Why did love pass and how to live on?

Love is a very mysterious feeling, no one can really define it. Rather, it is different for everyone. But surely everyone will agree that it is love that brightens up life, makes it meaningful and rich.

Unfortunately, the feeling is not eternal, and it is advisable to learn how to recognize its departure in time. In the article we will talk about the signs and different reasons: why a man and a woman can stop loving.

Various "symptoms" and changes in relationships can tell about this. Let's list the main ones.

Reproaches and scandals. An unloved person begins to annoy, and sometimes for no particular reason. He can open a pack of coffee too loudly, squeeze out toothpaste in a wrong way, scatter personal items around the room. Previously, it was considered normal, you didn’t pay much attention to many things, but now it’s just infuriating.

Loneliness. It so happens that there is a person next to you, you go shopping together, have dinner, clean the apartment and even fall asleep, but ... inside you are very lonely. You understand what connects only everyday life and some kind of habits. You cannot talk heart to heart, you don’t feel the warmth, it’s even somehow calmer and more comfortable when he’s not around.

Lack of sex and frequent cheating. It is logical that if you have feelings for a person, trust, then you want to be near, enjoy touches, kisses and make love more often. With a stranger, in every sense of the word, the desire to wake up and fall asleep together is unlikely to appear.

As for cheating, it is usually an attempt to find lost warmth or bring variety to life, both of which say that your relationship has become far from ideal.

Let's try to dot the "i" s: if a man begins to reproach you, less often to say compliments, this does not always mean that love has passed. It's just that the period of "rose-colored glasses" is over, instead of advantages, your half began to notice shortcomings. The main thing here is to look for compromises. If there are feelings, then people will certainly work on relationships.

How to understand that love has cooled down? Firstly, they are already reluctant to spend their free time with you, they always try to find excuses not to go anywhere, to run away to friends or to work. At the same time, they are less likely to warn, apologize and call back. Secondly, a man can simply disappear for a long period and, again, invent a story. Has this started to happen often? Draw your own conclusions! Thirdly, your intimate life will tell a lot, a man is unlikely to refuse sex with his beloved woman, if there are no health problems or other serious reasons. Perhaps you have ceased to attract him as a sex object.

It is also important for a man to see a woman as a friend and partner in everything. If he does not find participation in you, then he will probably look for understanding somewhere else.

It is important for a woman to communicate, have common topics of conversation, enjoy the conversation. If there is no contact as such, it all comes down to neutral questions and answers or everyday problems, then love fades. Hence the second reason follows - lack of attention. If a girl is constantly alone, the guy refers to being busy, prefers football to her, meeting with friends over a glass of beer, then sooner or later patience will end.

It happens in another way. The couple spends all evenings and weekends together, but they are not happy from this. Routine eats up the joy, it becomes simply boring and uninteresting. Many people lack pleasant surprises.

And, of course, most women find it difficult to love the wrong person, share him with someone, understand that now he is with you, and yesterday he was lying in one bed with another.

If you got married early, did not live together before, then it is quite possible that there was no love at all. It just ended. It also happens that after a few years a man or woman understands: this is clearly not my half. Only now all the qualities were fully revealed, it became clear how a person manifests himself in different situations, what he really wants.

It is even more difficult when the ideal man gradually becomes completely different: he is lazy, screams, drinks regularly, and behaves aggressively. Then all that remains of love is pity and patience. And, naturally, in most cases, everyday life "eats up" all the romance and depth of feelings.