Love and marriage. How to understand that love is alive?

Great French writer Jean Baptiste Molière He argued: "He who did not know love - he did not live." And there is some truth in this. Love inspires us and inspires us to do amazing things. It makes us enjoy life every morning, dream, make plans for the future and feel happy.

Love comes unexpectedly and as if covers us with a head. A loved one seems to us the best, we want to be with him always and never part. We are ready to live with him all our lives and, as they say: "to be together in joy and in sorrow." But after a few years of marriage, the life together begins to dissatisfy many, all sorts of thoughts like: "I don't love him anymore" or "He never loved me" begin to creep into their heads. But before the wedding, no one can even imagine what will happen to him. It is good for lovers to be together, they understand without words that they love and are loved.

Love and marriage. Can they exist together, or more precisely, how long can they stay married? Are those who claim that marriage is a grave for love really right? Of course not. Before making such hasty conclusions, imagine your life alone when your husband is not with you, for example, he went on a business trip for a long time or simply disappeared from your life for a while. Separated from my husband, we behave in a completely different way: we do not find a place for ourselves, we clean, wash, go to visit and put things in order at home. In fact, we just want to kill time to speed up the meeting time. The fact that you do not now experience the same strong feelings as before, when you only met and did not live together, is a natural phenomenon. But this does not mean that you no longer love your husband, or that he has stopped loving you. Of course, love is alive! It's just that your feelings have now moved to a new, more mature level. In family life, it is very important to be able to preserve these feelings without giving love a chance to die.

Love can't live on its own She needs constant care. If you have begun to doubt your love or his love, first ask yourself the question: "Are you ready to part with your husband forever?" Probably, many will answer “no” to this question, everyone has their own reason for this. Someone cannot solve financial problems on their own, someone because of habit, and someone because of the inability to deprive their father of children. In any case, the answer "no" is a confirmation that your love is still alive and your husband is of great importance in your life.

no matter how much you quarreled, did not make scandals and did not threaten each other with divorce, loving hearts will always reach out to each other. If you still need the protection of your husband, then he is not indifferent to you yet. It is impossible to stop loving a person just because you no longer like many of his character traits and behavior. Another thing is if you are ready to part with a husband who beats you, cheats or messes around. Then your doubts are quite justified. It is foolish to expect love from a person who humiliates you and does not put you in anything.

All signs the fact that there is no more love between the spouses is understandable and visible to everyone who communicates with them. But often the spouses themselves do not see this or try to pretend that everything is in order with them. But if everything is already over and love has died, then this cannot be hidden. Remember how it was before: he shared the last chocolate bar with you and gave you gifts, sparing no money. And now he suddenly became greedy and began to take care of himself exclusively, he does not care about your problems, is not interested in your life, and he stopped giving you gifts. Clearly manifested selfishness and indifference to you - this is a sign that he no longer loves you.

Lack of attention, gifts, interest in you indicate that the fire of love in his heart has gone out and the return of the former should no longer be expected. If, on the contrary, it’s a burden for you to do something for your husband, you are indifferent to his ups and downs, you are not interested in knowing how he lived today, and you don’t get bored at all when he leaves for a long business trip, then you don't love him anymore. As a rule, love in marriage passes for those who have never been sincere and, when creating a family, pursued only some of their own mercantile goals. It is unfortunate that those who truly loved and tried to always remain in love as a person suffer.

There is an aphorism: "To love is to be one soul!". Having entered into marriage, the two halves become one whole or one flesh. No wonder the ancient Greek philosophers believed that if a person is ready to give his life for his beloved, then his love is real. If you still doubt your love, imagine a situation where your spouse needs your help and in order to save him, you need to sell all the property.

If you are ready breake down for the sake of his salvation with everything that you have, then your husband can only be envied. He found the woman who truly loves him. The pinnacle of love is the desire to die on the same day as your loved one. Like swans, she dies first, then he follows her. Sometimes it happens, some people cannot even imagine their life without a loved one, and the loss of a spouse becomes an irreparable disaster for them, from which only death can save them.