Man draws lines. What are our doodles talking about? Spirals, circles, wavy lines

Buttercups-flowers, hearts, curls, cats, eyes - what just do not draw people talking on the phone or attending a meeting. They draw and do not always guess that their "masterpieces" can be assessed from the point of view of psychology and graphology.

Shapes from straight lines

It doesn't matter in what manner the drawing is made: both volumetric images with a 3-D effect, and the most primitive squares - rectangles - triangles indicate that their author is a very organized person. If the geometric shapes overlap each other, overlap one another, then this indicates that the search for a way out of the problem situation has reached a dead end. It is also important to evaluate the thickness of the lines - bold, bright strokes indicate that the "artist" has excellent penetrating power and the ability to realize his intentions. If the pressure is so strong that the drawing seems to be squeezed out on paper, then it is necessary not only to relax the hand holding the pencil, but also to start enjoying life right here and now, instead of gritting your teeth and moving towards your goals.

Flowers - curls

Wreaths of roses, armfuls of tulips, daisies, buttercups and any other flowers, even those that are absent in the Atlases of Plants, are drawn by responsive, sociable people prone to extroversion. It is convenient to discuss work problems with them, laugh and even gossip. Pay attention to the drawing of details: the more carefully the drawing is made, the more versatile interests of its author. If, in addition to flowers, there are also grass-ants or trees in the composition, then we can assume that you have a particularly positive person in front of you.


Pictures in the style of Kandinsky or Malevich are drawn by very creative people who are not eager to "give up everything" and immediately do things that are important, necessary, but very boring. Abstract sketches (note site: especially if you allow yourself to "splash" the feelings you are experiencing on a piece of paper) is a great way to deal with stress. The more fantasy the drawing looks, the more emotional its author. In addition, creators of creative sketches hate when they look over their shoulders or try to find out secrets in some other way - they prefer to keep their thoughts and secrets to themselves.


People who draw eyes are more inclined to philosophical reflections on what is happening with their inner world, how much these changes depend on changes in the external world, etc. Strange as it may seem, it is the “eye” that serves as the correct identifier of whether man by his work. If the drawing is located closer to the top edge of the sheet, then its author is glad to have prospects and / or interesting projects and tasks. If, on the contrary, the drawing is located closer to the bottom edge, then, to put it mildly, the current work does not cause much enthusiasm. In addition, according to this drawing, one can judge the temperament - on the left, the eyes draw slow kopushi, doing everything for a very long time, but carefully. And on the right - on the contrary, people are energizers, in whose hands everything is on fire and blazing.


The person who has an entire zoo in his notebook after a meeting is usually a good team player who thinks of himself as a part of the whole. Such people know how to listen and hear other people, to cheer up the weak, to support the leader. If we turn to more specific images, then a drawn cat is a sign that a person lacks intimacy, birds symbolize a thirst for freedom and carelessness, crocodiles - a desire for power, and elephants - a complete absence of fear of a headwash from the boss.


The heart is one of the most frequently depicted objects. You don't need to be a psychologist to guess what it represents: as a rule, it is either a thirst for new romantic relationships, or a passionate romance that has just begun, when only one thought “When will we meet” is placed in the brain. Look at the shape of the heart: the rounder and more magnificent its barrel, the more emotional the author of the drawing. If the whole sheet is covered with hearts from top to bottom, then a supersensitive nature has put its hand to it, which loves to take offense at everyone and everything for nothing. If the drawing is made schematically - in separate strokes, then in front of you is a person prone to aggression, he will always think first of all about himself and secondly - about others. Is the heart shape more like a triangle than a circle? The author of this sketch forbids himself to demonstrate his own weaknesses to others.

And finally - not about drawings, but about inscriptions: if a person constantly writes his own name, do not expect friendly support from him.

The fact is that from the drawings you can learn a lot about the personality, character, mood of a person. For a long time, psychologists have been using various drawing tests in their diagnostics.

Most people have this habit. There is nothing terrible or surprising in it.
There are several reasons for drawing while talking. This is the organization of the psyche and the release of tension, and an unconscious attempt to hide one's feelings, and the structuring of information, and compensation for the impossibility or unwillingness of gesticulation in a conversation with an invisible or visible interlocutor, and a lot of other things.

