Literary author's tales for elementary school presentation. Folk tale composition

Completed by: Arseny Alpatov

Pupil 4 "A" class

Head: E. I. Mityasova

Primary school teacher


The life and work of A.S. Pushkin

The life and work of P.P. Ershova

The life and work of S.T. Aksakova

The life and work of A. N. Tolstoy


The life and work of A.S. Pushkin

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837) - the great Russian poet, prose writer, playwright.

In the family, in addition to Alexander Sergeevich, there were several more children - son Lev and daughter Olga.

Pushkin was so fond of books that he collected more than 3,500 copies in his home library.

He was also a polyglot, knew many foreign languages, including French, Greek, Latin, German and some others.

The poet took part in two dozen duels. The first duel took place when Pushkin was still a high school student. The last 21st duel turned out to be fatal for him.

In 1837, a conflict arose between Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Georges Dantes. Pushkin challenges Dantes to a duel, and as a result he is fatally wounded in the stomach.

Emperor Nicholas I, knowing about the difficult condition of the poet, promises to provide the family with prosperity and pay off all debts. Subsequently, the monarch fulfilled all promises. The poet died on January 29 (February 10), 1837.

Poetic tales of A.S. Pushkin

A striking example of writing fairy tales in poetic form is A. Pushkin, who initially did not plan to compose children's works. But after a while the poetic creations "About Tsar Saltan", "About the priest and his worker Balda", "About the dead princess and the seven heroes", "About the golden cockerel" added to the list of fairy tales by Russian writers. A simple and figurative form of presentation, memorable images, vivid plots - all this is characteristic of the work of the great poet. And these works are still included in the treasury of children's literature.

Life and work of P. Ershov

Ershov Pyotr Pavlovich (1815-1869), poet and educator. In 1834 he wrote the poetic tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse". Its success was colossal. All reading Russia learned the tale. Moreover, the tale went to the people, it was retold, each in its own way, in different localities.

Glory came to the poet at the age of 19. It is readily published, but everything that comes out of the pen - lyric poems, romantic poems, dramatic stories - cannot be compared with The Little Humpbacked Horse. Ershov was born a storyteller.

Pyotr Pavlovich did a lot of educational and educational work in Tobolsk. Ershov is not just the author of one fairy tale - he is a wonderful Russian storyteller, a rare, bright, "magic" talent. Died August 30, 1869

The tale of Peter Ershov

The Little Humpbacked Horse - a fairy tale by Peter Ershov in verse. The popular fairy tale The Little Humpbacked Horse is full of magical characters: the Firebird, a huge fish, and others. In a fairy tale, there are outdated words that are intuitive, giving a special flavor to the work. It's a pleasure to read the Little Humpbacked Horse fairy tale! It contains humor, philosophy, and of course miracles ...

Life and work of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov

Russian writer, official and public figure, literary and theater critic, memoirist, author of books on fishing and hunting, as well as collecting butterflies. Father of Russian writers and public figures of the Slavophiles: Konstantin, Ivan and Vera Aksakov

Aksakov's biography begins on September 20, 1791, when Sergei Timofeevich was born in a city in Ufa. He wrote his first works at the age of 14. His biography is marked by early recognition of his work.

The tale of S.T. Aksakova

The Fairy Tale The Scarlet Flower is Aksakov's literary presentation of the story of the Beauty and the Beast. The beloved daughter asked her merchant father to bring her the Scarlet Flower, but it turned out that the most beautiful flower was growing in the garden of the monster. The father picked the flower and was forced to send his daughter to live with this beast. The girl became attached to the monster, with her love she dispelled the magic spell and it turned out that the monster is a handsome prince ...

The life and work of A.N. Tolstoy

Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich (1882 / 1883-1945), writer. Father - Count N. A. Tolstoy, mother - children's writer A. L. Tolstaya. For children, he wrote a fairy tale "The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino" (1936). Pinocchio from the fairy tale of the same name by Carlo Collodi became the prototype of Pinocchio here, but the differences in the plot and characters of the characters are quite significant, and one can speak of “Pinocchio” as an independent work.

During the Great Patriotic War, Tolstoy in his articles talked about the exploits at the front and in the rear. The writer admired the strength of the spirit of the Russian people in "The Tales of Ivan Sudarev" (1942-1944). Conceived a great novel about the war.

A.N. Tolstoy

This tale-tale by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy was written based on the fairy tale by Carlo Collodi “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of the wooden doll ”. At first, Tolstoy rather accurately conveyed the plot of the Italian fairy tale, but then he got carried away with the original idea and created the history of the hearth, painted on an old canvas, and the golden key. Alexey Nikolaevich has gone far from the original plot, having created his own wonderful world, familiar to every child in our country. Illustrator - Bronislav Bronislavovich Malakhovsky, the first artist to work on this book.

