How to calm down and recover from a quarrel?

Under the influence of emotions, people do stupid things and say a lot of words that they regret over time. Therefore, during a quarrel or immediately after it, you need to calm down and make some decisions in your right mind.

Don't look to blame

When emotions rule you, you lose the ability to objectively see the situation and assess who is right and who is wrong. Often during a quarrel, people attribute their thoughts and guesses to the interlocutor, and then they take offense for a long time. Therefore, it is worthwhile to let go of the situation and thoughts of a bad deed for a while.


In order not to warm up mutual irritation after an argument, it is better to take a break. It can last for a couple of hours or for several days. Indeed, while it seems to you that you are being attacked, you immediately begin to defend yourself - blame the interlocutor or make excuses. Neither one nor the other will definitely benefit the relationship and your peace of mind.

Take a hot bath

Take a bubble bath and light the candles. Water will help cleanse negative information and emotions. If you can't get a bath, take a quick shower or at least just wash yourself with cold water. It will bring you to your senses.

Call a friend

After a quarrel, I really want to speak out. You can call a friend, a psychologist, or a mom. The task of your interlocutor is to listen to you and sympathize, and not to arrange a showdown with the offender after the conversation. If you don't want to burden anyone with your problems, write them down on a piece of paper, speak to a dictaphone or a video camera.

Think what you didn’t have time and couldn’t say

Good thoughts, as always, come after a fight. Think about them, but instead of going through the thoughts in your head, it's better to write them down point by point. So you get rid of obsessive thoughts and defense monologue.

Physical activity

The best stress cure is physical activity. Take a walk in nature, arrange an unscheduled workout, do yoga, wash the dishes, bath, sort things in the closet. In a surprising way, these actions can calm the mind.

Think good

Once you've cooled off a bit, think about the person you had a falling out with. Remember his good qualities, pleasant moments of spending time together. And then think, are you ready to stop communicating with him? If not, it's time to think about how to build relationships.