You need to pay attention not only to your spontaneous "creativity". If one day you notice that your boss, colleague or loved one has drawn something like that, take a closer look at all this. Perhaps this simple approach will help you get to know a person more deeply, see his motives and emotions, and get to know the inner world. As a result, it will be easier for you to establish relations with him, to understand his actions and reactions, to find an approach in communication.

Roughly nine out of ten people between the ages of 18 and 34 draw constantly in between, and among those over 65, six out of ten. It is known that John F. Kennedy loved to portray sailing boats. According to the authoritative graphologist, this was a sign of great perseverance and vitality.

Psychologists believe that such a simple activity as drawing helps to overcome absent-mindedness without harming the main task. When drawing, we concentrate better on boring tasks. This was proved by such a simple test. The subjects were given the necessary speech to listen to, in which different surnames were mentioned. Half of the volunteers drew while listening. Another suffered without pencil and paper. Bottom line: those who drew remembered much more surnames - by 29 percent. So, when going to the meeting, feel free to take a pen, pencil, paper with you and get creative!

For example, Pushkin loved to draw faces and figures of people in the margins. And this is a clear sign of sociability and ease of life, increased sociability and dynamism. Remember the famous sketches by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the margins of the drafts? Now they are published in separate volumes.

Boris Yeltsin, they say, when talking with his subordinates, drew straight intersecting lines, which characterizes him as a straightforward and stubborn person, irritating others and conflicting not only with others, but also with himself.

The pattern depends on the following components :

    the momentary mood of the painter;

    character and temperament of a person;

    orientation of a person (artistic or technical, etc.)

When we paint and how circumstances affect us.


When we listen to what others are saying without being able (or willing) to respond, we receive information and react to it against our will, expressing our agreement or disagreement through scribbles. If we sit far enough from our neighbors, we feel freer in self-expression: we draw cartoons, cartoons, where the characters are quite recognizable. And if we sit next to each other, we often draw geometric shapes, landscapes, shade something - by the saturation of the picture, you can understand how strong emotions we are experiencing at the moment.


(mostly telephone). When we have the opportunity to see the interlocutor (his facial expressions, gestures), we are unlikely to pick up a pencil or pen. A telephone conversation is another matter: we think out a lot, focusing only on the intonation of the voice on the other end of the line. Doodles (meaningless drawings) help us to sort out our thoughts, to establish our intentions, to make a decision.

In them, scribbles reflect everything that we dare not say to our interlocutor in the eyes.


In a situation of forced loneliness, boring pastime (in the office, waiting room), scribbles become for us a form of internal dialogue with ourselves.


She speaks of the desire to be in the center of attention, "to shine", but may indicate a depressive experience (if there are too many rays or they are depicted separately from the star itself).

Human figures

If they are little people, then most likely you feel helpless or want to dodge any responsibilities. When you depict a person schematically (“a stick, a stick, a cucumber - that’s a little man came out”), your emotional state is unstable, you want to close yourself up and not let anyone near you.

A clown or caricature expresses the desire to close behind a non-existent image. A robot has appeared on your sheet - you suffer from the control of external forces, you worry that much in life does not depend on you.

However, when the faces are ugly or intimidating, it means that the author of the drawings is unhappy with something or he is upset about something.


If a person involuntarily draws eyes, this suggests suspicion, as well as a manifestation of concern for public opinion. This person, before making a decision, will definitely consult with authoritative people.
Small eyes speak of a person's immersion in himself, of his isolation. This person, as a rule, seeks to prove his point of view not in words, but in deed.
If unnaturally long eyelashes are depicted, this indicates a person's desire to seduce, demonstrate himself.

Personal signatures

Such mechanical drawings are characteristic of a vain and egocentric nature. The abundance of your own signatures, automatically displayed on the sheet during a conversation or pondering a problem, signals an excessive obsession with your own person.

The words.

A framed word is a sign of self-affirmation and self-righteousness, which can also mean a desire to convince everyone else of this.
A word underlined with a straight and even line indicates a creative intention to do something.
A word underlined with a wavy line indicates sentimentality and some indecision.
The words written by "cobweb", barely noticeable, speak of doubts or that a person has some kind of assumptions, guesses.

Numbers- at the moment you are interested in material things. You either think about how you can make money, or you have options on how to pay off your debts.