There are no fairy tales without miracles and secrets.

They contain everything: wisdom, and a funny joke, and invention.

There are no irreparable troubles and misfortunes, all fairy tales end well.

Therefore, in every fairy tale

there is a secret.

Fairy tales have a happy ending.

The happy end of the fairy tale is a reward for us for a long journey with the heroes of fairy tales.

Happiness -

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Literary tale as a genre of epic

A literary tale is an epic work created by the author. It depicts: fictional, incredible events and fairy-tale heroes Narration from the perspective of the narrator: He narrates what he sees and hears

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Depend on the author's imagination. In a literary tale, elements of a fairy tale about animals, everyday and fairy tales, an adventure and detective story, science fiction and parody literature are intertwined. It can arise from a folk tale, legend, belief, saga, legend, even a proverb and a children's song.

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Heroes of folk and literary tales

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compare the heroes of folk tales and literary ones.

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Heroes of literary tales differ from heroes of folk tales. In literary tales, the world of good and evil is not differentiated. So the character of the characters can change in the course of a fairy tale, for example, like Tsar Saltan and Matvey in the fairy tales "The Sleeping Princess" and "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

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From folk tale to author's tale

Project of students 4 B class of the MOU "Secondary School No. 63", Penza

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Purpose of the study

Find fairy tales - prototypes Compare in one pair of fairy tales - prototypes names of fairy tales, their plot, names of heroes, number of heroes and magic in a fairy tale, endings, form of writing fairy tales, idea Write your own fairy tale on the plot of a folk tale

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And also answer questions

Are fairy tales necessary in life? What do fairy tales teach? Are the author's tales independent tales or just a processed repetition of folk tales?

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Search for prototype fairy tales

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    Search for fairy tales - prototypes to the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen. Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of his birth

    Folk "Flame" "Princess and a Pea" "Eleven Swans" "Beggar" Based on Arabic fairy tales Copyright "Flame" "Princess and a Pea" "Wild Swans" "Swineherd" "Flying Chest"

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    Fairy tale comparison plan

    The plot is the same. The names of the characters are different. The form of writing fairy tales: folk - in prose, author's - in poetry, in prose. The endings are different. The idea of \u200b\u200bfairy tales is different.

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    Comparison of fairy tales - prototypes

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    Comparison of the fairy tales "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the 7 Heroes"

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    Composition of the author's fairy tale

    © MOU Secondary School No. 15, Yaroslavl, 2007

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    find out whether the author's tales have a certain composition. Artist Yuri Speransky

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    Folk tale composition

    Beginning Exposition Opening End Exodus Climax The tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, but does not interrupt in the heart

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    A certain complex of motives or repeated elements-functions of the characters (31 functions according to Propp) forms a strict scheme of a folk tale.

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    In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ... I lived in ancient times ... Long ago, in the old days, winters were cold ...

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    The ending

    Ivan got married to the Tsar Maiden, they began to live and live and make good. It can be seen that old people are useful, too, you can't do without them ... I was at that feast too, I was drinking honey, wine was pouring down my mustache, but I didn't get into my mouth ... ...

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    Thus, a folk tale, as a representative of the epic genre, has the following features: - the presence of traditional formulas for the beginning and ending; - the presence of repetitive designs; - colloquial speech, - repetitive narrative techniques, - a three-stage plot structure.

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    A literary fairy tale, to be called such, for the most part borrows its stylistic features from the folk. But the speech of the heroes of the tale depends only on the will of the author.

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    Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" begins with the words: "In the open sea, the water is completely blue, like petals of the most beautiful flowers, and transparent, like clear glass, but deep there."

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    In a folk tale, narration prevails. In a literary tale that pays great attention to the characters of the heroes, an important place is given to descriptions and reasoning.

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    Artistic time does not coincide with real time. Thus, in a folk tale, it is accelerated (for example, the hero's road leading to the goal is not described, but the fact of departure and the fact of arrival is simply reported). In a literary tale, the writer is free to speed up some events and delay others, disrupt their sequential course, rearrange them in time in his own way.

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    In the author's tales there is no beginning inherent in folk tales. Only elements of the traditional scheme are used, the author's imagination is of great importance. The author, at his own discretion, speeds up or slows down the artistic time, conveys ideas characteristic of the era.

