10 signs of mutual love: how to know if a guy likes you. How to understand that feelings are mutual

Pay attention to the eyes more often, and indeed to the facial expression in general ... it should seem so unusually romantic to you ... :)

Mutual love can only be felt, and then only realized and understood, but not vice versa. Love is a light special energy that differs from the energy of respect, friendship, sympathy, and the passion of physical sexual attraction. You can never confuse love with anything, not with sympathy, not with friendship, not with respect, not with actions caused by the craving of a partner’s physical attraction, whose actions at that moment are similar to the behavior of an Angel, just to achieve their sweet goal. If a person loves each other, then his love shines in all his actions, in everything that he does - in his words, in his glance, in touch, in any action addressed to a loved one. For example, friendship can be defined by actions - what it is, and whether it exists at all, sympathy can be determined by words, by the general expression of the behavior of the person you sympathize with, but love can no longer be determined by actions, or by affectionate, tender and enthusiastic words , love can only be felt from any outgoing actions of a loved one, actions from which the energy of love emanates like radiation, and which causes a state of inner freedom and unusual joy, and on the physical plane sharpens touch, smell, smells become more fragrant, and goodies become even tastier . Intuition sharpens, inspiration and a desire to create something appear. A state of bliss and tranquility (lack of fuss and noise in the heart). Now, if this does not happen, then you can easily determine that this is something else, but not love. For example, sympathy, friendship, or just sexual passion, or maybe even just a game of love, from any profitable calculations on the part of the partner. But what can be realized and understood, and then felt. With love, the opposite is true - only through feelings can awareness and understanding come. If love is not felt, then it is not, but if there is mutual love, it is impossible not to feel it.

Very simple. By the actions of a person.

No words, oaths, promises will tell you more than actions.

And, of course, the look. When they look at the object of their adoration, it is difficult to hide love. After all, this is a special look.

Probably, for this it is necessary, as they say, check person. Such a test can be any life difficulties or even just a joint life, joint housekeeping ... After all, it is one thing to hug on a bench, and quite another to help solve problems, make compromises, overcome difficulties, etc. In general, live together - and after a while everything will become clear.

If a person is in no hurry to call you, reluctantly responds to your requests, does not seek to please you, prefers to spend his free time not with you, but with someone else - then these are alarming bells. If he often turns off the phone, and basically you call first. if he can be silent for several days, and when he calls, it seems that he called you only because he simply has no one to spend time with today.

In general, there are a lot of alarm bells. all and not describe.

But if a person constantly strives for communication, worries about your health, is interested in your affairs, willingly helps (and even when you don’t ask him about it), remembers your conversations with him to the smallest detail, remembering the slightest insignificant things about you and your life at first glance, details 9 and for a loving person, all minor details about you take the form of very important information), if he seeks to talk with you about a joint future, then here you can already talk about reciprocity.

Love is mutual when the other person is ready to take care of you, but at the same time he does not require anything in return. It can be seen that he does everything unconditionally, disinterestedly. Even if you do something wrong, the lover will surely forgive.

Actions, eyes, words, attitude - these are the main thesis indicators of a person's real attitude towards you. It’s just that there are very few words, even if every 5 minutes they tell you that they love, love, love, and then nothing more than words, I would generally think that they don’t tell me, but remind themselves !!!

EYES - they are the mirror of the soul. All the same, those who love cannot hide their interest, such people are always there, you just feel it and you don’t need any words, it’s enough to be nearby. There is a certain vibration between people that cannot be hidden.

No way. Why do you need this? To not be used? Then the question is: do you love yourself? A loving person gives anyway, so is there any point in thinking about whether they love him? The main thing is that you love yourself. The rest is a game. Otherwise, we will reach the point that it will be necessary to measure, and who loves more? What if I love a little more, then what? Will I be used? Nasty calculation. It has nothing to do with love. Love itself is beautiful! And there is no mutual or non-reciprocal Love. It simply is, for God is Love! The rest is from the evil one!