Sun, light bulbs, garlands and other sources of light and heat. Such drawings speak of a bad mood and a desire for care and attention. You lack warmth and tenderness.

Geometric figures

You have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. You are usually overly alert and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

The image of such strict and clear forms indicates that you clearly know the goals set for yourself. You are a straightforward and purposeful person with a healthy dose of ambition and careerism. But, if the geometric shapes you have drawn have too many sharp corners - this is the first sign of increased aggression towards the world around you... Be a little softer towards the people around you ...

Circles and rings

A sign of isolation in oneself. He also talks about the need to feel safe. If the circles intersect, it may mean a desire to join something, to participate in something.

“I feel lonely, I feel like I’m disconnected from the outside world,” such drawings signal. When we draw circles on paper, the unconscious hints to us that we lack friendly sympathy and attention.

Spirals, circles, wavy lines say that you are not too concerned or not interested in other people's problems. If you have to deal with them, then try to get rid of them as soon as possible. All your attention at the moment is focused on your own person.

You may even be experiencing a mild emotional crisis: walking in the circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to flare up and not break out on others.

Such drawings mean that your thoughts revolve around the same problem (it does not matter - personal or professional), the solution to which you cannot find in any way. The thicker and larger the spirals and pretzels printed on paper, the more serious the problem you are puzzling over.

Flowers, sun, garlands Cheerful flowers and the sun are sure signs that you are happy with the way the telephone conversation is going. Most likely, listening to your interlocutor, you are already dreaming along the way, fantasizing about something pleasant. Such drawings with your head betray your optimistic attitude and benevolent disposition.

It's not necessarily all right now, but you're definitely thinking about it.
Flowers are painted by people with a delicate, vulnerable nature. If you constantly depict flowers, most likely you have a rich imagination, attentive to trifles, and extraordinary thoughts.

Trying portray a landscape- you are a sentimental and vulnerable person.


Your emotions today may directly depend on the animal that settled on your paper. If it is a tiger or a wolf, aggression is hidden in you; if a fox - they decided to cheat somewhere; a bunny or a squirrel - you need care and protection, a lion - you feel your superiority over everyone. When you constantly depict the same animal, bird or bug, then most likely you are comparing it with yourself, attributing to yourself its habits.

If your pet is on two paws or is dressed in human clothing (pants, skirts, bows, belts, dress), then you clearly liken it to a person: yourself or some important person in your life. Take a closer look, sometimes in such drawings, animal faces look like human faces, the shape of paws is like legs and arms. In this situation, all this testifies to infantilism, emotional immaturity.

When on your sheet of paper appear chess fields, then, apparently, you find yourself in a very unpleasant, or at least, a difficult situation. If such images appear often, then you, most likely, suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve a situation or are in search of yourself, your path in life, doubt the correctness of your life.

The alternation of white and black spots (shaded segments) often indicates indecision, a search for oneself ... or a desire to throw down a serious challenge to someone ("play a chess game"). It can also mean that you find it difficult to compromise and iron out conflicts.
If you draw crosses, then perhaps you are worried about a feeling of guilt towards a loved one or some problem for which you feel responsible.

Maze expresses the search for harmony in life, his life path.

Often you draw sabers, pistols or other weapons - a lot of aggression has accumulated in you, perhaps you are very angry with someone or even angry with life.

Endless mazes (or spirals) mean that you may not have enough time to think about what you really want.

Houses and boxes. Symmetrical shapes show a love of order, a tendency to plan and calculate. This is what this picture says to others: "It is not easy for me to be confused, I know exactly what I want, I have clear goals and I am going to resolutely defend my opinion."

Images house or home furniture talk about love for a warm home atmosphere. Such drawings are found in single women or bachelors. However, when they are drawn by married people, it speaks of a lack of warmth in the relationship. No matter how depicted at home or household items, these drawings show the desire to find home comfort and family warmth. But too clear, repeatedly circled the outline of the house indicates attempts to control their actions and emotions.


It is believed that people who depict trees subconsciously associate themselves with them. That is why it is easier to “read” the character traits of the author from the drawings of trees than from any others. So, if you most often depict a tree with a powerful trunk and a large crown (for example, an oak), then with a high degree of probability you can be considered an independent and wise person. You don't have to be strong all the time, sometimes you can afford small weaknesses.