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    1) Compose your own fairy tale based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" "Ryaba chicken" "Teremok" "Turnip"

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    Pen test "Sly couple". Actor's tale of student 4 B class Natalia Mashentseva (prototype of the folk tale "Cat and Fox")

    Once upon a time there was a Siberian cat in the forest. He was cunning, He rubbed his nose with his paw, He went hunting. I met a red fox in the forest. And he was so afraid of her, That he was going to run away from her. But the fox was painfully sly, Quickly asked the cat: “Who are you? And where are you going? " Affectionately, the cat answers her: "I don’t have tea in you, Where I haven’t been. But I haven’t seen such beauty!" The fox spread her ears, found a groom for herself, led him down the aisle. We lived in the house of the cat: After a delicious dinner, the fidget went to bed, And the fox, tidying up everything, Sweetly singing a song, Without asking hubby, She went for a walk in the forest alone. She met the wolf. The wolf says to her: “Hello! Listen to me, my light: I am single and you are a girl, So I decided to marry you. " “You are late, gray wolf, What good are you! I got married yesterday For a Siberian cat. " "How to see him, your Hubby?" “You catch a kid for me, Kotofeeva's wife, Put it behind the fence, Take a breath of air, And hide under a bush. As he will notice you, So run as from fire! But otherwise he will bite, Pound and beat! "

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    The wolf ran after the goat, To see the cat. And the fox kept walking And met the bear: - "Hello, girl-fox, -Let me bow, Maybe we will come to see me in the evening?" - “Know, bear, I got married, -“ I won't cheat on him. Don't bother Kotofeeva's wife! Otherwise, my cat will beat you and beat you! " Our bear was surprised - Here you are red-haired: - "How to see him, your Hubby?" - "You catch, bear, a bull, Yes, clean his sides, Hide yourself in the bushes And sit there until you see my miracle!" Then the fox went to the hero To prepare her husband for battle. So she came home, Well, and her husband still sleeps sometimes. I woke up, fed me I did not forget to tell everything, - "Oh, listen, my dear, You are already home with the dishes, Guests will come to us soon, Guests will bring meat." She repainted the cat in different colors, So that the wolf was worse. And the bear took horror. Well, the animals are waiting - they will wait And they guard the gifts. Having sent a bunny for a fox, They began to hide in a crowd. The animals sat under the bushes And buried themselves in the leaves. They wait - they will wait, but there is no pair, the Bunny is looking for them in the world. He found them and leads them, But fear takes the animals. The cat moved to the meat, the Wolf rustled the foliage. The cat thought: "It's a mouse!" Yes, as it jumps into the paws of the bear, And the bear was so scared, That he climbed a tree. The wolf ran as fast as he could, As fast as he could. Leaving the cat with the fox, the Beasts rushed home. And the cat and the fox all lived, ate meat, did not grieve. And now they live: Fox is a cheat and Cat is a cheat.

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    Project goals:

    1. Meet the writers - creators of fairy tales.
    2. Meet artists - illustrators of fairy tales.
    3. Get acquainted with theatrical performances based on the author's fairy tales.
    4. Compare feature films and cartoons based on a fairy tale plot.
    5. Get acquainted with the composers who created their works based on the plots of the author's fairy tales.


    1. Presentations:

    2. Exhibition of books.
    3. Exhibition of drawings.
    4. Appendix 1 (tasks for the project "Authors' Tales")

    During the classes

    1. Introduction by the teacher.

    What do fairy tales teach?
    - Do you need fairy tales in life?

    3. Student speech.

    Comparison of A. Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" and Leprince de Beaumont's fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast".

    "The Scarlet Flower".

    The fairy tale of the housekeeper Pelageya.

    The fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" was written down by the famous Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov (1791 - 1859). He heard it as a child during his illness. The writer tells about this in the story “The childhood of Bagrov the grandson”:

    “Insomnia interfered with my early recovery ... On the advice of my aunt, they called once the housekeeper Pelageya, who was a great craftswoman to tell fairy tales and whom even the late grandfather loved to listen to ... Pelageya came, middle-aged, but still white, ruddy ... stove and began to speak, a little chanting: "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ..."

    Do I need to say that I did not fall asleep until the end of the tale, that, on the contrary, I did not sleep longer than usual?

    The next day I heard another story about "The Scarlet Flower." From that time, until my very recovery, Pelageya told me every day one of her many fairy tales. More than others I remember "Tsar Maiden", "Ivanushka the Fool", "Firebird" and "Snake Gorynych".

    In the last years of his life, while working on the book “Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson,” Sergei Timofeevich remembered the housekeeper Pelageya, her wonderful fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” and wrote it down from memory. It was first published in 1858 and has since become our favorite fairy tale.

