The guy asks strange questions. What questions can a guy ask: about relationships. Questions about the personal.

People recognize each other in the process of communication, which is the most important way to build harmonious relationships (friendships, love, kindred, workers). Often, many problems between people arise because they do not know each other well enough or they have formed a wrong idea about a partner, friend, beloved guy. Representatives of the fair sex often think about what questions a guy can ask to get to know him better. After all, correctly selected questions can show all the most important and valuable in a person, reveal many of his innermost secrets, reveal his soul. Various unpleasant consequences can be avoided if you communicate with the guy correctly. This is especially important when a girl thinks about a serious relationship.

The difference is how we use them. Each of us is responsible for the world that we create ourselves. The world that we experience is a product of our own perception, it is our own creation. Where does my body end and start creating, Hakim? Changing our beliefs, our views, changing experiences and changing the world around us. In our essence, there are no real borders and borders, we are not separated from the world around us. When we learn internal forces, we act on external forces.

He grinned from ear to ear. “Do you see what opportunities are opening up, Hakim?” This is a force that we can control. Now listen carefully, ”he said, looking at him. A thought combined with feelings is a powerful force and possesses tremendous energy. This is bad famous secret authorities. What we think about is to draw energy from our attention and become important in our lives. If we divert our attention from something, it loses its strength and meaning. Now you understand how we create our own world - by changing our perceptions through our own consciousness.

Why ask a guy

People are often not the ones they diligently pretend to be. Someone hides true feelings, intentions, thoughts, afraid to show themselves to the present, considering this a too risky step. Such behavior is the result of serious psychological injuries that prevent a person from fully communicating with people, expressing thoughts, ideas, emotions. Such people are usually self-contained and hide true feelings. But you can find an approach to them in the process of communication. Having picked up the right key to the heart, showing the guy that he has nothing to fear, you can reveal the whole Universe in him, which he carefully hid in himself.

We draw attention to the fact that we focus on scarcity or abundance, power or poverty. Attention is important, but aspiration and action are also needed. You need to know what you want and be prepared to work to achieve it. Harassment is magic, but in order to start, everything is needed. My son did not understand this principle. He is lazy and does not want much.

Attraction, attention, and action are at the core of the desire-satisfying mechanism. Apply this knowledge, and all that you want will be yours. The master smiled again. I have known you for a long time, Hakim. You, like other boys of your age, want freedom, want strength, want luxury that can only be bought with money. You can own it all, Hakim. All that he would like is even more.

Someone is hiding himself and his inner worldpursuing their own, far from noble goals. Such a person can hurt, betray, turn his back at the most exciting moment in life. That is why it is so important to get to know a guy in time as best as possible. And correctly formed questions of various nature will help in this.

Now think carefully and understand your favorite hobby. Each has a special purpose, special talent or gift that gives others. Your duty is to find out what it is. Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with your talent is your gift to God.

I guess my boy. You must believe in your dreams and pursue them with love in your heart. Love is the key to the magical and mysterious. When you love, your dreams will find you. But first you must believe in love and magic. Otherwise, you are attached to the world of mediocrity and dullness. This is the devil of existence, my child.

Do not be afraid to ask a guy, be interested in his life, tastes, attitudes, habits. It is best to learn about all the "pitfalls" before you tie the knot with a person or become attached to him. People are revealed in unusual situations, when the mind loses control over behavior for a while. Bold, interesting questions will also help to reveal the guy.

The truly lucky ones do what they love the most, but at the same time they serve others. Darkness lurks around every corner, always trying to seduce you. But do not connect power and wealth only with ranks and money. Truly rich can only make you a joy to give your gift to others. You really will become strong when your heart is full of love - love for your true nature, God and all living and nonliving things, love for life itself.

This sage was with you all the time, next to you. The old man patted Hakim on the shoulder. You always refuse to understand this, but there is no fault in you. Wisdom does not come from one source. Everything, as long as you love him, will whisper secrets to you. Seek wisdom in your heart, my child. If you believe in miracles, you become a miracle worker. We do not need trophies to prove that we are worthy.