I believe that it can only be felt or seen. Care should be felt that they value you, miss you, do pleasant little things, listen carefully with their mouths open. But all this should be mutual, this is the most important thing.

How to understand that love is mutual? Intuitively. If you love, you will definitely feel your loved one. It is not necessary to understand here. Love is not a clear thing at all! Just enjoy!

It has already been said here that love can be tested by actions. And that's right! In general, feelings are tested after many years!


How do you know if feelings are mutual?

Everyone suffers from unrequited love at least once in their life. Loving in vain is hard. It is hard to live in uncertainty, uncertainty. Does this person really love, or maybe communicate out of courtesy and respect? This question torments day by day, makes you nervous, haunts. Therefore, it is simply necessary to know what the attitude of such an adored and desired person is. But how do you know if the feelings are mutual?

To find out, you need to pay attention to the presence in the behavior of the object of sighing of subconscious non-verbal signals that lovers send to each other through facial expressions, gestures, and glances. We can say with confidence that the feelings are mutual if the partner shoots with his eyes, tries to catch the eye of the other and smiles.

In addition, lovers can hardly hide their excitement, uncertainty on the first date, because they are trying to please their partner. The presence of mutual feelings can also be betrayed by a voice trembling during conversation, wet palms - all this suggests that a person is unable to control himself, obsessed with love. A man in love is always drawn to his beloved, he catches every minute to be alone with him.

If it is possible to notice these signals in the behavior of the desired person, then we can assume that the answer to the question of how to find out that feelings are mutual has been found, and this answer is positive. The conclusion suggests itself: a person in love will always show his feelings, even unconsciously.

Well, if it suddenly turns out that there is no love, but there is only courtesy, it doesn’t build to get upset and waste your time on this person, because a new, happy love lies ahead, you just have to look around and take a step towards it.


Love signals. How do you know if love is mutual?

Love is one of those sufferings that cannot be hidden; one word, one careless look and even silence is enough to betray him.

P. Abelard.

Is he in love or just being nice to me? What does it mean if she doesn't call back for so long? ….. Almost every person during his life gets a bitter experience of unrequited love. Loving into the void is hard and painful. It often takes some time before we decide to give up our dream of conquering our inaccessible object of adoration. How to recognize if he (she) is experiencing the same feelings as you? How to distinguish love from a simple polite relationship? These signs will help you understand if your feeling of love will fall on fertile ground.

Subconscious signals and signs of love.

Lovers can't help it. They send non-verbal signals to the object of their feelings through facial expressions, gestures, glances ... And these call signs can be read as Morse code ... or the alphabet of love ... It does not depend on the gender, age or character of the lover, it does not obey any self-discipline or suggestion. It is and always has been. And it will be as long as there is love. If your subject is sending you the signals described below, you can be pretty sure that something more than just courtesy and good breeding has come into play here.
  • Remember how in Cinderella the stepmother taught her daughter to shoot with her eyes? Each of us involuntarily uses this technique, showing a love interest in one or another person. Most often, the gaze lingers on a specific part of the body for a long time: lips, hair, legs ... The partner is also trying to catch your eye. A, having achieved success, smiles and looks away.
  • Lovers always behave insecurely and nervously on the first date, because they are afraid to do something wrong, they value the opportunity to meet the person they like. This uncertainty manifests itself in each individual. The person blushes, stutters, constantly touches his temples or forehead with his fingers. Women may talk too much and non-stop from a nervous state, drop objects on the floor or play with a strand of hair.
  • Lovers' voices tremble when they talk. The reason for this feature is all the same nervous tension. The male voice often sounds more husky and low. Women, on the other hand, speak louder and a tone higher than usual.
  • Lovers have wet palms. Again, the reason for this signal is excessive excitement at the sight of the object of adoration. The man takes off his jacket and unbuttons the top button of his shirt... Women also feel excited in the company of their prince: their cheeks are covered with a blush, the décolleté area turns pink.
  • Being alone with the object of adoration is the dream of every person in love. Even if it’s just to face one on one in the corridor, jump into the elevator at the last second, follow her (behind him) to the balcony. But if your adored half constantly drags his best friend (girlfriend) with him to meetings, then it is unlikely that love is born in his (her) heart.
  • Straighten a strand of hair, brush off an invisible speck of dust from the lapel of a jacket, as if accidentally touching your hand ... It's so nice and exciting when all the fibers of the soul reach out to a person ... Another signal that speaks of falling in love.

