been no errors.

In principle, checking for the disinterestedness of girlish intentions is no longer a novelty, and the method is not revolutionary. And King Solomon wandered through the vineyards like a simple farmer, and the French kings sat in taverns under the guise of grimy wanderers. The desire to win love precisely with one's crystal soul, and not with hard cash, is, of course, understandable. But where to go from the eternal "meet by clothes"?

“And I will be faithful to him for a century ...”

It is not enough for the chosen one to knock out tears of tenderness with her caring and disinterestedness, this treasure must also be devoted. In matters of fidelity, almost all men are Shakespeare's Moors of Othello. And all the young ladies turn out to be Desdemons... After monitoring the revelations of the stronger sex about the tests for devotion, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that there are few equals to them in terms of cynicism and meanness...

“I send a bouquet of flowers to my chosen one with a note “This is for you!”, But I don’t sign my name. If he doesn’t thank me and even tell me about the gift, then I have at least one rival.”

“Once my girlfriend went away, and I was left alone with her cell. At this time, a message came from her friend: “Hi, what are you doing?” He typed back: "I'm cheating on Max." Immediately arrived: "And with whom?" Me: "Think about it." And thunder boomed: “With Anton?” When my beauty returned, he said: “Good luck with Anton” - and left ... "

“In my youth, Andryukha was handsome in our company. His services were used by everyone who doubted the loyalty of the new passion. It happened like this: Andrei was informed about the movements of the girl, he arrived at the right place and began to seduce. If the young lady agreed to make an acquaintance and continue the evening alone with the "indicator" - you yourself understand. If Andryukha received a turn from the gate, the girl was included in the category of trustworthy. I can only say that when all the boys once found their only ones, no one dared to check them with Andryukha's charms. It was terrible to be disappointed."

The last interviewee confirmed the old truth: love is blind. And if there are doubts about the satellite, as well as the desire to test it on a lie detector, there is no talk of a real feeling. But if a “crash-boom-bang” happened and butterflies flutter in the stomach, it doesn’t matter that the chosen one did not thank for the bouquet sent. Maybe she just lost her memory and speech from joy.

"Don't you understand jokes?"

In the final, we open the page of the most ridiculous checks. The consolation is that the results of these tests characterize not a lady, but rather who suits them.

“I always check every girl for jealousy. In her presence, I flirt with not very pretty girls. If she is offended and leaves, then she is jealous and will restrict my freedom. And I don't need this kind of schedule. You say if she would flirt with my friends? Well, I wouldn’t like it, but don’t confuse me – I’m a man, polygamy is normal.”

“I invite the chosen one to a restaurant, make a chic order and enjoy the evening. And when the waiter brings the bill, I leave under an innocent pretext. From a secluded corner I observe how the girl behaves, because time passes, I'm not there, but I have to pay. It happens that the girls pay themselves - naturally, I immediately return the amount to them. If the poor thing is already ready to burst into tears, I appear, apologize and say that I played her. Alas, no one reacted adequately, everyone called me an idiot.

“And I arrange a test for a sense of humor. In a crowded place, I loudly say to my chosen one: “No, we will not go to you, otherwise you will attack me and rape me.” And look at the reaction. Most blush, call you a jerk, and leave. But one came out of the situation with honor, just as loudly answering: "I swear, I will not encroach on you until you are cured of lichen." True, this was our last meeting ... "

If a girl fails such an exam, she can rejoice - the gentleman discovered not her, but his own inadequacy, and without any effort from the female side. And thank God that the relationship did not go far.

There are no universal ways to draw global conclusions from a single act of a person. No wonder they say: to find out the truth, you need to live life with a person. And those who have survived a divorce even gloomily claim that in order for the true nature of the second half to manifest itself, you need to go through the dissolution of the marriage.

But you know what's interesting? There is a very accurate saying: “When she gets married, a woman hopes to change her man; when marrying, a man hopes that his chosen one will remain the same. The number of marriages and, alas, divorces suggests that people decide to be or not to be together, regardless of a box of chocolates eaten in one person or the absence of flowers on a first date. So we live, “we check, they check us ...” Sometimes it even coincides.

Photo: Vincent Boiteau
Author: Inna Delova