The guy can be asked general questions that will initially form the correct picture of him. Below is a list that will be useful to every girl who wants to get to know the guy better.

  1. How do you imagine the future? Where will you be after 10-15 years? What will you do? What to do? How to look?
  2. What is the main task in your life?
  3. Which book is your favorite? Which writer do you like most and why?
  4. With what 3 adjectives would you describe yourself?
  5. List 3 of your weaknesses?
  6. What moment or period in your life influenced you and how did you change after that?
  7. What are your decisions that negatively impacted your life?
  8. What kind of people do you dislike? Who doesn’t like you and why?
  9. What are your life goals? What do you expect from the future?
  10. What does the phrase “no smoke without fire” mean?
  11. Tell me about your idol, the man whom you sincerely admire and respect?
  12. What is most important to you in life?
  13. What would you like to ask me?
  14. Tell me about your attitude to politics?
  15. Which movie do you remember most and why?
  16. If you had the opportunity to make 5 wishes that will certainly come true, what would you make a wish?
  17. What song do you like to listen alone? What songs make you happy? What kind of music do you like more?
  18. What is your favorite pastime? What do you like to do in your free time?
  19. Which do you prefer - watch a movie or read a book?
  20. Do you like to dance? Did you go to dance clubs in your childhood?
  21. Which celebrity would you like to meet?
  22. If you had the opportunity to travel in time, what time would you be in and what would you do?

The relationship will be clarified by thoughtful, tricky questions regarding different areas  of life. They will show the masculine nature and reveal the inner world of the guy. Questions to the guy with the catch are good because they require maximum concentration and instantly reveal the slightest insincerity. In addition, such an interesting and useful pastime will bring new feelings and sensations to the relationship, diversify them. Many cool, interesting questions from the list can be asked during communication on social networks.

There’s enough fish for them, ”the old man replied. We just need to know how to pray for her properly. First, we sow the seeds of our desire in the fertile ocean, then we believe in our desire and expect the ocean to carry. He pointed to the huge dark blue front in front of them.

There is only one force that creates everything. The universe is an extension of itself. Silence helps me hear the words of my heart. The road with the greatest power is the path of love. - passionate love  to life and compassion, love for everything and everyone.

Her snake has a deadly poison that can kill you for a moment. This poison, Hakim, is like the greed, envy and anger of people. You cannot stop the snake from biting, but you can not bite it. When the snake pulled the snake out of the bag and did her a dance, she knew how to deal with it. The snake will not bite if it does not feel threatened. People are the same, Hakim, but more unpredictable. We all hide deadly poison. Hapem, when we are afraid, amazed others with his thoughts and actions. We must be afraid of fear. We cannot control the fear of others, but we can escape their poison and shake our own fears.

  1. Do you like hugging people? In what cases do you do this and how often?
  2. Who should take a leading position in the relationship between a man and a woman and why?
  3. What would you like to do if you suddenly find yourself in female body  or became invisible?
  4. If a fire occurs in a house, what is the first thing you will take out of there?
  5. Are you having difficulty communicating with the opposite sex?
  6. If you suddenly had the opportunity to commit a crime for which you would not have to pay, what crime would you commit?
  7. What is more important in a man: mind or beauty?
  8. Who would you like to send to a psychiatric hospital?
  9. What do you value more in a girl: external data or internal beauty?
  10. How many times a week should people swim?
  11. How often do I need to change my underwear?
  12. You can calmly relate to a person who smells from his mouth, dirty clothes? Is it worth talking to him about this?
  13. Will you endure belching or gas?

Difficult financial issues

It is important to know in advance the attitude of men to finances. This topic becomes particularly relevant during marriage or cohabitation. After all, often many problems in families arise financially. To avoid them, you need to learn about how the guy distributes funds, spends them and earns. This information  will tell a lot about the essence of a loved one.

