How to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings

Relationships between opposite sexes are rarely simple and straightforward. Men do not like to show their feelings, and women can only speculate, trying to find out whether the chosen one really shows sympathy or is it just a figment of the imagination. Falling in love is one of the strongest feelings, it would seem that you can determine a caring guy by his behavior, but in practice it turns out that women's actions differ from men's. Determining exactly the presence of feelings can be very difficult.

Each person reacts to strong feelings in their own way, so love can only be determined empirically. Source: Flickr (Claudia_Gaiotto)

Psychology of a man during love

If women strive to please the representative of the stronger sex, to become noticeable in his eyes, this becomes obvious immediately, but how to understand that a guy is in love, but hides his feelings? The fact is that he obeys natural instincts, does not want to be rejected and ridiculed. In a world where the role of girls is becoming more important, and careers for many of them are in the first place, men are becoming more indecisive and secretive.

Guys not only do not show their feelings, but they can do it in such a way as to convince others that they are not interested in you. Of course, not all representatives of the stronger sex are like this, but if you happened to experience the love of just such a person, it will be quite difficult to notice his feelings.

In general, the behavior of a guy in love changes, he can diligently ignore you, show some aggression, detachment or interest - it doesn’t matter. But it’s worth watching him a little, as you will see the presence of feelings for you, although sometimes it seems that such signs are in no way similar to the behavior of a person in love.

It is interesting! Falling in love is much more likely to occur in extreme situations. In this case, a chemical reaction appears in the body - the production of cortisol. It also happens to people who have experienced mental disorders. And butterflies in the stomach are a symptom of the production of adrenaline at the sight of an object of adoration.

How to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings?

If a man is in love, but hides it, it is enough to pay attention to the peculiarities of his behavior towards you. You should note the following signs:

  1. Strives to look better, without even realizing it, he will go to the store for a new shirt, sign up for the gym, put on the best suit to meet the chosen one. If earlier his appearance was of little interest to him, now he is ready to devote some time to gathering for a date, albeit not in the same quantity as the girls.
  2. The guy takes care of his passion, these will not necessarily be gifts, perhaps just a desire to help deal with problems: fix a faucet, arrange a car for service, find an unusual souvenir that you dreamed of.
  3. He listens carefully to everything you say, wants to know about your childhood, preferences in life, tastes, work. He also likes to match interests to prove to himself that you have a lot in common.
  4. How to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings? You can increasingly meet with him, and, as if by chance, your admirer will build a route in such a way as to catch your eye with enviable regularity. Many representatives of the stronger sex at such meetings begin to assert that it all adds up, fate helps you, and the like.
  5. As soon as you get close to your partner, you will notice an upbeat mood and signs of euphoria, his mood improves, and there is a haste in his movements. Sometimes he cannot even connect two words, mumbles, stutters, gets confused. Moreover, the guy is ready to let you close, strives for contact.
  6. Dreaminess, unreasonable smiles appear in actions. He can increasingly be seen pensive, as if some romantic images from the future are scrolling in his head.
  7. The representative of the stronger sex wants to show his best side. This can manifest itself in unbridled courage, a desire to show off one's talents, whether it's impeccable driving or a huge collection of homemade boats. And he wants to surprise his beloved in order to achieve her location.
  8. How to understand that a guy is in love? It is enough to follow his gaze, he often singles out the object of his adoration in the crowd, tries to follow every gesture surreptitiously. Look into your eyes: cold restraint should give way to warmth and tenderness.
  9. You become a part of his life. If there are serious feelings, the partner will not be afraid to let the girl into his soul, he will introduce you to relatives, friends and relatives, he will definitely tell you about the intricacies of work, school years, hobbies.
  10. And love turns a person into a fool. He will learn information about you through mutual acquaintances, he will turn to you for the most trifling reasons, he will ask a bunch of strange, seemingly insignificant questions.

Distance for a lover is not a problem, he is ready to overcome a long road to spend the weekend together. Source: Flickr (Renate_Dodell)

However, such signs are not characteristic of all men. Each person reacts to strong feelings in their own way, so love can only be determined empirically. Throw away fantasies and conjectures, see how he behaves in the presence of you.

It is interesting! It is known that the hearts of lovers beat synchronously, scientists have not found an explanation for this fact, although they assure that it is the effect of hormones that cause euphoria. By the way, the effect of these hormones is similar to the use of cocaine.

How to know if a guy is in love with you?

In order to be sure of the seriousness of intentions and the fullness of feelings, it is necessary to arrange a test for your chosen one. What should be of concern:

  • unwillingness to introduce you to loved ones;
  • criticism of your clothes, makeup, behavior or actions;
  • regular stories about the shortcomings of the marriage of his acquaintances;
  • he does not remember your contact details;
  • after dates it becomes indifferent, does not want to accompany you home.

All these signs characterize only the play of feelings towards you. How to know that a man is in love if he hides it? A person will definitely give himself away in behavior, he will not promise you mountains of gold and eternal happiness, but he will be able to support you in difficult times. Your interests will be put in the first place, and your opinion on any occasion will be taken into account.

Having fallen in love, a person will try to support you. If someone is rude, he will definitely intervene, he will ask if it is cold for you on the street during a date, ask about business at work. Distance for a lover is not a problem, he is ready to overcome a long road to spend the weekend together.

In general, women's intuition should help to understand the true state of affairs, it is not for nothing that so much has been said about it. The young lady must soberly assess the situation, and understand how her partner treats her, determine the presence of feelings. The main thing is not to take wishful thinking, as ladies who have given their heart to the chosen one love to do.

It is interesting! Falling in love can last no more than a year, then a person moves to a new stage of conscious feelings or is disappointed in a partner. So the year of relationship is one of the most dangerous periods.

Men are secretive people because of their habits and the desire not to lose face. How to understand that a guy has fallen in love? Pay attention to his behavior, look into his eyes, mark gestures towards you - you will understand everything on your own, because it is very difficult to hide strong feelings.

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