Signals that indicate a lack of love.

  • Lovers seek every opportunity to hear the voice of the person they like. If after the first date he (she) has not called you back (s), forget about the existence of this person.
  • If he (she) says goodbye to you through a dry handshake, this is also a sign that indicates the absence of any intimate intentions. A person who feels sympathy will try not to miss the opportunity to hug or at least kiss on the cheek.
  • Does she (he) endure your meetings over and over again or does not show up at all? It's worth being concerned. Since usually a person in love quits everything, trying to meet the object of sympathy as soon as possible. Especially in the first stage of a relationship.
  • If your meetings are planned in such a way that you could not get a single opportunity to be alone with her (with him), then most likely your sympathy will remain unrequited. A person invites you simply out of courtesy or does not want to hurt you with his refusal, hoping that in this way you will understand everything yourself ...

From the foregoing, we can conclude that a person who has some feelings for you will even unconsciously show them. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but if he (she) does not respond to your signals for a long time, maybe you just directed their feelings to the wrong object? Look around! What if a new and happier love is waiting for you around the next corner?

I wish you all happy and mutual love!

Inna Kurcheva, especially for “On Her Own”


How to know that a guy has a crush on you and that your feelings are mutual

“Love will suddenly come when you don’t expect it at all ...” These are the words from a song that was popular decades ago. But even today, when it sounds from television screens, the heart stops a little and I want to sing along to its performer.

So, what is this - love? And how to understand that it was she who “showed up” - that big, bright and for life? Everyone is waiting for her, but they are afraid that when she comes, they will not notice her, they will not recognize her and they will miss her. Therefore, some people are in a hurry to mistake a light falling in love for love. So what are the true signs of love? How to know that the guy fell in love for real, and not just carried away by you?

Love is a feeling that only a person experiences. It is a feeling of deep sympathy for a member of the opposite sex. This is a selfless attachment when you want to protect him from all troubles, take care of him, make a man happy by giving him wonderful children.

Love is God's gift. And when she comes, life becomes beautiful! A bright feeling fills the soul and heart, I want to sing, fly, create! This is a creative feeling: many poets, artists and writers created the best works thanks to their muses, whom they passionately loved.

What is love

Many are interested in the question, what is the difference between love and falling in love. What are the signs of true love, and what are the signs of falling in love?

The feeling of falling in love can appear unexpectedly and, as they say, from scratch. You suddenly began to notice something in the behavior of a person of the opposite sex that you are very pleased to see, for example: how he moves, how he smiles, how he turns his head, etc. It excites you and fuels your desire.

When you touch it, you get excited, trembling in the body, or an increased heartbeat. This means that falling in love is based on purely physical sensations. It is destructive, because it can paralyze the will and make you stop feeling the reality of life.

If love is not supported by sexual relations, then it is not durable. Yes, and sex in this case is not a guarantee of a long-term relationship.

When a person is in love, he idealizes his partner, tries to hide all his known shortcomings in a conversation about him. This is noticed by friends and family members, disapproving of your connection.

Love is selfish. Each of the partners tries to get from the other only what he is interested in. It is accompanied by frequent quarrels, which will eventually prevail in your relationship.

And most importantly: falling in love does not tolerate separation, even short ones. If this happens, then she dies, leaving no pain behind. Both the guy and the girl easily forget each other.

How to know love

True love exists! And you will definitely feel it! After all, every person is still familiar with this feeling at the genetic level. He received an invaluable lesson in love from his mother at the time of conception and intrauterine development. And even very young boys and girls already know how to love.