If the tree depicted has flexible branches with "live" leaves (for example, like a birch tree), then this means that you are very sociable. Loneliness is a real torment for you. If you most often draw a thin tree with bare, leafless branches, know: you need a change. Think about your life.

Arrow - it is the vector by which you are guided in life.

Grids appear when you find yourself in a risky or simply awkward position. Each decisive bold line is an attack that you really hesitate to launch.

The person who draws the lattice either feels cornered or tries to hide, to protect himself from this obstacle.

If the strokes are impulsive and fall on the paper with great pressure, it means: "I feel exhausted, cornered."

Ornament, a repeating pattern of sharp corners and flowing ovals says that you are bored. Perhaps you are tired of the telephone conversation, maybe the topic of the lecture, or maybe your whole lifestyle in general.

Pile of cubes (brickwork)

It suggests that you are trying to focus on one important thought. If the masonry is drawn neatly, your character is methodical and consistent; you know exactly what you want.

Saw teeth

They symbolize aggressiveness, which can be positive and mean a desire to fight or negative (anger, hostility).

Dotted lines

If you draw straight or slightly wavy broken (dashed) lines, then, perhaps, you experience some self-doubt. At the same time, in general, you are a rather calm and relaxed person. Perhaps, before you commit any act, you just need to rest and be distracted.

Bottles, flasks and other utensils.
It is quite obvious: these symbols have nothing to do with an addiction to wine, but quite frankly speaks about the feminine sexuality and erotic fantasies of their creator.

Fences, barricades.
A man builds a fence, another fence, then several fences. Most likely, in order to isolate themselves from their surroundings. He wants to run away from everyone, hide from prying eyes. And the reason for this is either the excessive demands made on him, or the strongest need for peace.

Picture position can also say something about free space on paper. If it is located closer to the upper edge, then you have a very high self-esteem, but at the same time you may be unhappy with your position in society (at work, parties) and feel a lack of recognition from others. The picture at the bottom means that you are insecure, indecisive, or not interested in increasing your own worth. If the drawings are predominantly on the left, you accentuate your past experiences, focus on past experience. The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this indicates the desire to bring the events of the future closer as soon as possible, your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

Sweeping drawings speak of freedom of thought, and "modest" sketches of purposefulness.

If the lines your drawings "shaggy", fat, or even a lot of shading, then, perhaps, you are worried about something or some unresolved problem is very worried.

Your "I" can easily be seen in the size of your creations. Drawing large - high self-esteem. A small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.

Color drawings . A separate topic is the color of the picture, lines or sketches, if any. As a rule, the pictures, "born" during a telephone conversation or a meeting, are made in one color, so that is at hand. Therefore, the appearance of color is in itself evidence that a person wanted to emphasize something especially.

So, when analyzing spontaneous images, one should pay attention to color range in which the drawing is executed. Let's characterize several colors and shades:

    Red is a spontaneous pattern in which shades of red prevail, as a rule, indicates the nature of the winner, the desire to conquer more and more new heights.

    Blue is the color of fatigue, the psychology of drawing decodes a spontaneous image in blue as the author's desire for calmness and solitude.

    Green is a symbol of the need for self-affirmation.

    Black - a spontaneous image in black tones indicates fatigue, pessemism.

    The gray color indicates the author's anxiety.

Emotional background of the picture. Regardless of your own experiences, you should give him an objective assessment. For example, a smiling kind animal or a calm sea will testify to a similar state of the drawing, and the wind tilting the trees to the ground, a sharp-toothed shark's mouth, a crying sun will in no way be a sign of a peaceful attitude towards the process or event during which the drawing was created.

Drawings expressing our emotions are a reflection of our inner state or situational attitude to what they were created during. You can talk about a cheerful devil as a projection of a good emotional background, a perky mood, a desire to "do something like that." The crying sun will be a sign of an inner latent or overt disorder, resentment.

Than doodles - in the modern form of coloring - can help you

1. While you are busy drawing something unintelligible, your brain works to its fullest. Sunny Brown wrote The Doodle Revolution. In it, she points out that scribbling is a special way of thinking that allows you to solve problems that have arisen.

In addition, the physical process itself, when you move a rod or a pencil on paper, activates thinking. This doesn't happen when you're fiddling with your computer's mouse or keyboard.

