What to talk to the guy questions. How to interest a guy on the phone - topics for conversation. What to talk with a familiar guy.

  1. Find out what the guy likes. “Try on” his hobbies. Maybe something will like it!
  2. Focus on the majority, on popularity. Read or conduct any survey on the Internet to understand what most guys are passionate about.
  3. Find a page on social networks. There is a “section” on hobbies. Study it and remember!

# 4 What's your favorite way to spend a weekend

As you will see, it’s very easy to have conversation topics with a man; you just have to be smart and know how to get started. In addition, you can also talk about other things that may interest you both in sports, the latest news, and current issues. Feel free to try, and you will have great success.

If when they leave school or work, he always walks at your pace, this is a sign that you are attracted to him. According to scientific studies, men who walk at the same pace as a woman do it because they love him and want to slow him down or increase him to be in harmony.

Topics to talk with a familiar guy:

New music

Tell us what music you like at the moment and in recent times. Find common favorite songs.


New films

Not sure where to start? Go to the cinema together (to any movie - a novelty). And discuss it after sharing.

The next time you walk together, notice your pace while walking. Although we associate the sweat of hands with a feeling of nervousness, it can also be associated with a sign of attraction. If the guy you are talking to has sweaty hands, this is a sign that you are attracting him.

However, this signal is not always easy to detect. They often say that imitation is a way of flattering others. When you really attract a guy, he will start doing what you do unconsciously. Pay attention to your behavior, if you start repeating the same conditions or using the same gestures, is a sign that you are attracted to it.


Look through the magazines, look at the photo albums, compare the photos! What is not an interesting topic?

Personal life

Let the guy share how he's doing with personal. Then you share. Do you like him very much? So what?! He must believe that you communicate with him sincerely, as a friend. Then he will trust you as a professional psychologist.

When you like a guy, it's no wonder that he always comes face to face with you when they are together. Studies show that this is a sign of attractiveness that will make you see how much you like it. If you point your legs at yourself and align your body with yours, this is the bodily signal to which you are attracted.

# 4 Speak in lower voice recording

Just as we tend to speak in a higher tone, when someone attracts us, people do the opposite. One signal that appeals to you is if you speak in a lower than usual voice. Scientific studies show that both women and men often change their voice when they talk to someone who likes them.


"Mom, daddy and I - a happy family!". Share how true this is! And the guy will also tell something ...


Do you rarely discuss such things with a guy? Maybe this is right, but if you know the guy well - do not be afraid of such a topic! She "pour" on the conversation, like a trickle (smoothly and by itself).


This topic will always be relevant! And with familiar guys, and with strangers. The fact is that many boys are crazy about talking about him

Just as we can't help but play with our hair when we flirt with a guy, something like this happens to men. If you like him, you probably touch his hair, talking to you as a sign that he wants to flirt. If he is also restless and moves a lot, this is a sign of nervousness, as well as attraction.

Unlike us, who many times we unload someone who gives us an ear, people do not trust anyone. Studies show that if a person shares his secrets with him, it is because he has deep feelings for you. Therefore, if you notice that he trusts you, this is a great sign not only of what attracts you to him, but also that he has deeper feelings.


Shared memories are something that certainly unites you. From memories never get to anywhere. And talk them - a pleasure.

Topics for talking to a stranger ...

What can you talk about if you don't know a person? Topics:

  • Hobbies

Ask the guy questions like this:

Eye contact is another obvious sign of attraction. According to scientific research, constant eye contact for a long time means that you like another person. The more you look at it, the more it means that you like it. Although you should keep in mind that it can be difficult to maintain eye contact if you are nervous or shy.

We all at some point meet a guy who steals our sleep, but we don’t know exactly what to do to break the ice. First you need to know how they think in general about their personal situation, and then sell themselves as the best option. First you can find 2 situations: you clearly know that you like him, but he does not talk to you, you are not sure that you like him. So much for one option, like the other, you have to send signals to begin to understand whether you like it or not, your behavior betrays.

  1. What do you usually do in your free time?
  2. Do you have a hobby?
  3. Do you want to check what our hobbies are similar?
  • Cooking


  1. What do you like to eat, and what would you never eat?
  2. What dish have you tried in your life?
  3. Do you like to cook yourself, or do you think that only a woman should cook?
  • Purchases

Take an interest in:

How to make a man or a boy talk to me

You can start to observe his actions, if he looks at you when they cross, he talks about you with his friends, when they are close, he is nervous, etc. All these signs will help you understand how easy or difficult it is to take the initiative. However, there are always things you can usually do to get your attention and get closer to you, this is important when you are trying to make a boy fall in love and make follow-up relationships lasting.

You should always be available, they become more timid than usual if they see that the girl is inaccessible. A smile always conveys friendship and kindness. This way you will gain confidence and step to get closer to you. Try not to frown when you see it, or take poses that keep you from you.