He watched and watched the world unfold around him. He wrote this play, playing it, directing it. He was a priest singing prayers in a corner, and a thief next to him. He was both a father and a son sitting next to him. He was also a snake, snake, poison and healing ointment. It was a mountain covered in purple light. It was the moon and luminous stars, a green rice field and the red sands of the desert. At that moment, when he completely lost himself, Hakim discovered his essence.

Do not mark your problem as urgent

You must be logged in as a user for comments. Please register if you do not already have an account. This is your problem, not ours. Most hackers will delete a message such as a selfish attempt to avoid special attention.

  1. Should there be a general cashier in the family, or does each spouse personally keep the money earned at home and independently manage it?
  2. If a woman wants to purchase any thing (household appliances, dishes, clothes), should she get the approval of her husband? Does she own the money that she managed to save?
  3. Does a wife need to report to her husband after going to the store?
  4. Who should be registered in real estate, buying in marriage?
  5. Could you entrust me your finances?
  6. If you had large amount  money, how would you spend it?
  7. Is there a need for marriage to honestly say the amount of money earned?
  8. How do you feel about husbands giving salaries to wives?
  9. Should a husband have a personal, secret piggy bank or should all funds be invested in a family?

Questions about bosses, friendships and careers

There is an exception: if you solve your problem in any important place that hackers will be interested in; In that case, if you are really pushing your time and you are asking honestly, someone may actually respond a little faster.

However, this is far from accurate, because Interest Interest hackers are probably different from yours. Post with international orbital stationwill certainly get quick answers, but a well-thought out charity incentive will probably not. If you write Urgent: Keep bad secrets!, You can probably avoid those who consider unfortunate prints important.

Tricky questions to a guy  include those that show his attitude to work, career, colleagues and superiors. The nature of a person, his habits can be revealed by listening to how he talks about other people, speaks about them.

  1. Describe your boss. What is he like? What is your attitude to him?
  2. Do you spend a lot of time on work and friends?
  3. What are you ready to do for the good of the family? Can you leave work or reduce the number of meetings with friends?
  4. If your spouse expressed a desire to move to another city in order to get a well-paid job, what would be your reaction?
  5. How do you feel about my friends?
  6. Will you allow your wife to meet friends often or bring them home? Can you spend time with your wife and her friends?
  7. What would you choose between an evening with friends or a romantic dinner with a girl?

Relationship Questions

Provided does not hurt, and sometimes helps

If you find this strange, read this tutorial all the time until you understand it, and then just ask. Be polite: “Please”, “Thank you for your attention”, etc. take the time that is provided to you for free. In truth, courtesy is not as important as accuracy, a clear, descriptive language, avoiding closed formats, etc. hackers prefer to receive slightly razor-sharp but technically accurate messages rather than polite boards. However, if the report is technically correct, politeness will increase your chances.

Questions about love, relations are of particular interest to the fair sex. Set questions to beloved guypreferably in a pleasant, romantic atmosphere and do it unobtrusively, during the conversation. A man who has warm feelings for a woman will be happy to answer them.

  1. How do you perceive the emancipation of women?
  2. Are you ready to deceive your beloved girl if you know that your deception will never be revealed?
  3. Dancing in a nightclub with guys during your absence - is it cheating or not?
  4. If a ex girl  unexpectedly show up and offer to try again, how do you react to this?
  5. Do you think a girl should tell a guy about her past relationship?
  6. Can I read letters in the email of a loved one without his permission?
  7. Do you like my style of clothes? How should I look like you? How would you like to see me every day?
  8. Who should concede if disagreements arise?
  9. Do you want to be alone without me?
  10. How do you feel about the partner’s words that it’s better to postpone the wedding?
  11. How will you behave if your relatives forbid you to marry your girlfriend and threaten with deprivation of inheritance?
  12. Do you need to compliment your soulmate and how often should you do it?
  13. Are you jealous? How do you feel about the compliments of men to your wife?
  14. Does the girl have the right to read your correspondence in chats, sms in phones and study the list of contacts?
  15. Can you openly tell the girl what her flaws are?
  16. Are you ready to give up your religion to marry a girl?