In adults, the main sign by which love can be recognized is that the partners feel the compatibility of characters, they have common interests and life values, based not only on physiological attraction. Having fallen in love, they feel attraction to each other, spiritual closeness and community.

When a person has fallen in love for real, he wants to become better, he has self-esteem and new life goals. He accepts the partner for who he is, with his positive and negative qualities. Loving hearts are able to empathize and put themselves in the place of another person. There is no indifference in their relationship. All problems are solved in frank conversations, without insults and resentment.

A loving guy and a girl complement each other well and positively influence one another. This is seen by relatives and friends, and therefore approve of their relationship. In addition, true love is not afraid of separation, even long ones. Trust in each other goes hand in hand with their relationship.

But at the same time, love can be passionate, hot, with a beating heart and a great desire to be close to your loved one, to give him all of yourself without a trace. When you love, then feelings, as they say, hurt more painfully, and make you more happy and make you happy to the very depths! But at the same time, a person is calm and self-confident, enjoys life, because love has appeared in it!

Love never stands still, like life itself. She does not tolerate monotony. In which direction your feeling will move depends only on you. Joy and laughter, sadness and tears - this is everything that comes and goes when a loved one is nearby, understanding and supporting you in everything.

How to know if a guy loves and if a girl loves him

The young girl for the first time felt a strange excitement in her chest at the sight of one young man. It makes her happy and scared at the same time. What is happening to her? And how do you know that the guy is also truly in love? She wants to understand what signs of love a man has. Yes, and the woman too. That's when it's safe to say that love has come:
  1. You recently met a young man, but it seems to you that you have known each other for a long time. You want to talk to him, share your thoughts and tell everything about yourself. The guy is also frank with you. This is what happens when you meet the right person for you, and it is very easy to recognize him.
  2. The guy always takes care of you. If you worry about him, help him and want to see him smile, then you also love this guy.
  3. He avoids quarrels with you, he is ready to make any compromise. It is very good if both of you are ready to sacrifice something for the sake of the other, because in some cases it is very difficult to find a compromise in resolving this or that issue. So, love helps you in this.
  4. You and the young man have a common interest, you feel the same way. You both have a similar attitude towards love, life and relationships. This is a good sign.
  5. All your thoughts are directed to the guy. Whatever you do, whatever work you do, the question constantly arises: how would he do it, but does he like it?
  6. You do not notice the young man's shortcomings, you idealize him. Despite the fact that your friends told you about the unseemly aspects of his character, you do not pay attention to it, you do not care, you like him the way he is. But still, be careful not to be disappointed later.
  7. Next to him, you feel confident and calm, trust him with your secret thoughts, behave naturally, because you hope that he will understand you in everything.
  8. A guy spends most of his free time with you. He likes to communicate with you and you are never bored, no matter what you do.
  9. Listening to music, you suddenly notice that love songs have acquired a special meaning for you, they touch your soul. This can only mean one thing: a bright and tender feeling has come to you.
  10. You are not annoyed by the guy's quirks, his funny habits. You take all his actions for granted, because he likes to do it. He is also ready to justify any of your actions, and any of your successes delight him.
  11. The kiss has become much more than just a kiss for you. At the same time, you experience real bliss, you feel in seventh heaven with happiness!
  12. You begin to make joint plans for the future, dream of living together. It means that you love and are ready to build a family. But he should not make such an offer himself, so as not to scare the guy away. If he is ready for marriage, then soon you will start a family.

Happiness is waiting for you ahead!

You should not think that you will not notice love, that it will pass by. The world is arranged in such a way that each person meets his soul mate. You just need to take a look at it. And if at the sight of a person your soul sings, and your heart is ready to jump out of your chest - know that love has come to you!

Well, if you still doubt and are afraid to make a mistake, re-read this article, but in relation to yourself. And you will definitely understand whether you have a serious feeling or a simple love has appeared. But in any case, know that happiness is waiting for you ahead!


How do you know if someone else's feelings are mutual?


How to understand that a guy is in love but hides his feelings at school