  1. What is your favorite hypermarket (store) in the city?
  2. Do you like shopping "traveling"?
  3. How do you feel about female shopping?
  • Family

You can ask such questions to start a conversation (support):

  1. Who do you live with?
  2. How are your relationships with relatives developing?

By not smiling and at the same time entering into contact with him, you will immediately give him a signal to approach. In the end, he will notice, and it is very likely that he will return a smile at least. However, you do not have to constantly look at it, it may seem a bit strange.

Trust is more important than your clothes or your hair. If you have confidence, you will not only highlight the very positive aspect of your personality, but also make you look more dynamic and interesting person. As a rule, people who emit trust attract more people to it. So, put the project!

So that the conversation went well

Try to follow some "rules":

  1. Do not meddle in the soul if the person resists. Stay away from the topic if he openly says that he does not want to continue this or that topic.
  2. Joke, tell jokes and funny incidents. Do not get carried away: let the young man also say something!
  3. Do not sharply affect the moments of personal life! Let this guy take the initiative. But do not talk much about your "exploits" and about your ex.
  4. Do not compare the guy with others. The male half of humanity loves when they (men) are considered unique and inimitable.
  5. Look straight in the eyes when talking. It is necessary that the guy "rub in" to you in the confidence and did not leave him. But this does not mean that you have the right to use a guy!
  6. Do not fidget on the chair (on the bench) and do not look at your watch (even out of habit you can not do this!). The guy decides that you feel bad in his society and the more you probably will not see him.
  7. Do not be distracted from the "thread" of the conversation. On the contrary, try to stretch this thread.
  8. Speak if there is a lingering pause. Guys do not like to pause. They are afraid of them and feel awkward.

In the relationship between a guy and a girl a huge amount of topics. There are interesting, funny and everyday themes, there are secret and intimate ones. Choose what you need today for correspondence.

This method is very good and strengthens your confidence. If he sees that you are engaged in conversations with friends, he will calm you down and step towards conversation with you. You just need to make sure that you do not get to what you saw as you flirt with your friends. It should simply be considered as cordial and positive.

If you want to learn how to attract a boy, stay away from a mobile phone. If you are fully focused on your mobile phone, you are definitely not sending good signals to talk with you. You will see that a cell phone is more important than talking. He always shows sensitivity, alertness and always that he is around you, ready to participate in the conversation.

Tune in to positive communication. Sincerely believe that your conversation will be very interesting and exciting.

Think carefully about the topics, but do not memorize them so that the conversation is more natural.

Choose a way of correspondence: emails, social networks, chat rooms, SMS messages, real letters, special programs.

By the way, don't you know the System of the Insanely Mad Man? You should urgently read the following. This is an impressive guide to finally defeat it 😀. Communication goes beyond words. Your body language can convey strong messages, even if the person who sees you is very far away. Never cross your arms, as this conveys the image of being inaccessible to humans. Take care of your posture so that you convey kindness and cordiality. Your gestures should be firm and smooth, your hands should always be relaxed, and closed fists convey anxiety.

Offer to play games that will help you know each other better. Such games - a huge mass! Find them online and read the rules in detail.

Talk to a young man every day. If possible, then spend at least three hours. The more you train, the faster you will learn to communicate boldly.

Whenever you see an opportunity to face it, go together, use it. For example, if you see that you always pass through a certain corridor at a certain time, take the opportunity to cross your path. Just do it in moderation, otherwise you will look like a desperate girl.

This does not mean that you should sit next to him. But you can try to sit close so that it is in your line of sight. This, along with all the points above, can create the perfect scenario for you. If you take the class together or at work, lunch or any other occasion that comes to mind, use it.

What you find it difficult to say in words, express photos and pictures. You can easily find them in the Internet.

Ask your best friend to show any story of your correspondence with someone or make her screen. She will never refuse you such a request. Perhaps she will personally supervise your written communicative contact. Trust her to get the desired result.

The typical situation is to walk with something heavy when it passes by you, or open a heavy door, walk in search of a lost or any other “trouble” situation that you can think of, try to provoke it to get closer to you. Be careful not to use this technique too often. If you know how to use it, it will be a great occasion for him to talk to you, and don't forget to smile!

In those years when we gave advice for dating, we saw many men who, despite being well developed intellectually, by their nature, in their studies and in other interests, showed weak social skills in their dating. Many times, when a woman first meets someone like her, she is disappointed and does not want a second date.

What to write to the guy by correspondence?

Decided to take the initiative? Correct solution! Not everyone is able to take the first step and send the cherished news.

Kindly say hello to the kid, adding a smiley instead of a point. Wait for him to answer you the same.

It is true that if they met, they could develop a connection, but unfortunately, these quotes rarely lead anywhere, as the woman feels that she cannot admire or respect a person who "looks like a teenager." Here are six specific suggestions for improving the situation.

The initial phone call to arrange an appointment is where the person leaves their first impression. Typically, a woman prefers a first call of 5 or 10 minutes, and the man waits until they leave to learn more about her. Your main goal here is to arrange the day and place.

Carefully read what he writes. His phrases are a great “clue” for moving from one topic to another.

Tell the young man everything you want, except for your own problems, troubles and failures. No need to "download" it, to cause sympathy.