Questions to the guy about the relationship  can be tricky, bold and even uncomfortable. They are least expected and are taken by surprise, therefore, they show the way of thinking of a loved one and his worldview.

Submit a summary of your success.

As soon as you solve the problem, send a message to everyone who helped you. Tell them how it was, and thank you. If the problem is of public interest, you should send a message to the mailing list. Your final report may be short-lived - better than nothing; Hi, after all, it was a bad cable. Finally, a brief summary is better than detailed description. Tell others exactly what helped you so you don’t repeat the problem.

For deeper questions, it’s right to send a summary of consistent efforts and corrections. Describe the solution received, as well as blind paths. Namely, thank the investigators. Finally, you will get new friends. Such a final report will provide all participants with a well-resolved problem. If you are not a technical person or a hacker, feel that this feeling is very important for the experts you ask. Problems leading to the unknown or nowhere are frustrating and itchy. If you scratch it, the good karma you get will help you in the next question.

  1. Your reaction to the news of your wife about her infertility? Will infertility hinder marriage?
  2. How do you feel about maternity leave? How long should a woman sit on parental leave?
  3. Do you think a separate vacation is right or should a husband and wife have a rest together? Are you ready to release your spouse with friends at sea?
  4. What do you think about family life  with your wife’s parents? Are you ready to see your mother-in-law every day?
  5. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman? Will you allow me to maintain friendly relations between my wife and a man?
  6. If your parents become seriously ill and cannot take care of themselves, what will you do? Hire a nurse, give it to a boarding school, or do you do it yourself?
  7. Are you ready to adopt a child if your wife expresses such a desire?
  8. If you notice that your words and behavior irritate your beloved woman, will you break off relations with her?
  9. Your reaction to the fact that someone raised a hand against your son or daughter?
  10. Should a father attend parent meetings?
  11. Being married will you refuse material assistance  to parents?
  12. What will you do if you notice that your spouse no longer wants intimacy with you?
  13. Who is dearer to you, wife, child or mother?
  14. How do you feel about prenuptial agreements? Are you ready to conclude an agreement if the bride wants?
  15. Will you call mom mother-in-law, father father?
  16. If a girl wants to leave her maiden name, how will you behave?
  17. Do you like my family? How do you feel about my parents?

If a girl thinks about what question to ask a guy, with whom she only recently started a relationship, she should pay attention to the advice of psychologists. They do not recommend at first asking tricky questions. At the beginning of a relationship, it is advisable to pick up easy, simple questions, and unusual ones should be postponed, since the reaction to them may be most unexpected. The guy may be offended, embarrassed, angry. Each person has his own temperament and character, so the reaction is purely individual. Questions for guyscommunication with which only recently began, should be general  and do not touch deeply personal, intimate topics.

Think about how you could save this problem in the future; It would be helpful to expand or modify the documentation. Send this amendment to the documentation manager. This gives a reputation for playing with others, which is a significant advantage. Often the person who answers you, the manual or the corresponding page is right in front of your eyes. Such an answer means that, in his opinion, it is very easy to find information that is much more useful for yourself than to get it from mother to saucer.

You do not need to insult him; According to the standards set between hackers, this actually shows you your respect when it does not ignore your question. If you do not understand the answers, do not write for an explanation. Use the same methods to find the answer to your original question and try to find an explanation for the answer. If you still need to ask, demonstrate again what you have learned.

You need to ask and learn new things gradually in the process of communication, avoiding complicated and controversial topics until the guy begins to trust and shows interest, the desire to learn more about the girl. If a person refused to answer a particular question, one should not categorically find out the answer to it. Psychologists recommend in such situations to postpone this topic and make a note in order to return to the discussion in the future and understand the guy’s reaction. It's important to know, what questions can you ask a guybut you also need to know how to set them correctly. Interrogation arranged by a girl can frighten off. You can ask playfully and coquettishly, without focusing attention. This will defuse the situation and help the guy relax.