If your primary channel of perception is visual, you already know that visual thinking should be perfect for you. Sketches or diagrams allow you to systematize information, and to present it as concisely as possible for memorization. And to create the most suitable scheme, your favorite kalyaka-malyak can help you.

Doodle is great for perfectionists. This is exactly the occupation in which the process is more important than the result. Nobody demands that your doodles have artistic value. Nobody will tell you that you are doing it wrong. When you learn to "let go of yourself" in drawing doodles, it may become easier for you to be able to live life to the fullest, without necessarily striving to achieve something in a short time.

4. Or maybe you will create some wonderful pattern, worthy of embodiment, if not on oil canvas, then on home textiles? Wake up the designer in you.

Step 1. Doodle. Without lifting the pencil from the paper, draw the sheet with random scribble lines.
Step 2. Create the base of our drawing using the "griffin" technique. We need to consider our scribbles and look for the outlines of some figures (it is better to immediately circle them with a fatter drawing). It can be a landscape, there can be individual figures or silhouettes on a general theme (marine life, space).

Step 3. We paint the figures, add details to them and decide their fate: you can cut out the silhouettes and stick them on a blank sheet or make a collage, or you can paint over the rest of the space as a background.


which we unknowingly draw

Have you ever wondered

what do the different pictures mean,

which we do not hesitate to draw on paper?

Parade of numbers

Those who like to draw tsiferki are concerned exclusively with material values.

The first option - you figure out where and how you can make money.

Second, you are thinking how to pay off your debts.

May there always be sunshine

Are the pages of your notebook adorned with the sun or garlands?

Paradoxically, your mood is not so rosy,

like these pictures.

You lack warmth, care and attention.

You dream of friendship and tenderness.

Want some advice?

Try to be among people more often in the near future.

Call your friends, go to the movies or go for a walk with them, sit in a cafe.

Then the sun will appear not only on paper, but also in your soul.

Oh, these figures

Squares, diamonds, triangles give out clear goals and strong beliefs.

Such figures are usually drawn by people

who are used to openly expressing their point of view.

They try not to give in to the enemy, they have a practical mindset,

well-developed logical thinking and are able to occupy a leadership position.

Moreover, symmetrical shapes mean commitment

to accuracy and order, prudence and the ability to plan everything.

At the same time, if the corners of the shapes are drawn too sharply -

it is a clear tendency towards aggression.

Your problem is too much focus

which does not allow you to relax normally.

Noughts and crosses

Crosses express feelings of guilt.

Perhaps you offended someone or did not fulfill a promise or you think

that those around you reproach you for something.

As soon as possible, discuss everything that bothers you, or ask for forgiveness, it will immediately become easier.

By the way, your drawing may not just have ordinary crosses,

but, for example, jewelry or patterns containing cross-shaped elements.

As a rule, women give them this look.

Spirals, circles, wavy lines

Other people's problems do not bother you too much or do not interest you at all.

You are a very secretive and reserved person, you do not like

when others meddle in your affairs.

You may be in a mild crisis.

You are now a solid bare wire.

Try to control yourself, otherwise you may flare up and offend the interlocutor.

Burn, burn, my star…

A star is an indicator of an optimistic nature.

Faced with a problem, such a person tries not to give up.

and tries to cope with difficulties faster.

In addition, such a drawing demonstrates the desire of the "draftsman"

attract attention.

There was a birch in the field ...

Thin trees with bare branches paint lost and frustrated people.

But the branchy crown and thick trunk show

that you are energetic, cheerful and at the moment nothing bothers you.

Heart to heart

You are overwhelmed with feelings.

I want to kiss the whole world.

But you're constantly holding back your emotions

and from the outside you seem strict and unapproachable.

Moreover, the larger the drawing, the greater the difference.

between your true face and your usual mask.

Stop controlling yourself, become more open and relaxed.

House for bees

"Honeycomb" speaks of striving

to an orderly and measured life,

tranquility, harmony with yourself and the world around you.

In addition, such a pattern can mean

desire to start a family,

in which often a person

does not even want to admit to herself.

Seven-flowered flower

Flowers and leaves speak of a good character.

Such people are sympathetic and love to help others.

They are also sensitive and emotional.

If a person paints plants in a vase,

it means that he constantly needs energy supply.