Heart asks for revelations about love - confess it, do not be shy! Do not think in advance about how the boy will react to this. The main thing is that you will be able to open your soul to him and feel an incredible relief.

Give them a general idea of ​​what they will do per day. A museum or restaurant? Will they walk or sit most of the time? If you are thinking about coffee or dessert, tell her so she can have dinner earlier. If you take her to dinner, you will want to dress up for this occasion. There is nothing worse than putting on a beautiful costume and high heels, and then finding out that your date has planned a walk and a picnic.

Before the date, a woman will try to look good for a man - get a haircut, choosing beautiful clothes and makeup. But she will feel stupid and embarrassed to work for a man who has holes in his pants, untidy shoulders, a very dirty raincoat, or a T-shirt and a vest that looks like his grandfather.

Answer if you ask what you have been doing for a week or a few days ago. Omit those details that you think are too personal for disclosure.

Write that you are very bored at home and want to relax somewhere. It is likely that the interlocutor will invite you to the park or cafe to change the situation. Do not refuse! Gladly accept the invitation and run to the closet to choose the right outfit for your upcoming date.

A woman does not need her appointment to see designer brands or expensive fabrics. He just wants a man who cares about his appearance and knows how to maintain, correct and choose his wardrobe. Another thing that prevents women is the lack of cleanliness. After a long day of work, a person may need to bathe, put on a deodorant and shave before going on a date. Most women are not attracted to the beard for several days and are not encouraged by this “masculine scent”.

They are attracted by a man with a good haircut and whose clothes are clean and in good condition. Of course, many men will win after marriage with the help of their wives to comb their hair and clothes, but when she knows that the first thing she thinks is “Oh no, tramp,” they will not be very close to jupe.

Replies to the guy's messages

Imagine that he wrote a message. Try to answer right away. What could be the answer to his "hello":

  1. Hello! How are you?
  2. Hello! What's new has happened to you lately?
  3. Hi! How is today's mood?
  4. Good day! How do you plan to spend the day?
  5. Hi! What news can be heard on the horizons of life?
  6. (Name), hello to you! Would you like to talk about pleasant things with me?
  7. Greetings What do you expect from today?
  8. Hello! What are you doing at home in such great weather?
  9. I'm glad to write you now! Do you believe in fairy tales and wonders?
  10. How are you, my dear friend?
  11. Intuition suggested that you write to me. Thanks for taking time with me.
  12. Have a good day! Already made plans for today?
  13. What are your thoughts on now?
  14. Hey. What would you like to talk about in this second?
  15. And I just wanted to send you a message! Well hello!

What questions to ask a guy in correspondence?

  1. What cities, villages and countries have you managed to visit?
  2. Have a best friend and best friend?
  3. What is your favorite movie?
  4. Do you smoke cigarettes or quit long ago?
  5. What qualities are missing in your character, and from which you would gladly get rid of?
  6. Where and with which people do you hang out with?
  7. What kinds of art attract you the most?
  8. Any plans for tonight? Can I take part in them?
  9. What does not suit you in life?
  10. Do you work by profession?
  11. What is your attitude to pets?
  12. How do you cheer up if it goes down to zero?
  13. Do you like gambling?
  14. Do you believe in friendship between a woman and a man?
  15. How do you feel about people with initiative?
  16. Do you like to risk?
  17. What type of temperament do you consider yourself?
  18. What sports do you prefer?
  19. Do you believe in various mystical things?
  20. What do you collect?
  21. How do you treat small children?
  22. How are you used to call friends and acquaintances?
  23. Easy to lose your temper?
  24. Looking into the horoscope?
  25. Have a favorite meal, favorite drink?
  26. Do you often meet unusual people?
  27. What do you really appreciate in life?
  28. Do you know cars (motorcycles)?
  29. Do you have internet addiction or gaming addiction?
  30. Like to go shopping?

  1. Avoid long pauses. Try to "fill" silence with jokes, jokes, aphorisms or witty phrases.
  2. Do not be obsessive. Do not forget for a moment that there is also a real (real) life.
  3. Try not to make mistakes in words, as literacy fascinates many of the stronger sex.
  4. Stop thinking that you write something wrong. You can and know how to communicate well! It remains only to sincerely believe it.
  5. Answer all the questions in detail, and not with the help of short and dry words - “yes”, “I don't know”, “probably”, “maybe”, “no”, “hardly”, “not in the know” “well”, “Yes no”, “aha”, “yup”, “yes-yes”, “for sure”, “surely”, “by itself”, “doubt it”, “don't think”, “think differently”.
  6. Do not use your intellect, do not try to seem smarter than your interlocutor. Be as tactful as possible.
  7. If you disappear somewhere for a while, then apologize and explain the situation. In doing so, you will cause respect for yourself.
  8. Be yourself. You should not play the role of a serious lady or a "star of the first magnitude."
  9. Do not repeat the same words. Try to use synonyms, remembering your complete vocabulary.
  10. Call the caller by name. By this you show your good attitude towards him. Be careful with the nicknames the first time, as he can treat them negatively or with undisguised discontent.

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