For example, if you get the answer: “You probably have a surge to support your pulling power — try to crack it,” then the typical bad reaction is “What is support?” This is much better: In the manual, the manual is written only in the chapter on carbide burners, but there is nothing to crack.

What often looks like arrogance or rudeness is usually not bad. Much more, this is just a communication product that goes directly through speech - which is natural for people who are more interested in solving a problem than everyone else who feels good and pleasant.

How to ask intimate questions

Stranger or unfamiliar guy should not ask vulgar questions. In order not to be considered vulgar, you need to ask extremely carefully. Questions to the guywith whom the girl has strong, trusting relationships, will add a special charm and sensuality to the relationship.

If you get an unpleasant answer, try to stay calm. If someone is really excited, someone is likely to talk to them from the locals. If this does not happen, and you lose your nerves, it is possible that he behaves as usual in the district, and someone will talk to you. This reduces your chances of why you originally came.

On the other hand, sometimes you find undeserved and unreasonable bruising. In this case, it is possible to squeeze the web, and his grip - a sharp verbal hook. However, before you do this, be absolutely sure that you are in the law. The line between the regulation of non-Christians and the declaration of unnecessary verbal warfare is rather thin, and hackers often go beyond it. If you are a beginner or a stranger, it can be very easy for you. If you came for information, but not for entertainment, prefer a keyboard.

  1. Have you seen other people making love?
  2. Among various kinds  Sex listed those that you managed to try?
  3. What celebrity would you like to see in your bed?
  4. Do you often watch porn? When did you do it in last time?
  5. Should a man shave his hair in the intimate area? Are you doing this
  6. How do you feel about group sex?
  7. Are you excited by female breasts?
  8. Do you dream about having sex with a stranger?
  9. How do you feel about foreplay. What kind of affection do you prefer?
  10. What is your attitude to sex categorically negative?
  11. Have you had sex with a woman of easy virtue?
  12. Do you masturbate
  13. Have you ever tried narcotic substances?
  14. In what unusual places  did you have sex
  15. Do you want to sleep with a representative of your gender?
  16. Are you excited by lesbians?
  17. What position do you like most in sex?
  18. How long can you do without sex?
  19. At what age did you first make love and with whom?

Questions about Eternal Values

Questions for menmay relate to eternal values, such as love, loyalty, respect, hope, goodness, justice. They will help you find out how your loved one will behave in extreme situations, can you count on him, trust him?

  1. Can you sacrifice your life for the one you love?
  2. What is love?
  3. Is love perfect?
  4. Will you support a loved one even if you know that he is wrong?
  5. What will you do for family?
  6. What will you never forgive your beloved woman?
  7. Are there perfect people?
  8. Do you believe that every person has a soul mate?
  9. Can betrayal be forgiven?
  10. Can you trust the person who has already let you down?

Difficult questions that make you think

In addition to general questions affecting all the most interesting, a guy should ask complex questions. They will make him think and learn more about himself. They will help you to peer your beloved deep in your soul and learn the most secret thoughts.

  1. What is the most valuable thing in life for you?
  2. Tell me about your dreams?
  3. Do you want eternal life?
  4. Have you committed such an act in life that you are ashamed to recall?
  5. When was the last time you cried?
  6. Do you often lie? For what reasons do you most often cheat?
  7. Is it hard for you to experience the death of loved ones?
  8. Have you ever thought about suicide?
  9. Could you give a kidney native personif there was a need for this?
  10. Can you raise your hand on your wife?
  11. How do you feel about divorce?
  12. Do you welcome relationships from a distance?
  13. Are you afraid of death?
  14. Are you a vengeful man?
  15. Are you a believer
  16. Have you ever turned to psychics?
  17. Is it possible to give a person a second chance?
  18. What does happiness mean to you?
  19. Can one lie for good?
  20. Does a person learn from the mistakes of others?
  21. Is it better to get a high position through bed or to be poor but honest?
  22. Will you cover the child who committed the crime?