    Leprince de Beaumont. The beauty and the Beast

    Foreign version of the Scarlet Flower. The same question: What is more important: bodily beauty or mental beauty?

    4. Performances of students in accordance with the plan drawn up collectively during the preparation of the project:

    * Tell about the writer according to plan:

    What Russian writers created fairy tales?
    - What fairy tales did they write?
    - What do you know about life and work?

    * Tell on the topic:

    What animation or fiction films were created based on the stories of author's fairy tales?
    - What artists, animators, composers, directors created them?
    - What actors have played in movies?
    - What films did you like the most? Explain.

    * Tell about the theatrical performance according to the plan:

    What theatrical performance is based on the plot of the author's fairy tale?
    - In which theater did you see him?
    - Compare the play and the fairy tale on the plot of which it is staged.
    - Which of the heroes of the play do you remember especially and why?

    A literary tale as a genre of epic A literary tale is an epic work created by the author. It depicts: a) fictional, incredible events and fairy-tale characters b) Narration from the person of the narrator: c) He narrates what he sees and hears

    Author's fairy tales Depend on the author's imagination. In a literary tale, elements of a fairy tale about animals, everyday and fairy tale, adventure and detective story, science fiction and parody literature are intertwined. It can arise from a folk tale, legend, belief, saga, legend, even a proverb and a children's song.

    Folk tale Literary tale The constancy of functions The mermaid is a harmful creature into which deceased girls, mostly drowned women, turn. The inconstancy of the functions of the Mermaid in G.Kh. Andersen "The Little Mermaid" is kind, sympathetic, saves her beloved.

    Folk tale Literary tale The laconic character of the Baba Yaga characters - crocheted nose, bone leg. Detailed characteristics of the characters The snowflake grew, grew, until, finally, it turned into a tall woman, wrapped in the thinnest white veil; it seemed to be woven from millions of snow stars.

    Folk tale Literary tale The laconic character of the Baba Yaga characters - crocheted nose, bone leg. Expanded Characteristics of the Characters This woman, so beautiful and majestic, was all of ice, of dazzling, sparkling ice, and yet alive; her eyes shone like two clear stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them.

    Conclusion Heroes of literary fairy tales differ from heroes of folk tales. In literary tales, the world of good and evil is not differentiated. So the character of the characters can change in the course of a fairy tale, for example, like Tsar Saltan and Matvey in the fairy tales "The Sleeping Princess" and "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

    Search for prototype fairy tales Folk Authors "Morozko" "Moroz Ivanovich" V.F. Odoevsky "Tsarevich Nechiter-Nemuder" "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...." AS Pushkin "Sleeping Beauty" in the adaptation of Ch. Perrault, "Rosehip" in the adaptation of the Brothers Grimm. "The Tale of the Sleeping Princess." V. A. Zhukovsky

    Search for fairy tales - prototypes for the fairy tales of G. H. Andersen. Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth Folk "Flame" "The Princess and the Pea" "Eleven Swans" "The Beggar" Based on Arabic fairy tales Author's "Flame" "The Princess and the Pea" "Wild Swans" "Swineherd" "Flying Chest"

    Comparison of fairy tales - prototypes table The tale "The Sleeping Beauty" in the processing of Ch. Perrault The tale "The Sleeping Princess" by Zhukovsky 1. The names of the heroes The names are not mentioned The Russian name of the tsar - Matvey (Zhukovsky immediately introduces the reader to the Russian environment) 2. The plot The plot is almost the same The plot is almost the same 3. Details of everyday life 1) the royal palace-castle with many rooms 2) the bed of a beautiful woman with a canopy the royal tower is a miracle of antiquity with a spiral staircase 4. Speech coloring Knights, armored men, fairy, halls Tsarevich, daring fellow, sorceress, chambers, “her color "," A feast for the whole world "- Russian phraseological units 5. Endings The ending, typical for the era of troubadours in Western Europe - the court poet composed about the sleeping beauty the song Ending, which is typical for Russian folk tales 6. Form Fairy tale in prose Fairy tale in verse

    Prescribing or prohibition violation of the departure of the hero of the meeting with the donors the appearance of the enemy fight the victory of the test on the way home recognition of the hero wedding A certain complex of motives or recurring elements-functions of the characters (31 functions according to Propp) forms a strict scheme of a folk tale

    Ivan got married to the Tsar Maiden, they began to live and live and make good. It can be seen that old people are useful, too, you can't do without them ... I was at that feast too, I was drinking honey, drinking wine, flowing down my mustache, but I didn't get into my mouth ... They began to live - to live, to make good money and drink honey .. . Ending

    Thus, a folk tale, as a representative of the epic genre, has the following features: - the presence of traditional formulas for the beginning and ending; - the presence of repetitive designs; - colloquial speech, - repetitive narrative techniques, - a three-stage plot structure.