Check or checkmate

You find yourself in an unpleasant

or a predicament,

so you draw a chessboard.

And you want to solve all the problems

having worked out your tactics and strategy,

how chess players do it.

Meanwhile, if a similar image

your notebook is a frequent visitor,

it is possible

that you are suffering from hidden complexes.


German specialists from the Institute of Psychology in Bonn observed how people behave for a year,

talking by phone or attending production meetings.

It turned out that two-thirds of the chatting subscribers and half of the meeting participants draw on paper some

figures. After testing, it turned out that this was no accident. Drawings are not just doodles,

and the symbols reflecting the state of mind of people, and these symbols come from the depths of the subconscious.

People throw them out mechanically when they move a pencil over paper, without thinking about the essence.

But psychologists have learned to decipher the hidden meaning of images.

For example, Pushkin loved to draw faces and figures of people in the margins. And this is a clear sign of sociability.

and vital ease, increased sociability and dynamism. Such people look at life simply,

but at the same time they are characterized by considerable life wisdom. John F. Kennedy has consistently drawn

spiky sailboats on the scraps of paper, which, according to experts, indicates a lot of energy,

persistence and considerable sexual strength. Boris Yeltsin, they say, drew when talking with subordinates

straight intersecting lines, which characterizes him as a straightforward and stubborn person,

irritating others and conflicting not only with others, but also with himself.

In general, people are not so varied in scribbles. There are only 8 main "plots".

1. Spirals, circles, wavy lines

Other people's problems do not bother you too much or even bother you. If you are forced to deal with other people's business,

then you try to get rid of them as soon as possible, because all your attention at the moment

focused on his own person. You may be in a mild crisis. If you noticed

that you are starting to draw spirals, keep in mind: now you need to take special care of yourself,

so as not to flare up. Many circles are melancholy, loneliness.

2. Flowers, sun, garlands.

You are a vulnerable nature with a huge imagination. But your soul is not so fun at all,

as it may seem. Rather, the opposite is true. Most of all you dream of friendship and tenderness, and thoughts,

which are spinning in your head, involuntarily transfer to paper: "Pay attention to me!"

Hurry to visit good friends, or at least try to be in the near future

among people. Those little things in life that other people will pass by without paying special attention to them,

can cause you upset, worry, or anxiety

3. Grids

You feel that you are in a risky or embarrassing position.

Each decisive, bold line is an attack that you hesitate to launch. If at the end

you outline your drawing - this means that the problem is over, at least externally.

You tend to swallow resentment and irritation more often than not. And this is fraught with danger:

disappointment builds up in your soul, and you feel more and more unhappy.

You lack the determination to assert yourself.

4. Patterns as on wallpaper

Sharp corners and smooth ovals are combined into a motif that repeats indefinitely. Such a pattern suggests

that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or a meeting, or maybe your whole lifestyle in general.

You can start with a trifle: say, do something extravagant, something that you previously dared only

in dreams. It will destroy the monotony that is so depressing for you.

5. Crosses

Women usually give them the appearance of jewelry, while men have more strict outlines. But in both cases they

express feelings of guilt, most likely during a telephone conversation.

Something weighs on you: either you reproach yourself, or the interlocutor reproached you. It is imperative to discuss the reason.

True, not necessarily this very minute. Otherwise, you will have to suffer for a long time.

6. Primitive people

This image is a sign of helplessness or a desire to shirk some responsibility.

People usually draw little people at the moment when they should have said a decisive "no",

but they cannot bring themselves to utter the word. So the little man should be taken as a warning.

and say to yourself: “Don't give up! Refuse, otherwise you will later lament because of your own weakness! "

7. Chess fields

Apparently, you are in a very unpleasant, or at least a quandary.

You dream of a clear and reliable path that will lead you out of it. Doesn't follow anything at the moment

hide or suppress. If such images appear frequently, then you are most likely

suffer from hidden complexes.

8. Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes

You cannot be easily fooled. You have clear goals and beliefs. You almost never hide your opinion.

Rarely do you feel fear of your opponents, competitors, and bosses.

The more angular the geometric shapes, the more aggressive you are, although this is not always noticeable outwardly.

But aggressiveness constrains your imagination and does not allow you to relax.

Try to look at things in a simpler way.

Don't clash over trifles.

Try to suppress your ambitions.

Circles and rings
Circles, connected to each other or inscribed one into the other, speak of a desire for joining and complicity. “I feel lonely, I feel like I’m disconnected from the outside world,” such drawings signal. When we draw circles on paper, the unconscious hints to us that we lack friendly sympathy and attention.

Squares, rhombuses and other geometric shapes
You have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. You are usually overly alert and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

Spirals, circles, or wavy lines
Other people's problems do not bother you too much or do not interest you at all. You may even be experiencing a mild emotional crisis: walking in the circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to flare up and not break out on others.

This is the vector by which you are guided in life. The arrow is directed upwards - orientation towards other people, downwards - towards yourself, to the left - look into the past, to the right - you hope for the future.

You want to be in the spotlight, it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But, if your star has too many rays or you portray them separately from it, this may indicate depressive experiences.

Perhaps you are worried about a feeling of guilt towards a loved one or some problem for which you feel responsible.

Houses and boxes
Symmetrical shapes show a love of order, a tendency to plan and calculate. This is what this drawing tells others: "I am not easily confused, I know exactly what I want, I have clear goals, and I am going to resolutely defend my opinion."

Chess fields
Apparently, you are in a very unpleasant, or at least a quandary. If such images appear often, then you, most likely, suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve a situation, or are in search of yourself, your path in life, doubt the correctness of your life.

You strive for calmness, for harmony, you want to streamline your life. It is also very likely that you are thinking about creating a family nest.

Your emotions today may directly depend on the animal that settled on your paper. If it is a tiger or a wolf, aggression is hidden in you; if a fox - they decided to cheat somewhere; a bunny or a squirrel - you need care and protection, a lion - you feel your superiority over everyone. When you constantly depict the same animal, bird or bug, then most likely you are comparing it with yourself, attributing to yourself its habits.

Human Figures
If they are little people, then most likely you feel helpless or want to dodge any responsibilities. When you depict a person schematically (“a stick, a stick, a cucumber - that’s where the little man came out”), your emotional state is unstable, you want to close yourself up and not let anyone near you.

Personal signatures
Such mechanical drawings are characteristic of a vain and egocentric nature. The abundance of your own signatures, automatically displayed on the sheet during a conversation or pondering a problem, signals an excessive obsession with your own person.

Flowers, sun, clouds
Cheerful flowers and the sun are sure signs that you are happy with the way the telephone conversation is going. Most likely, while listening to your interlocutor, you are already dreaming along the way, fantasizing about something pleasant. Such drawings with your head give out your optimistic mood and good mood.

The most uncomplicated images reflect our character, temperament, mood. It is not for nothing that psychology and psychiatry have long used a pencil with a piece of paper to learn a lot about a person, his problems, and choose the right treatment strategy.

The psychology of the drawing of an adult

Images taken by an adult can indicate turmoil in personal life, work, joyful or sad moods. Especially valuable are the sketches that the person displays on a piece of paper automatically, without thinking about what she is drawing specifically (for example, when she is sitting at a tiresome meeting). The psychology of the drawing is as follows:

  • wavy lines predominate, objects are a sign of a crisis, serious problems, a difficult entangled situation, from which it is difficult to get out. The same is indicated by a grid or a chessboard (squares). But the situation is not critical, there is a way out (albeit unpleasant);
  • honeycomb is peace of mind, tranquility;
  • the drawn little men indicate that the individual really needs the support of others, that it is bad to overcome troubles on his own;
  • boredom is depicted in a repetitive pattern;
  • the presence of "funny" pictures in psychology does not necessarily hint at a great mood, the absence of troubles. The sun is a sign of sadness, nostalgia, lack of human warmth, joy, lack of communication;
  • hearts indicate a joyful mood;
  • squares like to draw consistent, purposeful, unemotional personalities who can hardly tolerate spontaneity, living according to a clear plan;
  • triangles create full of ambition. Such persons are ready to risk a lot in order to achieve their goal;
  • rounded objects like to draw those who always give in, are afraid of conflicts;
  • intertwined circles represent those who lack movement, activity.

If a person draws solid geometric shapes, psychology claims that he refers to individuals who have firmly decided to act in a certain way. Such people are distinguished by inner confidence, steadfastness.

Deciphering children's drawings - interpretation in psychology

The simplest drawings of the baby are a "window" into the perception of the world, the inner state of the child:

  • when he depicts "desert" landscapes - trees, a lawn, a field, it means that he experiences loneliness. The baby lacks communication with relatives, the baby is in trouble with peers;
  • a painted house is a sign of fatigue. The kid lacks the warmth of his home;
  • kind peaceful animals (cats, squirrels, ducklings) the baby draws when the mood is excellent, there are no problems;
  • loved ones with whom the child has conflicts have a dark, brown color. The baby creates her beloved relatives with bright colors. The larger the figure of a loved one, the more significant the place, according to the baby, is;
  • if the child depicted large dark human figures, it is possible that the baby distrust others (especially strangers);
  • “Self-portrait” with giant ears testifies to some narcissism, a desire to be ahead of others. And your own image with long arms indicates openness, openness of thinking, fearless desire to experience new things;
  • the baby has low self-esteem if he portrays himself as short-legged.

Individual figures of people, shown shaded, painted over, mean that the child treats these persons negatively, is afraid.

Deciphering drawings in psychology

Color, location of objects, size, shape of lines will tell a lot.

  1. Color of pictures
    The color of objects can tell a lot:
  • red hints at an unresolved conflict situation, a tense nervous state, discontent and passive aggressiveness;
  • - reflection of a wonderful optimistic mood, readiness to act;
  • blue. Psychological drawings of this shade indicate inner peace, no doubt, a positive attitude. The school, depicted in blue, is a clear hint that the child does not have any problems with peers, teachers, he is well given the educational material. Blue can also be a sign of detachment from what is happening, unwillingness to leave your little world;
  • the prevailing gray tones indicate that there is a lack of positive, everything is too mundane, prosaic;
  • a lot of green - the person is full of hope, looks forward optimistically. Also, this color is preferred by independent natures;
  • there is a lot of pink in the drawings of lovers, happy, sensitive people;
  • the predominance of gray, black is a sign of anxiety, depressed depressive mood.

Remember! An individual who loves to shade what has been drawn finds it difficult to perceive the new, adheres to outdated views. If the person never shades anything, then she is open to changes, ready to accept them.

  1. Location

Psychology is read from a person's drawings by their location. If an individual chose to place the image closer to the top of the sheet, then he is full of ambition, a desire to achieve a lot. This person seeks to become a professional in his field, to climb the career ladder.

Drawing closer to the bottom of the sheet indicates an inferiority complex. The person is afraid of competition, underestimates her own capabilities.

If the drawing is closer to the left edge, then the person is overcome by longing for the past. It seems to him: the best is left behind.

The image on the right means that he prefers to forget about the present, since the individual is not satisfied with the present day.

Remember! It is best when objects are closer to the center. Then the person is happy with the present.

  1. The size

Drawing psychology takes into account the size of the picture. Image volume indicates self-esteem. If the drawing is rather big, then everything is fine with it.

A huge image is a sign of arrogance generated by an inner dissatisfaction with life, a desire for more. Small is a sign of shyness, anxiety, fear to prove oneself.

Forms of lines of psychological drawings and their meaning

Lines are another criterion by which one can judge personality:

  • if the lines are interrupted, a person doubts the decisions made, the strength of his position, there is a lack of stability in the life of an individual;
  • solid ones hint at a strong personality, self-confident, not doubting the decisions made;
  • thin lines - this is a desire to go into the shadows, to make sure that they are left alone, they stop noticing. So draw those who are ashamed of their own actions in front of others;
  • fatty is done by the one who wants attention, a positive assessment of his actions, the one who lacks self-confidence.

If the lines are straight, without sharp corners and bends, then the personality does not adapt well to the new, thinks too straightforwardly, is used to following inflexible schemes.

Sharp corners are betrayed by hostility, an active unwillingness to put up with what is not enough. Roundness, on the contrary, speaks of a soft, docile character, ready to make compromises.

The meaning of drawings in psychology is perceived as a symbolism of the subconscious. Through the shape of the images, their color, size, what a person has hidden deeply and securely comes out. The task of specialists is to help an individual understand the origins of problems, and then find ways to solve them. Such a specialist is the psychologist-hypnologist Nikita V. Baturin. Also, you can watch helpful videos on various psychological topics at