Funny uplifting questions

It’s useful to defuse the situation, add laughter to communication. Funny, crazy questions will help you do this. assigned to guys. Cool questionswill certainly be appreciated by a person with a good sense of humor.

  1. Are you taking revenge on the alarm clock that woke you up early?
  2. What color are aliens?
  3. What is the weather like?
  4. Did you go to work or somewhere in slippers?
  5. Are you talking to yourself?
  6. What tree are you?
  7. Do you like to play with bubbles on the film?
  8. Do you watch cartoons?
  9. What flower would you turn into if you could?
  10. Where do your socks usually lie?
  11. Are you talking to a car?
  12. You are mischievous?
  13. Which letter do you like the most?
  14. Do you swear at your parents?
  15. Have you ever copied other people's behavior or manners?

Many girls who want to impress their soul mate or get close to the person they like think about what an interesting question you can ask a guy.Indeed, it sometimes happens that it is difficult to maintain a conversation, find topics that can be easily developed. In such cases, communication does not cause pleasant emotions and does not last long. To avoid communication difficulties, ask interesting questions that are listed below. Interesting questions for a guymay relate to a wide variety of topics. They will help you find out which topics are pleasant and easy to discuss with a guy, which are causing him interest.

  1. What would you take with you to a desert island if you were only allowed to take 3 things?
  2. How do you communicate with your parents? Do you often visit them?
  3. Why do people like to start new business from Monday?
  4. Do you think pets understand people?
  5. Why do all wholesome foods lag behind unhealthy tastes?
  6. Does it hurt plants?
  7. Why are asphalts black and not colored?
  8. Why does the boomerang always come back?
  9. Have you served in the army?
  10. Do you like to repair something?
  11. Do you like to remember your childhood?
  12. Tell me about the movie you last watched?
  13. Do you like hiking? Did you go camping with your parents as a child?
  14. What do you not like to eat?
  15. What dessert do you order most often?
  16. How do you feel about spiders?
  17. What are your favorite wild animals?
  18. What animal would you like to reincarnate into and why?
  19. What language would you like to speak fluently?
  20. Do you believe in fortune telling?
  21. What words did you say wrong in childhood?
  22. Do you have prophetic dreams? Do you believe in dreams?
  23. Which thing, in your opinion, is indispensable?
  24. What were you afraid of as a child?
  25. How did you meet your best friend?
  26. What do you like more, mountains or the sea?

The most interesting question- this is the one that helps the guy feel relaxed and relax, open up for communication. Do not criticize the answers of a loved one, you need to respect his preferences and choices, listen with interest so that the interlocutor wants to continue the conversation. If the girl will clarify some points from the guy’s answers, thereby showing him that she shows interest in him and his words, she will be able to count on continued communication and relationships.

Simple questions

What to ask a guyto defuse the situation after an unpleasant conversation? Simple ones will help get rid of the reigned tension. , cool questions  to the guylisted below.

  1. What signs do you believe in?
  2. Who would you like to be in your next life?
  3. Are you giving your car affectionate names?
  4. What is your favorite holiday?
  5. Is a glass half empty or full?
  6. Do you like to walk?
  7. What is your attitude to alcohol?
  8. In which social network  do you spend the most time?
  9. What time of year do you like best?
  10. Where are you most often invited?
  11. Do you exercise in the morning?
  12. Do you talk with your reflection in the mirror?
  13. What kind of pet would you like to have?
  14. Would you like to star in a movie?
  15. Do you sing in the shower?
  16. Joked at school over classmates and teachers?
  17. What is your nickname?
  18. Have you ever rode a bike?
  19. What New Year's costumes did you buy as a child?
  20. Which fruit reminds you the most?
  21. What unusual strength would you like to possess?
  22. What superhero could you be?
  23. Which joke do you like best?
  24. What kind of cartoon hero could you be?

Provocative Issues

Among the most interesting questionsable to show character, surprise and make laugh, the guys especially remember those that can provoke certain actions. Provocative questions guy  leave vivid memories and emotions, but they should also be treated with caution. Do not ask them to a stranger, a stranger.

  1. Do you want to kiss me?
  2. What color is the underwear on me now?
  3. Will you dance a striptease for me?
  4. Will you commit a crime for your girlfriend?
  5. Have you ever been detained by cops?
  6. Do you like giving gifts to girls?
  7. Are you capable of crazy things?
  8. Can you lose the last thing in poker?
  9. How do you feel about same-sex marriage?
  10. Ask me a question that you are embarrassed to ask?

Hobbies Questions

Men, contrary to popular belief, like to talk about themselves. They gladly answer unique, funny questions as a joke, talk about their interests, hobbies, favorite things.

  1. Do you like traveling?
  2. Do you often read books?
  3. Do you play computer games?
  4. What kind of sport do you like more?
  5. Which pet do you like most and for what?
  6. Do you like to sing?
  7. Have you ever written poetry?
  8. Do you play any musical instrument?
  9. What series are you watching?
  10. Do you like skiing?
  11. How do you feel about extreme sports?
  12. Have you parachuted?
  13. Can you ride a horse?
  14. Do you understand technology?
  15. Do you like to cook?

If you ask questions correctly, you can learn a lot. useful information  about the guy and sort things out with him. Questions for friends can also be varied and interesting. A person always feels a sincere attitude and genuine interest in his person, therefore, correctly selected questions for a loved one, relatives and close people will establish spoiled relationships, add warmth, tenderness and trust to them.

April 11, addmine

In relations with representatives of the opposite sex, it probably happened to everyone that relations ended just barely. Numerous psychologists claim that women and men arrived from different planets and it is very difficult for them to understand each other. A number of simple questions, however, will help come to a commonality and understanding.

Questions to get to know the guy

Being interested and sharing the interests of men is just a panacea for relationships.

  • firstly, there is always a topic of conversation;
  • secondly, you can always spend time together;
  • thirdly, it simply unites and gives young man  confidence that they understand and listen to him;

The only condition: do not try to learn the subtleties of fishing at all costs, if you really are not interested. Such a tense interest will be ridiculous and repulsive. Everything related to love should go only from the heart.

Tricky questions to a guy

That's where you need to show your intuition, ingenuity, tact and immediacy at the same time. These issues include:

  • Honey, who is she - the girl of your dreams, the mother of your children?

Do not overdo it so that the man does not think that you are going to cover him. If the topic of marriage and children is not yet open for him, he can simply run away and look for a girlfriend easier to communicate.

  • What kind of music do you listen to? What books do you read?

Choose a soft, non-binding intonation, ask “by the way”, if you ask these questions in the same way as they are formulated, it will become like interrogation with an addiction, and can frighten off the vulnerable male soul, which is always eager for freedom and independence, at least in words.

  • Who do you think should be the main one in a relationship?

If it were my will, I would classify this issue as prohibited, but it’s still interesting to find out. Of course, the answer to it will become clear a little later, when your relationship will last a little more. Time will not hide anything and it will soon become clear that he likes to command or prefers initiative from his other half. You can ask about this as a joke, or on occasion, so that the question sounds in style, as you think.

  • What kind of politician do you support? Who are you voting for?

The topic of politics, according to psychologists, is one of the fundamental in the family. Studies show that half of marriages break up in spouses who have completely different political views. It’s always nice to discuss this topic, but only if you are both calm enough people who don’t start with such topics. Otherwise, the discussion can turn into a dispute and quarrel. This, as you know, will not be useful for a relationship.

  • How many girls did you have before me?

Now, too, some will shout that the guy should not be asked this question: firstly, you can run into a counter question; secondly, such curiosity allegedly encroaches on the private life of a young man.

But curiosity is eating, how to be? It will be optimal to wait for a more frank period of your relationship and then ask. In a year or two this question will be more appropriate than on the second day of acquaintance.

  • What is love? Did you love How do you feel about treason?

If you have a conversation on this subject and the guy will be open to him - fine. Talk about love and find out what he thinks about it, but don't be intrusive. Perhaps, with his previous relationship, he has not very pleasant memories that he would not like to refresh. With pleasure listen to what he is ready to tell, and share something from your life yourself.

  • What do you dream about? What plans do you have for the future?

Be careful with this question, let the feminine flair tell you whether the guy wants to share his plans with pleasure or prefers to spread less so that everything conceived is exactly realized. Do not forget, praise his ideas, share his dreams, but only sincerely!

  • What is your relationship with your family?

Looking at relationships in a man’s family, you can predict the model of his own family with almost a 90% guarantee. It is unlikely that at the first date you will be able to find out the intricacies of his family life. But after a while, if he introduces you to your parents, watch them. To note for themselves how it is customary for them to distribute household duties, who is the leader, who is the unspoken leader, what is the general atmosphere between the parents.

If they have kept love until they are old, they help each other in everything, warmth from their relations, not cheap skits - in front of you, most likely, an ideal husband. A bad sign, if he speaks dismissively of his parents, does not communicate at all with either of them or with both. Regardless of what the reason for this is, be aware that problems can arise with building a family. When there is no basic criterion for family idyll by the example of your parents, you will have to make a lot of effort and patience to create your good and lasting relationship.

Questions of type 2 are the most successful questions for guys, they do not hint at anything superfluous, you can safely ask them to maintain a conversation and in order to get to know each other better.

  • Would you like to become a woman for a day? What would you do first in this case?
  • What kind of animals do you like and why?
  • What do you think of fashion? Style? What should an ideal man look like?
  • What would you like to change in appearance? Would you like to look like someone else?
  • If you have enemies? Why did they appear?
  • How do you feel about old age? Does aging frighten you?
  • How do you feel about stories about a parallel world and the other world in general? Do you believe in the existence of UFOs?
  • Would you like to be on a desert island? With whom? What would you take there?
  • The list of these questions can be continued indefinitely, let your imagination tell them.

Funny questions guys

When you get tired of having an official conversation, you can get a little distracted and laugh. Funny riddle questions will help in this:

  • Who has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (the rider holds the chicken);
  • Who is black on one leg? (one-legged black);
  • Black on two legs? (two one-legged blacks);
  • Black on three legs? (as a rule the answer follows, three one-legged blacks, but no! Piano);

This is how your joint conversations will be held informatively and fun, if you and your partner will behave at ease.

What questions should a guy not ask?

There are some questions that you should never ask a young man if you want to extend the relationship.

Forbidden questions for a guy:

  • Do you love me?

Many men cannot stand this question, and moreover, they do not like to admit it endlessly. Better they prove their feelings in practice.

  • Am I getting better? Does this dress suit me? How do you like my hairstyle?

The male brain is by nature designed so that it does not notice “not important” things. It would not be a shame to admit this, hair, cellulite, shoes, dresses and jewelry - this is exactly the case. Men have more important things to do than consider such trifles on their beloved woman. But after your question, of course, he will pay attention. It is good if it will be a good hairstyle or new beautiful underwear on a perfect body. If you are unsure of yourself - do not bother the man with such questions, if he is with you, then he likes everything about you.

  • Aren't you bored with me? Are you happy with everything in me? Do you want to talk about our relationship?

The answer is about the same as the previous question. If you are together - it is unlikely that he is unpleasant or bored with you, you should not look for this also verbal confirmation. An abundance of such questions can make a man think that you are superficial and maybe even stupid. Know your worth, do not ask stupid unnecessary questions. Constantly discuss what is wrong in your relationship, even the most patient will get bored. There are so many topics of conversation in the world, but if you discuss the topic of your feelings every day, then a young man can think about whether he needs such a “heavy” girl.

So, not being a professional psychologist, you can find ways to learn a lot about your chosen one, in order to understand earlier whether it is worth building a serious relationship further. If you, dear reader, share my opinion or have your own opinion on this question  - write.