    Artistic time does not coincide with real time. Thus, in a folk tale, it is accelerated (for example, the hero's road leading to the goal is not described, but the fact of departure and the fact of arrival is simply reported). In a literary tale, the writer is free to speed up some events and delay others, disrupt their sequential course, rearrange them in time in his own way.

    Conclusion In the author's tales there is no beginning inherent in folk tales. Only elements of the traditional scheme are used, the author's imagination is of great importance. The author, at his own discretion, speeds up or slows down the artistic time, conveys ideas characteristic of the era. Pen test "Sly couple". Attorney's tale of student 4 In the class of Natalia Mashentseva (prototype of the folk tale "The Cat and the Fox") Once upon a time there was a Siberian cat in the forest. He was cunning, He rubbed his nose with his paw, He went hunting. I met a red fox in the forest. And he was so afraid of her, That he was going to run away from her. But the fox was painfully sly, Quickly asked the cat: “Who are you? And where are you going? " Affectionately, the cat answers her: "I don’t have tea in you, Where I haven’t been. But I haven’t seen such beauty!" The fox spread her ears, found a groom for herself, led him down the aisle. We lived in the house of the cat: After a delicious dinner, the fidget went to bed, And the fox, tidying up everything, Sweetly singing a song, Without asking hubby, She went for a walk in the forest alone. She met the wolf. The wolf says to her: “Hello! Listen to me, my light: I am single and you are a girl, So I decided to marry you. " - “You are late, gray wolf, What good are you! I got married yesterday For a Siberian cat. " - "How to see him, your Hubby?" - “You catch a goat for me, Kotofeeva's wife, Put it behind the fence, Take a breath of air, And hide under a bush. As he will notice you, So run as from fire! But otherwise he will bite, Pound and beat! "

    The wolf ran after the goat, To see the cat. And the fox kept walking And met the bear: - "Hello, girl-fox, -Let me bow, Maybe we will come to see me in the evening?" - “Know, bear, I got married, -“ I won't cheat on him. Don't bother Kotofeeva's wife! Otherwise, my cat will beat you and beat you! " Our bear was surprised - Here you are red-haired: - "How to see him, your Hubby?" - "You catch, bear, a bull, Yes, clean his sides, Hide yourself in the bushes And sit there until you see my miracle!" Then the fox went to the hero To prepare her husband for battle. So she came home, Well, and her husband still sleeps sometimes. I woke up, fed me I did not forget to tell everything, - "Oh, listen, my dear, You are already home with the dishes, Guests will come to us soon, Guests will bring meat." She repainted the cat in different colors, So that the wolf was worse. And the bear took horror. Well, the animals are waiting - they will wait And they guard the gifts. Having sent a bunny for a fox, They began to hide in a crowd. The animals sat under the bushes And buried themselves in the leaves. They wait - wait, but there is no pair, the Bunny is looking for them in the world. He found them and leads them, But fear takes the animals. The cat moved closer to the meat, the Wolf rustled the foliage. The cat thought: "It's a mouse!" Yes, as it jumps into the paws of the bear, And the bear was so scared, That he climbed a tree. The wolf ran as fast as he could, As fast as he could. Leaving the cat with the fox, the Beasts rushed home. And the cat and the fox all lived, ate meat, did not grieve. And now they live: Fox is a cheat and Cat is a cheat.

    The author's tale is an epic genre: a fiction-oriented work closely related to a folk tale, but, unlike it, belonging to a specific author, which did not exist orally before publication and had no options. The author's fairy tale either imitates a folk tale (a literary tale written in a folk poetic style), or creates a didactic work (didactic literature) based on non-folklore plots.

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin World famous Russian classic of literature. Alexander Pushkin is known not only as an unsurpassed poet and brilliant prose writer, but also as an author of fairy tales. Pushkin's Tales: "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda" "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

    Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy A classic of world literature, one of the most widely known Russian writers and thinkers. A writer, recognized during his lifetime as the head of Russian literature. His most famous works: the novels "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection", the trilogy "Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth", the stories "Cossacks", "The Death of Ivan Ilyich", "The Kreutzer Sonata", "Hadji Murad", a cycle of essays "Sevastopol Tales", dramas "Living Corpse" and "The Power of Darkness", autobiographical religious and philosophical works "Confession" and "What is My Faith? " other.

    Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears"